How to Reduce More than 5 Kilograms in a Month

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lose upto 5 kg in 1 month- My full day Diet Plan | By GunjanShouts
Video: Lose upto 5 kg in 1 month- My full day Diet Plan | By GunjanShouts


You can lose 5.4 pounds in one month if you reduce the amount of calories you absorb each day and increase the amount of time you exercise. To lose 5.4 kg in a month, aim to lose 1.4 kg per week in 4 weeks. Before starting your weight loss plan, talk to your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough to lose weight and that you can actually lose 5.4 kg.


Part 1 of 3: Setting Goals

  1. Understand how weight loss works. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume per day. This can be achieved by reducing the amount of calories in your meal and burning calories through exercise.
    • Every 0.45 kg of body weight will contain about 3,500 calories. So to lose 1.4 pounds in a week, you need to reduce calories to 10,500 calories per week, or 1,500 calories per day.

  2. Get a realistic picture of how many calories you consume each day. To figure out how many calories you can reduce with each meal, you need to work out how many calories you can get present you are consuming.
    • You might think that you only get around 2,000 calories per day when in reality it is 2,200. So if you want to lose weight fast, it's important to know the exact number of calories you need to cut out of each meal.
    • You can calculate your daily calories by eating as usual, but keep a record of exactly what you eat. In addition, you will need to specify the "amount" that you eat. For example: A half cup of salted peanuts or 250g of coffee and milk. You can then use the calories chart online to calculate the total calories you consume per day.

  3. Use the MD Web site. While there are many other websites that also allow you to calculate your weight loss goals by signing up for information, this site will give you some reliable advice on what steps to take, based on on your weight, height and waist measurements.

  4. Enter your body measurements and weight loss goals into the spreadsheet. Go to the "Calories" tab. This card will tell you how many calories you should consume to achieve a healthy weight loss goal.
  5. Do not eat less than 1,200 calories a day. Based on your weight and height, you may want to limit yourself to around 1,500 calories until you lose weight, so that your body won't store fat instead of burning them.
    • This calculation is based on the premise that you should not lose more than 0.45 kg to 0.9 kg per week.
    • Never skip breakfast. This meal will help restart your metabolism. Skipping breakfast will cause your body to store calories for the day instead of burning them.
  6. Change your weight loss plan to suit you. Everyone is different, so it also means that one diet plan won't work for everyone. Specifically, you need to consider your weight / calories intake to plan a realistic (and safe) weight loss plan. Eg:
    • If you are overweight and absorb more than 3,000 calories per day, cutting 1,500 calories or more at each meal should be easy.
    • However, if you only eat about 2,000 calories a day, it would be difficult to cut 1,500 calories from your meals without feeling tired or exhausted.
    • If that is the case, aim to reduce your calorie intake to around 1,050 to 1,200 per day, as this is the minimum number needed to maintain energy. You can then reduce your calories through exercise.
  7. Keep a food diary. When you start a weight loss plan, it's a good idea to keep a diary to keep track of how much food you eat each day.
    • Make sure you list everything you've eaten - don't forget to count a clumsy piece of chocolate or a handful of cashews. When you can't keep track of your best friend's eating habits, you're just cheating on yourself.
    • By writing down what you eat, you are holding yourself accountable. In fact, research has shown that people tend not to eat something if they know they'll have to write it down later.
    • In addition to writing down things you eat, try to record your work feel like when eating. Feeling angry, sad, depressed or tired? Capturing your emotions will help you recognize traits in your eating behaviors, the first step you need to take to change them.
  8. Measure your weight once a week. To stay on top of your weight loss plan, it's important to monitor your progress. You can do this by measuring your weight weekly.
    • You should avoid measuring your weight on a daily basis, as your weight can fluctuate every day and find that your weight stays the same (or worse yet) can make you feel bored. discouraged and lost motivation.
    • Measure your weight on a fixed day each week. Try to weigh in the morning, before breakfast. This is when your body is the lightest weight.
    • It helps if you have someone who sees what you do. This can help motivate you to work harder throughout the week, as you know someone else holds you accountable if you don't hit your goals.

