How to recover from liposuction surgery

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Liposuction Recovery Care - Reduce Your Liposuction Surgery Recovery Time - 5 Tips!
Video: Liposuction Recovery Care - Reduce Your Liposuction Surgery Recovery Time - 5 Tips!


Liposuction surgery, sometimes called body contouring technology, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world. This procedure requires the use of special surgical equipment to remove excess body fat. Some common positions for liposuction are hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, abdomen, and chest. If you're planning on liposuction, know that recovery will be painful and time-consuming, but you will get satisfying results if you give your body a chance to recover properly.


Method 1 of 2: Recovery after surgery

  1. Please consult your doctor after surgery. Liposuction surgery is an invasive procedure and can cause many complications. It is important that you follow your doctor's post-operative instructions and ask them about any unknown issues. This will help the recovery process go smoothly and minimize the risk of complications.
    • You should consult your doctor about restorative care during your last pre-surgery appointment to understand everything.
    • Anyone who accompanies you to the surgery must heed the advice of the doctor in case you are exhausted from surgery or under the influence of anesthesia and cannot remember clearly.

  2. Plan to get enough rest. Whether it's surgery in a hospital or an outpatient setting, you'll need at least a few days' rest. Usually you can return to work or return to school after a few days.
    • Talk to your doctor about how much rest you will need.
    • The recovery time is directly related to the extent of the surgical area and the amount of fat removed. If you want to absorb fat over a large area, it will take more time to recover.
    • Prepare your home and bedroom before the surgery. A comfortable living environment, including warm blankets, soft mattresses, pillows and sheets, can help you rest and recover more effectively.

  3. Bring tight clothing. After surgery, your doctor will wrap the bandage and may ask you to bring a dressing. The dressing and bandage will help maintain pressure on the area where liposuction is taken, prevent bleeding, and preserve the line that the surgery brings.
    • Some doctors do not provide tight fitting. You will have to purchase them either before or immediately after surgery. Bandages and bandages are sold at pharmacies and health product stores.
    • It is important that you wear tight clothing. Dressing is responsible for post-operative support as well as helping to reduce swelling and bruising, improve blood circulation and thereby promote recovery.
    • You should purchase a tight fitting designed specifically for the area of ​​the body being operated on. For example, if you suck thigh fat, buy two thigh tubes to fit on each thigh.
    • You will likely have to wear a bandage two weeks after surgery, while most people will wear the dressing for a few weeks.

  4. Take antibiotics to prevent infection. Your doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics after surgery to reduce the risk of infection. It is important to take the full dose of the antibiotic prescribed to avoid infection.
    • Recent studies show that antibiotics may not be needed after liposuction, so talk with your doctor about this. If you have a disease such as herpes, you need to take medicine to fight the infection or prevent outbreaks.
  5. Relieve pain and swelling with medicine. You may experience pain, numbness, and swelling after surgery. Use over-the-counter or over-the-counter pain relievers to relieve pain or swelling.
    • It is normal to feel numb, itchy, or painful for a few weeks after surgery. In addition, you will experience swelling and bruising during this time.
    • Most people feel better 1-2 weeks after surgery. You may need to take pain relievers for this time or longer.
    • You can also take non-prescription pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Ibuprofen also helps reduce swelling caused by liposuction.
    • Your doctor will prescribe pain relievers if an over-the-counter pain reliever doesn't work for you.
    • You can buy over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers at pharmacies.
  6. Walk as soon as you can. You should start walking with light steps as soon as possible. Walking will help prevent a blood clot from forming in your leg, a life-threatening condition. Gentle movement also helps you to recover faster.
    • While you should move as gently as possible, you are only allowed to do heavy work one month after surgery.
  7. Take care of the incision. The incision will be stitched by a doctor. Leave the dressing on the incision as directed by your doctor and follow their instructions for dressing changes.
    • Your doctor will insert a drain to drain fluid from the wound.
    • You can shower after 48 hours, but avoid soaking the tub until the wound has been removed. Wrap a clean bandage and put on a bandage after you shower.
  8. Remove thread at suture. Your body can absorb certain types of threads, but you must go to your doctor to remove non-dissolving threads. Go to remove surgical thread on time as scheduled by your doctor.
    • Your doctor will tell you which sutures are used when giving you postoperative instructions.
    • If they use self-destructing thread, you do not need to remove the thread. The stitches will be self-destructive.
  9. Watch for signs of complications. Surgery comes with risks, so be on the lookout for signs of complications like infection. This will prevent the risk of developing serious complications, including the risk of death. See a doctor right away if you feel:
    • Increased swelling, bruising, or redness.
    • Severe or progressive pain.
    • Headache, rash, nausea or vomiting.
    • Fever (over 38 degrees C).
    • Drainage from the incision is yellow or green in color and has a bad smell.
    • Bleeding that doesn't stop or can't be controlled.
    • Loss of sensation or inability to move.
  10. Pay attention to the time when the results are available. You probably won't see immediate results because of the swelling in your body. It takes several weeks for the remaining fat to settle into place, and you should see some bumpy lines during this time. However, you should see all results within 6 months of the surgery.
    • The results of liposuction surgery are not permanent, especially when you gain weight.
    • You may be disappointed with the results that are not as great as you expected.

