How to lose more than 2 kg in 5 weeks

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What’s the MOST Amount of Fat You Can Lose in a Week? (And How To Do It)
Video: What’s the MOST Amount of Fat You Can Lose in a Week? (And How To Do It)


Losing more than 2 kg in five weeks is considered a safe and healthy way to lose weight. Losing an extra 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week can put you at risk due to lack of nutrition, fatigue and often not being able to last long. Low-calorie diets are used for rapid weight loss, making it very difficult to eat all the essential nutrients your body needs. However, with a few small changes in diet and lifestyle, losing more than 2kg in five weeks becomes quite easy while ensuring the safety and health of most people.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing for Weight Loss

  1. Talk to your doctor. Before starting a weight loss plan, talk to your doctor. She will discuss your weight loss goals with you and let you know if it is safe and healthy for you.
    • Ask your doctor about referring you to a reputable nutritionist. Maybe she'll have a colleague that she works with regularly.
    • A registered dietitian is someone who can help you with a weight loss plan, help with dieting, or suggest certain foods for weight loss.
    • Visit the EatRight website and click the orange "Find an Expert" category at the top right of the screen to find a dietitian in your area.

  2. Calorie calculation. Losing more than 2 pounds in five weeks can be pretty straightforward - especially when you're calculating calories. To lose about 0.5kg in a week, aim to cut out about 500 calories from your daily diet. This will help you lose about 0.5kg in a week.
    • Don't cut back on calories or consume less than 1200 calories per day.This can lead to nutrient deficiencies because it is difficult to get the right amount of nutrients on such a low-calorie diet.

  3. Keep a food diary. A food diary is a very effective way to lose weight. You can use it to learn what changes you can make to your diet and help you stay on track throughout your diet.
    • Buy a notebook or download a note-taking app to your phone. Keep track of as many days as possible - including weekdays and weekends. A lot of people will have more special meals on the weekends so including the weekdays and weekends is extremely important.
    • When you first start journaling, keep a record of how many calories you consume each day. Lots of food diary apps help you do this automatically. This can help you figure out the right calories you should include in your weight loss plan.

  4. Write a meal plan. A meal plan is another great way to lose weight. Planning meals and snacks in advance can help you stick to your plans.
    • Consult a dietitian about a meal plan to make sure it is correct and appropriate for your health condition.
    • Set aside one day each week to write down your meal plan. Include all the meals and snacks you need for the week.
    • In addition, the meal plan helps you create a shopping list every week so you can buy only the things you need.

Part 2 of 4: Eating for Weight Loss

  1. Eat lean meats at every meal. Protein is an extremely essential nutrient, especially during weight loss. Eating lean meat every meal has been shown to be very helpful for weight loss and may help you continue to lose more weight in the long run.
    • Eat an appropriate amount of protein at each meal. Aim to eat 90g to 125g of lean meat per meal. It's roughly the size of a deck of cards or a small notebook.
    • Incorporate a variety of lean meats every meal and throughout the day. Lean meats include: poultry, eggs, red meat, pork, seafood and low-fat dairy products.
    • Protein from green vegetables can also be used such as: beans, lentils, nuts, tofu and soybeans.
  2. Make half of your meal a fruit or vegetable. Fruits and vegetables make a pretty big part of your diet. These foods are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
    • For a balanced diet, try to include fruits and vegetables with each meal and snack.
    • One serving of green vegetables is about 1 or 2 bowls of green vegetables.
    • One serving of fruit is about 1 small fruit, 1 bowl of sliced ​​fruit, or 1/2 bowl of dried fruit.
  3. Eat only 100% raw grains. Raw grains provide you with fiber, several vitamins and minerals that are essential for your body. They are very little processed and consist of three ingredients: bran, embryo and starch.
    • One serving of raw cereal is about 30g or 1/2 cup, like rice or pasta. Using a food scale is another great way to measure pasta or other coarse grains.
    • Other examples of coarse grains include: quinoa, brown rice, 100% wholewheat, millet, oats, or 100% whole wheat pasta.
  4. Snack. Eating snacks from time to time can make your weight loss easier. This is especially true if a snack helps you prevent overeating in meals.
    • Be careful when deciding to eat snacks. A snack can be a great way for you to pass meal intervals (more than 4 or 5 hours) or refuel before / after exercise.
    • Keep snack energy at 100-200 calories. In addition, try to eat enough lean meats, fruits, vegetables, or whole grains. The combination of protein and fiber can help keep you feeling full for longer.
    • Healthy snacks include: low-fat cheese and an apple, a low-calorie protein bar or Greek yogurt and fruit.
  5. Drink water. Aim to get enough fluids each day. Normally, you should drink about 8 glasses of water or 1.8 liters of water per day. Although this number varies from person to person, hydration can still play a part in your weight loss plan.
    • Keep a water bottle with you at all times and keep an eye on how much water you drink each day.
    • In addition, drinking water right before a meal can help alleviate your hunger and reduce the amount of food you eat.
  6. Avoid mood-enhancing foods. When you are trying to lose weight, it is extremely important to limit the foods you love. A wide variety of mood-boosting or emotional foods are high in calories and fat and can effectively impair or hinder weight loss.
    • Save emotionally happy foods like candy or high-fat foods for special occasions. Or try them in moderation - like once or twice a month.
    • If you want to eat those foods, eat small amounts to keep your calorie intake under control.
  7. Avoid alcoholic beverages. Regularly drinking alcohol can stop or slow your weight loss. Alcohol is very high in calories and sugar (especially blends). Limit or avoid alcoholic beverages.
    • Women should limit alcohol intake to a maximum of 1 drink per day and men to a maximum of 2 drinks per day.
    • As with mood-enhancing foods, if you like alcohol, try to drink it in moderation. For example, drink one glass of wine once or twice a week.