Part 2 of 3: Changing Your Diet

  1. Eat three meals a day. One of the mistakes that many dieters make is skipping meals to reduce calories. This is a bad idea for the following reasons:
    • First of all, skipping meals will make you feel hungry and cravings continually, making you more likely to eat more later or completely give up on the diet.
    • Second, skipping meals will leave you feeling fatigued and lifeless, which is completely detrimental to your productivity, your stress level and motivation to exercise.
    • Eating regularly throughout the day to maintain blood sugar and stay energized is extremely important. Especially breakfast (the most missed meal) because it will kick up your metabolism and help you get ready for the day.
    • To keep the 1,200-calories limit, eat three meals and 400 calories a day. Quantitatively, you should eat a full breakfast, a moderate lunch, and a small meal at dinner - this small change can also help you lose weight.
  2. Eat lean meats and vegetables. Try to eat as much lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish, lean red meat) and green vegetables (cauliflower, wormwood, kale, asparagus and lettuce) as much as possible when trying to lose weight.
    • Avoid carbohydrates (like bread, pasta, and white rice) as these will stimulate your appetite, causing you to eat more.
    • According to an expert in the field of weight loss, if you eat green vegetables and lean meat almost every meal, you will be able to lose about 1.3 kg in a week.
  3. Stop drinking high-calorie beverages. Skip sugary drinks like juice or soda and drink water instead if you want to lose weight quickly. You may not realize it, but you can consume an extra 250 calories a day with sugary drinks.
    • If you do not want to drink water, try drinking mineral water xenxe or tea without sugar. Herbal tea is the best option if you want to sip some hot things, but black tea and black coffee are also good options. Avoid latte, cappuccino and cream coffee, as these contain lots of calories.
    • You should also cut back on the amount of alcohol you consume - a 170g glass of wine contains up to 150 calories. In addition, drinking alcohol will influence your judgment and make you more likely to eat potato chips that you've been trying to ignore for the entire week.
  4. Consider eating alternative foods instead of starving. You do not have to fast to lose weight, you just need to choose more beneficial foods.
    • Instead of potatoes, you can eat sweet potatoes, which have more fiber and vitamins. Eat chicken or fish instead of red meat. Eat lentils and quinoa instead of rice and pasta.
    • Instead of biscuits or cakes for dessert, you can eat a handful of berries or a piece of apple. Fruits with natural sugars will be able to satisfy your sweet tooth taste without increasing your calorie intake.
  5. Use a few weight loss tips. There are a few weight loss tips that may be helpful when trying to reduce food intake:
    • Drink a glass of water before each meal. Sometimes you think you are hungry, but really, you are just thirsty. Drinking a full glass of water before each meal will help you feel less hungry and stay hydrated!
    • Eat in smaller plates. Although it may look like your plate is full of food, it is actually a lot less if you use a larger plate.
    • Place everything you eat on a plate or bowl. When you eat french fries or other junk food in your bag, you are more likely to overeat because you cannot keep track of how much you eat.
    • Don't eat after 6pm. Eating at night or snacking before bed is the main culprit for weight gain, as your metabolism tends to work more slowly at night. Having dinner early and not eating anything after 6 hours (or at least four hours before bed) can help you reach your weight loss goals.

