How to reduce wrinkles with Retin A

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How does Tretinoin (Retin A) work to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and boost collagen?
Video: How does Tretinoin (Retin A) work to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and boost collagen?


Retin-A is a topical prescription drug that is made up of an acidic form of vitamin A. The generic name for this drug is tretinoin or retinoic acid. Although the drug was originally formulated to treat acne, dermatologists have found that Retin-A cream is also very effective at fighting signs of aging - including wrinkles. , dark spots and sagging skin. This article will teach you everything related to using Retin-A to reduce wrinkles and help reverse the aging process!


Part 1 of 3: Prepare

  1. Understand the anti-aging effects of Retin-A. Retin-A is a vitamin A derivative that has been prescribed by dermatologists for the past 20 years. Retin-A was originally used to treat acne, but patients who took this drug soon noticed that their skin became firmer, smoother and more youthful. From there, dermatologists began studying the benefits of Retin-A for anti-aging.
    • Retin-A works to increase the turnover of cells in the skin, stimulate collagen production, remove the top layer of the skin and reveal new, younger looking skin underneath.
    • In addition to reducing wrinkles, Retin-A also has the ability to prevent new wrinkles from forming, fade dark spots and sun damage, reduce the risk of developing skin cancer, improve skin texture and elasticity.
    • Retin-A is currently the only topical medication approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration). This is an extremely effective drug, used by both doctors and patients because of its effectiveness.

  2. Get a prescription for Retin-A. Retin-A is the brand name for a generic drug called tretinoin. This medication is only available by prescription, so you'll need to visit your dermatologist's office if you want to try this method.
    • Your doctor will evaluate your skin and determine if Retin-A is right for you. If used correctly, this medicine is effective for almost all skin types. However, with its drying and irritating properties, Retin-A may not be suitable for people with skin conditions like eczema or blush.
    • Retin-A is a topical medication in cream and gel form. This medication also includes several concentrations: The 0.025% cream for overall skin improvement; The 0.05% grade is specially formulated to reduce wrinkles, the 0.1% grade is widely used to treat acne and blackheads.
    • Your doctor will usually start treating you with a low-strength cream until your skin adapts to the medication, after which you can work on a stronger cream if needed.
    • Retinol is also a vitamin A derivative that is commonly found in over-the-counter products and in major brand cosmetics. Retinol is just as effective as Retin-A, but not as effective due to its lower concentration (but also less irritation).

  3. Start taking Retin-A at any age. Retin-A is an effective drug with the ability to visibly improve wrinkles, no matter how old you were when you first started using it.
    • Starting Retin-A in your forties, fifties, or older can help you turn back time thanks to its firming effects, fading age-related brown spots and reducing the depth of wrinkles. It's never too late to start taking care of your skin!
    • On the other hand, Retin A is also beneficial for women in their twenties and thirties, as it stimulates the production of collagen under the skin, making the skin plump and firmer. Therefore, you will prevent deep wrinkles in the first place if you start using Retin-A at a young age.

  4. Note about costs. One downside to Retin-A is that this cream is quite expensive. The cost of this treatment is about 80 - 150 USD per month.
    • Prices will depend on the concentration of the cream, from 0.025 to 0.1 percent, and whether you want to use the brand name Retin-A (among others) or the generic form of tretinoin.
    • One advantage of brand-name drugs is that these companies add an emollient moisturizer to their creams, making their products less irritating than popular products.Furthermore, Retin-A and other well-known brands have more advanced drug delivery systems, which also means that the active ingredients are absorbed into the skin more efficiently.
    • In the US, insurance plans usually cover the use of Retin-A to treat acne. However, many insurance companies do not pay for the cost of using Retin-A for cosmetic purposes such as anti-aging.
    • While Retin-A is expensive, keep in mind that skin care products from many other well-known brands are at least comparable, and even higher, than Retin-A, and according to doctors. In dermatology, Retin-A cream is more effective at reversing the signs of aging than any other cream on the market.