Method 2 of 2: Maintain weight after surgery

  1. Weight control. This procedure removes the adipose tissue forever, but if you gain weight, the results change or the fat reappears at the surgical site. Maintain a healthy weight to help stabilize surgery results as desired.
    • It's best to keep a steady weight.While the results may not change significantly when you gain or lose a pound, the larger weight change will change the results.
    • Maintaining an active life and having a healthy diet will help you maintain your weight.
  2. Eat healthily and in moderation. Eating healthy, balanced, and in moderation can help with weight maintenance. For example, foods with moderate fat, complex carbohydrates, and nutrients are best for overall health.
    • Stick to a nutritious diet that contains around 1,800-2,200 calories per day, depending on your activity level.
    • You will get enough nutrients if you combine the five food groups each day. The five food groups are: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy products.
    • You need to eat 1 to 1.5 cups of fruit per day. For fruit, eat whole fruit like raspberries, blueberries or strawberries, or drink 100% pure fruit juice. Be sure to change the variety of fruits so that you get the right nutrients and do not prepare them in any way before eating. For example, eating a cup of pure berries is much healthier than berries garnished on a cake.
    • You need to eat 2.5 to 3 cups of green vegetables per day. For green vegetables, you should eat whole green vegetables like broccoli, carrots or bell peppers, or drink 100% pure vegetable juice. Remember to change the variety of green vegetables so that you get all the nutrients.
    • Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber. Fiber also helps you maintain your weight.
    • You need to eat 150-200g of whole grains per day, half of which should be whole grains. Whole grains and grains are found in foods such as brown rice, pasta or whole wheat bread, oats or cereal flour. Grains provide you with B vitamins, which aid in digestion.
    • You need to eat 150-180g of protein per day. Protein is found in lean meats such as beef, pork or poultry; cooked beans; egg; peanut butter; or nuts. These foods also help you maintain and develop muscle.
    • You need to eat 2-3 cups or 350g of dairy products per day. Dairy products include cheese, yogurt, milk, soy milk or even ice cream.
    • Avoid eating too much sodium because sodium is abundant in mass-processed foods. The taste buds decrease with age, and you tend to add more salt to your food. Try using an alternative seasoning such as garlic or herbs to avoid excessive sodium intake and increase water retention.
  3. Avoid unhealthy foods. If you are trying to lose weight, avoid unhealthy foods or junk foods, as they are often high in calories and high in fat. Stay away from supermarket junk food stalls while shopping. French fries, pizza, hamburgers, cakes, and ice cream will not help you lose weight.
    • Stay away from refined starches and carbohydrates like bread, cookies, pasta, rice, cereals and baked goods. Eliminating these foods can also help you maintain your weight.
    • Pay attention to the amount of sugar contained in processed foods to avoid weight gain.
  4. Do cardiovascular exercises. Low-impact and moderate-intensity cardio can help you stay healthy and also help with weight loss. Discuss your cardio workout plan with your doctor and fitness coach before starting.
    • You should exercise at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity every day and most days of the week.
    • If you are new or need a less impact exercise then walk or swim.
    • Any form of cardio will help you lose weight. In addition to walking and swimming, consider jogging, rowing, cycling, or using a full body machine.
  5. Do strength development exercises. In addition to cardio, strength training can help you maintain your weight and the results of liposuction surgery.
    • Before starting an strength training program, consult with your doctor and trainer so they can develop the best program for your abilities and needs.
    • Take a yoga or Pilate class or sign up for it online. These low-impact activities can help build and stretch muscles, and aid in weight management.


  • For best results and a quick recovery, you must follow the postoperative instructions closely.


  • Know the risks of liposuction before you do it. All surgical procedures are risky, and liposuction surgery is no exception.