How to Help Hair Return Naturally

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Tips to Naturally Regrow Your Hair
Video: 10 Tips to Naturally Regrow Your Hair


Hair loss is a very common condition, but it can be frustrating to experience hair loss, and of course want to tackle it as soon as possible. You can find on the internet many home remedies that promise hair regrowth, but for the most part, there isn't a lot of research supporting these claims. However, there are also some effective therapies you can try. Unfortunately, if the hair loss is caused by a genetic condition, home remedies won't help much. Fortunately, there are medicines and small tricks that can help regrow hair. See your doctor if home remedies aren't working.


Method 1 of 4: Topical therapies and lifestyle modifications

In addition to good nutrition, some home remedies can help stimulate hair growth. As with changes to your diet, topical treatments or lifestyle modifications show mixed results and may not be effective if your hair loss is genetic. You can try making changes and see if it works though, as it doesn't do any harm either.

  1. Massage the scalp daily. This can stimulate hair follicles to grow more hair. One study has shown that a daily 4-minute massage helps thicken hair. Try rubbing your scalp with your fingertips for a few minutes a day to see if this helps.
    • This therapy takes a long time to work. Results are assessed after 24 weeks or nearly 6 months.
    • You can also use a scalp massage tool.

  2. Use lavender oil when massaging your scalp. Lavender oil has shown limited results in stimulating hair growth, especially in people with hair loss. When massaging your scalp, try lavender oil. Rub the oil into the hair follicles to see if it works.
    • When applying lavender oil to your skin, make sure to dilute it with a concentration of 2-3% to prevent skin irritation. If you are using undiluted oil, mix it with a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil. Mix 3 drops of lavender oil with each teaspoon (5 ml) of carrier oil to create an oil mixture with a 3% concentration.
    • Stop using the oil immediately if it shows signs of itching or irritation.

  3. Reduce stress to avoid hair loss. Stress has a remarkable effect on hair loss. If you are extremely stressed and notice hair loss, manage the stress as soon as possible. Some of the positive changes can help reduce hair loss.
    • Try setting aside time each day to practice relaxation exercises like meditation, deep breathing or yoga.
    • Doing things you enjoy is also a good way to relieve stress, so schedule a daily time for your hobbies as well.
    • If you have problems, it can be helpful to get treatment with a psychologist or psychiatrist.
  4. Quit smoking or not smoking in the first place. Smoking can interfere with blood circulation to the scalp, making hair loss worse. If you smoke, stop smoking as soon as possible to avoid any health problems. If you don't smoke, it's best not to practice smoking.
    • Passive smoking can also be harmful to your health, so don't let anyone smoke in your home.

Method 2 of 4: Proper hair care

Taking good care of your hair is an important part of hair loss treatment. While it may not help hair regrowth, a hair care regimen can prevent hair loss from worsening. Follow the steps below to prevent further hair loss and keep your scalp healthy.

  1. Wash your hair with mild shampoo and moisturizing conditioner. Keeping hair clean is important, but certain products can strip the hair of nutrients and oils. Use a mild, non-alcoholic shampoo to retain the nourishment of your hair, then use a moisturizing conditioner after each shampoo to keep it moisturized.
    • Use products that do not contain alcohol and flavorings. Products marked “hypoallergenic” (hypoallergenic) with sensitive skin formulations are usually best.
    • Dry conditioner can also protect hair throughout the day.
  2. Gently brush your hair. Continuous brushing is also a factor that is harmful to the hair and scalp. You should only brush your hair just enough to style it, not too much.
    • If you have a habit of pulling your hair out all day, try to get rid of this bad habit. Any pressure causes more hair loss.
  3. Stop dyeing, steaming, or chemical straightening. These hair treatments use harsh chemicals that can strip the hair of nutrients. It's best to avoid using these methods, especially if you start to experience hair loss.
  4. Avoid exposing hair to heat. The heat from a hairdryer or curling iron can damage your hair if you use it regularly. You should be very careful to use these products to avoid damaging and losing hair.
    • Let your hair dry naturally whenever possible. If you use a hairdryer, set it on low heat.
    • It's okay to use a curling iron from time to time or straightening your hair, as long as you don't use it every day.

Method 3 of 4: Diet change

Our bodies need enough nutrients to produce hair, so diet and nutrients are very important in supporting hair growth. However, no changes to diet and nutrients will help hair regrowth. These changes are usually only effective in cases of nutrient deficiency. If you are in good health, your hair loss may be hereditary. If you need to take some extra nutrients, the changes below may help.