Part 2 of 3: Using Retin-A

  1. Use Retin-A products only at night. Retin-A products should only be applied at night, as the vitamin A compounds in the cream are light sensitive and will make the skin more sensitive to the sun. In addition, the cream will have a chance to fully absorb into the skin when you apply it at night.
    • When you start to use Retin-A, your doctor usually recommends two or three nights at a time.
    • This will allow the skin to adapt to the cream and avoid irritation. Once your skin has adapted to the cream, you can gradually use it every night.
    • After washing your face for 20 minutes, apply Retin-A cream when your skin is dry.
  2. Only use a small amount Retin-A. Retin-A is a very powerful drug, so it is imperative that you use it correctly and only apply a very small amount.
    • Use a pea-sized maximum amount of cream on face, and a little more when applied to the neck. An effective technique is to dab the cream on areas with wrinkles, age spots, etc., and then apply the cream to the entire face.
    • Many people are afraid of using Retin-A because they overuse the cream and experience side effects such as dry skin, stinging sensation and acne breakouts. However, these effects can be significantly reduced if you apply the cream in moderation.
  3. Always use in conjunction with moisturizer. Due to the drying effects of Retin-A, it is imperative that you use a hydrating moisturizer both day and night.
    • At night, wait 20 minutes for Retin-A to fully penetrate your skin, then apply moisturizer. In the morning, wash your face thoroughly before applying another moisturizer with a high sun protection factor.
    • Sometimes it can be difficult to apply a pea-sized amount of cream all over the treated skin area of ​​the face. A good solution to this problem is to mix Retin-A with your nighttime moisturizer before applying it to your face.
    • This way, the Retin-A will be evenly distributed throughout the face. Thanks to the diluting effect of the moisturizer, your skin becomes less irritated.
    • If you feel your skin is starting to get really dry and your regular moisturizer doesn't seem like enough, try applying some extra virgin olive oil to your skin before bed. In the oil there are fatty acids that are extremely moisturizing for the skin, and also very gentle.

  4. Deal with sensitivity and irritation. Most people experience dryness and irritation when starting Retin-A, and a small number of people experience acne breakouts. Do not worry, as these reactions are completely normal. As long as you use it correctly, irritation should subside within a few weeks.
    • Ways to reduce irritation include: gradually increasing the number of creams applied until nightly use, using only the recommended pea-sized amount and moisturizing regularly.
    • You also need to be sure to use a very mild, non-irritating cleanser. Choose completely natural, with no colors or fragrance. You should also try to use a mild facial peel once a week to remove dead skin.
    • If your skin becomes too sensitive and irritated, reduce the number of Retin-A applications or stop it until your skin has recovered slightly. After that, you can gradually use it again. Some skin types may take longer to adapt to Retin-A than others.

  5. Wait a while for the cream to take effect. The amount of time it takes for Retin-A to show visible results will vary from person to person.
    • Some people will notice improvement in as little as a week, but for others it takes eight weeks to see results.
    • Either way, don't give up - Retin-A has been shown to have positive results and can be species the most effective anti-wrinkle cream on the market.
    • Aside from Retin-A, the only effective way you can get rid of wrinkles is by injecting Botox or Dysport fillers, or consider surgical options.

Part 3 of 3: Know what to avoid

  1. Do not use in combination with products containing glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Glycolic acid and benzoyl peroxide are two common ingredients in skin care products. However, these substances can dry out the skin, so it's best to avoid using them in combination with powerful creams like Retin-A.
  2. Do not wax skin areas using Retin-A cream. Retin-A removes the top layer of the skin, so skin can thin out and become more susceptible to damage. For that reason, you should not remove facial hair while using Retin-A cream.
  3. Do not expose skin to sunlight. Retin-A makes your skin very sensitive to sunlight, which is why you should only use the cream at night. However, during the day you should also take measures to ensure safety by applying anti-cream daily. No matter it's sunny, rainy, cloudy, even snowy - your skin needs protection.
  4. Do not use Retin-A during pregnancy. Retin-A cream is not intended for use by women who are pregnant, suspected of becoming pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breast-feeding, as there have been reports of fetal malformations following the use of tretinoin. advertisement


  • Do not use more than the recommended dosage. This will not increase the effectiveness of Retin-A.
  • Test your sensitivity with Retin-A. You should start with the lowest dosage.


  • Avoid direct sunlight when using this product.
  • Do not mix Retin-A with other topical products, as this may cause severe peeling or burning of the skin.