Part 3 of 4: Exercise for Weight Loss

  1. Do cardio exercises (exercises that increase the heart rate) every week. Although exercise does not directly help you lose weight, regular exercise will help support your weight loss plan. Aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week.
    • Aerobic activities such as dancing, rock climbing, walking or cycling.
    • Be careful with the calorie estimates on cardio machines. Those figures will not necessarily match your height, weight and gender.
    Answer of the expert Question

    A wikiHow reader asked, "How many calories do I need to burn to lose 2 kg?"

    Claudia Carberry, RD, MS

    Nutritionist Claudia Carberry is a licensed nutritionist specializing in kidney transplantation and weight loss counseling at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences. She is a member of the Arkansas Institute of Nutrition and Dietetics. Claudia received an MS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee Knoxville in 2010.


    Claudia Carberry, a registered dietitian, answered: "Every pound equals 3,500 calories, so 2 kilograms equals dduowngb17,500 calories."

  2. Strength training. Resistance training is a great form of exercise that's great for increasing your heart rate and weight loss plans. As you gain more muscle, you'll be able to boost your metabolism and burn more calories.
    • You should set aside two days a week for strength training.
    • Strength training activities include: lifting weights, Pilates or something equivalent like push-ups (push-ups) and crunch (crunches).
  3. Sign up for a session with a professional coach. Arranging a session or two with a professional coach is not a bad idea. This is especially true if you are unfamiliar with these exercises or want to find the right exercise routine that can help with your weight loss plan.
    • A personal trainer can help you create an exercise plan that is effective, cyclical and tailored to your abilities / goals.
    • Many fitness centers offer a free or discounted lesson with a personal trainer when you join the center or have a membership card.
    • A session with a personal trainer can be expensive, but it only takes a session or two to understand the route and usage of the machine.

Part 4 of 4: Maintain Weight Loss

  1. Measure your weight twice a week. It's important to measure your weight at least once or twice a week.This is especially true because you want to lose more than 2kg in 5 weeks; Since it is a short term weight loss period, you will need to ensure that your diet plan is working properly.
    • Do not measure your weight every day. You may see a slight change in weight gain or loss, but that is only the effect of a food you ate or a physical activity you performed the day before. This change does not accurately reflect your progress on weight loss plans.
    • Buy a home scale so you can keep yourself on track.
    • For the most accurate weight, measure your weight at a set time, on a fixed day each week, and wear the same clothes.
    • Regular weight checks have been shown to help prevent weight gain.
  2. Evaluate your diet. In order to achieve your goal of losing more than 2 kg in 5 weeks, it is extremely important to evaluate and record your diet throughout the process. Because in the short term, if you find that your diet isn't doing the expected results, you'll want to make adjustments as soon as possible.
    • If your weight hasn't decreased, check your food diary and total calorie calculation. Are there any errors? Do you eat snacks more often or are your serving sizes bigger than you think? Make the necessary changes or cut extra calories for effective weight loss.
  3. Avoid giving up on a diet plan. After you have lost the desired weight, you should still continue with the diet. Stick with a long-term diet plan to maintain your weight.
    • Maintain the lifestyle changes you make: track calorie content, portion sizes, and eat a balanced diet every day.
    • Also, keep track of how often you eat foods that are unhealthy for weight loss or drink alcohol. While it is okay to eat and drink from time to time is acceptable, limiting it as much as possible will help maintain your weight.


  • When calculating the calorie content, take a close look at the total number of servings on the label and then calculate. Sometimes you remember the calories of a serving, but you will accidentally forget that the box contains 2.5 servings.
  • Don't avoid fat (or carbohydrates in this case) completely! It's okay to eat healthy fats like mono-unsaturated fat (often found in olive oil) and foods that contain natural fatty acids like Omega-3. .
  • 10 minutes before each meal, drink 2 glasses of water. This will help you feel full and make you eat less.
  • You need to burn 3,500 more calories or eat 3,500 fewer calories per week to lose more than 1kg.
  • Don't eat less than 1,200 calories a day or limit your calories to over 550 calories per day.
  • A gradual and moderate calorie restriction combined with exercise is one of the safest and healthiest ways to lose weight and diet.
  • Give yourself a cheat meal once a week, but be extra careful. Because a cheat meal can turn into a cheat day, and then a cheat week.


  • Don't try to lose more than 1kg a week. Such weight loss is considered not a guarantee of health.
  • Rapid and excessive weight loss is unhealthy and can cause you to gain weight. (Also known as "yo-yo dieting" (yo-yo effect))
  • Make sure to consult with your doctor about your weight loss plan, and they can help and give you a few more helpful suggestions.