  1. Get tested to diagnose nutrient deficiencies before starting correction. While nutrients play a big role in hair growth, adjusting your nutrition is usually only effective if you are lacking in nutrients. A simple blood test can determine if you have a deficiency. If you have unexplained hair loss, see your doctor for a blood test. The test results will show whether or not you need any changes.
    • Unfortunately, the changes to your diet don't help much if you don't have a nutrient deficiency. However, there are still some topical treatments or medications that may help.
  2. Get the right calories every day. Hair loss can occur if you take in too few calories, such as while on a strict diet or on an accelerated weight loss diet. This will result in malnutrition and inability for the body to grow hair. Talk with your doctor to determine the daily calorie intake to maintain a healthy body and based on that to make a daily diet.
    • In general, women can eat as low as 1,200 calories / day, and men up to 1,500 calories / day without problems. A calorie intake less than this level can lead to malnutrition.
    • Use extreme caution if you are on a diet. Keep track of your calorie intake to avoid malnutrition.
  3. Add iron in your diet. Iron deficiency is a common nutrient deficiency and inevitably leads to hair loss. If you are iron deficient, adjust your diet or take a supplement to get the recommended amount of iron.
    • In general, men need 8 mg and women need 18 mg of iron per day.
    • Good sources of iron include lean meat, fish, beans, nuts and leafy green vegetables. You can also take iron supplements if your doctor determines it is safe.
  4. Add zinc to your diet. Zinc helps the body produce enzymes that support hair growth, for which a deficiency of these enzymes is linked to baldness. If you have a zinc deficiency, you need to get zinc in your diet or through supplements.
    • Adults need 8-11 mg of zinc per day.
    • Food sources of zinc include oysters and other shellfish, red meat and poultry, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and dairy products.
    • Zinc deficiency is common if you have certain digestive disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease. This situation can also happen to vegetarians.
  5. Eat foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty acids can help maintain healthy hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Sources include fish and shellfish, nuts and oils, nuts, legumes, and soybeans.
    • You can also get these fatty acids from fish oil supplements, but their effects on hair growth are unknown.
  6. Supplement biotin. Biotin is a B vitamin that aids in hair growth. If you don't get enough of this nutrient, your hair will start to thin out. You need to get enough biotin through your daily diet.
    • You only need a small amount of biotin per day, about 25-30 mcg. The richest sources of biotin are animal organs, fish, eggs, nuts, nuts and red meat.
    • Biotin deficiency is quite rare, so it's less likely that this is the cause of your hair loss.
  7. Get selenium from foods instead of supplements. Selenium is a protein that plays a significant role in hair growth. That is why selenium is present in many hair growth stimulants. However, too much selenium intake can cause selenium toxicity, which is also at risk of hair loss. It's best to get selenium from your regular diet instead of taking supplements to avoid exceeding the dosage.
    • Adults need about 55 mcg of selenium per day. You can get selenium from meat, eggs, and whole grains.
  8. Don't get too much vitamin A or E. Too much vitamin A and E in the body can actually cause hair loss. Keep these two vitamins in average to avoid possible problems.
    • Usually you won't be afraid of getting too many vitamins in your diet. Excess viatmin is often caused by overuse of supplements, so be sure to use them as directed.

Method 4 of 4: Specialized treatments

Home remedies to induce hair regrowth have not been shown to be apparent, so the specialist treatment is much more reliable. There are medications or procedures that you can use to stimulate new hair growth, even for hereditary hair loss. Talk to your dermatologist to determine which methods are best for you.

  1. Apply hair growth pills to your scalp. The most popular brand of hair growth pills is Rogaine. It comes in the form of a foam or shampoo, used on the scalp 1-2 times per day, depending on the instructions. Results may take up to 6 months, but this drug is very effective in treating hair loss.
    • Rogaine is sold without a prescription.
    • Be careful not to get the medicine on the areas of the skin where you don't want the hair to grow.
  2. Corticosteroid injections into the scalp to stimulate hair follicles. This is a popular treatment for people with small patchy baldness. Steroid injections can reduce folliculitis and promote hair growth. Your dermatologist can give you an injection every 4 to 8 weeks, so you need to maintain regular therapy for best results.
    • This method can show results within 12 weeks if you have regular therapy.
  3. Use laser hair loss treatments. Laser treatments can stimulate hair follicles to grow hair. Therapy sessions are held in the dermatologist's office, so talk to your dermatologist if you want to try this treatment.
    • This method requires you to be persistent. You may need to go to therapy several times a week for several months to see results.
    • You can also use laser treatments at the same time as other hair growth stimulants, such as medications.
  4. Try a hair transplant if you still have some hair on your head. The hair transplant method is to take healthy hair follicles from another area of ​​the scalp to transplant the bald areas. Your scalp will be anesthetized by a surgeon or a dermatologist and a hair transplant will be performed. You should be able to go home immediately after completing the procedure.
    • Follow your doctor's instructions for your postoperative care for best results.
    • You may need follow-up surgeries to transplant parts that are bald.

⧼Medical Information⧽

Some home remedies can help if you start to experience hair loss. However, these therapies are mostly only effective if you have a nutritional deficiency. If you have genetic hair loss, home remedies may not be effective. Luckily you still have other options. If you are unlucky with home remedies, talk to your doctor about medications or hair transplant procedures to restore hair.


  • Sudden hair loss can be caused by an underlying health problem, so it's important to see your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Niacin is the favored hair loss treatment, but there is currently no evidence of its effectiveness. You should not use this product.