Part 3 of 3: Exercise for Weight Loss

  1. Add exercise or physical activity to your daily schedule. While changing your diet is the most important thing in terms of weight loss, exercise also plays an undeniable role.
    • When you try to lose a lot of weight in a limited time, you won't be able to just lose your total calories (without starving). You will need to exercise to compensate.
    • The actual number of calories you need to burn more each day to lose weight depends on how many calories you cut in each meal. If you go from 2,200 to 1,200, you'll have to burn another 500 calories.
    • The amount of calories you burn from exercise depends on your weight and metabolism. On average, a person can burn 731 calories by running an hour at a speed of 160m / min.
  2. Do cardio at least four times a week. Cardio is the best exercise method for weight loss because it burns the most calories and helps increase your heart rate.
    • To lose 5.4 pounds in one month, you will need to do moderate to heavy cardio exercises from 30 minutes to an hour each day.
    • "Moderate to heavy" will depend on your current physical condition, but as a rule you should sweat during the first few minutes of training and stay that way throughout.
    • Some useful cardio activities include walking / jogging / jogging (depending on your body condition), swimming, rowing and cycling.
    • However, an hour of dance lesson or an afternoon of Frisbee throwing is a great and fun cardio exercise too!
  3. Try interval training. Interval training is a method of training alternating between moderate and high intensity exercise. This method allows you to train harder and burn more calories than usual.
    • For example, alternating between a minute of running at full speed, then running slowly for two minutes burns more calories than running at a constant speed during a workout.
    • You can use the interval training method for most cardio activities. To learn more about interval practice you can read some related articles.
  4. Exercise physically. Physical training or weight doesn't burn as many calories as aerobic, but it's still incredibly helpful.
    • Physical exercise helps you increase muscle strength and improve your metabolism. This practice allows you to burn calories naturally, even at rest. Physical exercise also keeps your body lean and toned, making you feel looks slimmer, even if your weight hasn't changed.
    • Physical exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlift are great options for both sexes. If you are not familiar with these exercises, you should book an instructional session with a professional trainer who can show you how to do it safely and effectively.
    • Try to include two to three physical training sessions in the process each week. It will allow you to rest during cardio while still helping you lose weight.
  5. Practice early. The later you train, the more you tend to quit. Post-work training may sound like a great idea, but in fact you'll feel extremely tired, hungry and going to the gym will be the last thing you want to do.
    • If possible, exercise in the morning when you feel refreshed and motivated. You'll finish training early and benefit from the endorphins of the activity that will keep you up all day long.
    • If you can't get up early, try working out at lunchtime. It will clear your mind after a busy morning and help you feel fully charged when you return to work.
  6. Making choices that involve movement. In addition to exercise, try to come up with a few changes to your daily schedule that will help increase your overall activity level. Below are a few examples:
    • Climb stairs instead of using the elevator. Park your car away from work so you'll have to walk further. Cycling to work instead of car.
    • Even small daily changes can dramatically increase the amount of calories you burn each week, as long as you do them on a regular basis.


  • Find a friend to join you in losing weight. Cutting back on your portion sizes and exercising will be easier if someone works with you. The two of you will push each other and a little bit of competition will also be incredibly effective!
  • Wear headphones and listen to your favorite music while practicing.
  • Work as much as you can to say goodbye to a sedentary lifestyle. For many office workers, this is one of the main causes of weight gain.
  • Buy a pedometer. Make sure you take about 10,000 to 12,000 steps per day. For cases where you need to lose a lot of weight, this activity will not include exercise.
  • Exercise 20 minutes after waking up. A lot of people find that exercising in the morning gives them a lot of energy and helps kick-start their metabolism. Eat a full protein breakfast right after your workout.
  • Take a short walk before each meal. Try to walk around the building about four times. Walking 1.6 km is equivalent to 2,000 steps or a fifth of your goal of 10,000 steps per day.
  • Watch TV in the gym while exercising, or practice in front of the TV at home. Reduce time spent sitting or eating in bed.
  • Be active during the day and rest at night. Spend at least eight hours of sleep each night and your body will recover faster. It will also help your metabolism work better and lose weight more efficiently.


  • Don't try to go on a strict diet or lose weight by fasting. This is extremely dangerous to your health and cannot be maintained for long. When you finish the diet, you will be more likely to gain weight again. When it comes to long-term weight loss, eating in moderation is the key.