How to reduce sex drive

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Relationship Intimacy Advice : How to Reduce Male Libido
Video: Relationship Intimacy Advice : How to Reduce Male Libido


An unusually high level of sexual desire can lead to uncomfortable situations. If you are looking for a way out of this situation, look for activities to forget desire and practice mindfulness. Relaxation is also a way to deal with stress instead of repressing memories. If you are a man and have a high sex drive, you can use herbs or prescribe medications to reduce the amount of male hormones, while balancing the way of life.


Part 1 of 3: Changing your diet

  1. Use herbs. Herbs have long been used to aid with physical, psychological and emotional problems. The European Virgin Tree Chaste Tree Berry, also known as Monk's Pepper or Cloister Pepper, has been used since ancient times to help priests maintain a pure life. Some people even use licorice to reduce the amount of male hormones. Licorice is an anti-androgen, which means it inhibits or suppresses the production of male hormones, helping to reduce libido. Red reishi or Chinese dahlia are also things to add to the diet if you want to reduce testosterone.
    • Consult with a health or herbal professional before making any supplement and herbal changes.
    • You can also see a naturopath, acupuncturist, or herbalist to learn more about using herbs safely.

  2. Drink tea. Some teas can help reduce testosterone and libido. Mint and licorice teas are herbal teas that help reduce male hormones. Look for a medicinal tea and make it as directed.
    • While some store-bought teas can help, they won't be as strong as herbal teas. Choose tea carefully or consult an herbalist to choose the right herbal tea.

  3. Track your fat intake. Carefully track your portion sizes and the amount of saturated fat you eat. A diet low in LDL soluble fat can positively affect your libido and testosterone production. Get a blood test to see your cholesterol level, and make some changes if needed. But remember, do not overdose or cause damage to the arteries and long-term damage to the heart. Find a balance to both help influence your libido, while not causing long-term harm.
    • Good sources of soluble fats are often found in butter, palm oil, coconut oil, and bacon. You can choose to consume the low saturated fats found in non-dairy products that are rich in plant-based proteins like tofu, nuts, and beans, plus plenty of vegetables.

Part 2 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Distract yourself. If your high sex drive distracts you from working, do something about it: go for a walk, draw pictures, read a book or write. Direct your focus to something else. Distract your mind and body by focusing on something else.
    • Play a game or complete a puzzle.
  2. Do exercise. If your body is tense, get some exercise. Go to the gym or exercise. Do some yoga or more aggressive sports like kickboxing. Being physically active can help you forget your desire in the meantime. Note, however, that exercise increases male hormone production, being careful of the intensity and density of your exercise.
    • However, it is not recommended to reduce male hormones through intense exercise with little recovery interval.
  3. Meditation. If you find yourself distracted by sexual thoughts, meditation is a way to regain focus. Meditation can improve concentration, stabilize emotions, and promote positive emotions. Also, you don't have to be an expert to see these benefits, just start meditating, step by step.
    • Start by meditating for 10 minutes a day and then increasing it to 20 minutes per day.
  4. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is one way of regulating bodily sensations. While meditation helps you to temporarily put distractions from your mind, with mindfulness you pay more attention to your mind. If you were focusing on the genitals in the past, do a full body scan now, focusing on each organ from head to toe. Focus on your senses instead of sensory thoughts.
    • Adjust each of your senses one by one. For example, take a real moment listen. Hear birds singing or the buzzing of the air conditioner, fully focus on the sounds around you.
  5. Relax. Find some healthy ways to relieve stress, like relaxation. Managing and controlling everyday stress is a way to reduce sexual inhibition and deal with it every day. Instead of letting the stress pile up, practice relaxing for 30 minutes a day to deal with the stress.
    • Find relaxation techniques you find good for yourself and want to do every day. Try yoga, qigong, tai chi, and meditation.

Part 3 of 3: Consult an expert

  1. Talk to a therapist. If you feel shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, or any other negative emotion related to your libido, you can seek treatment. A therapist can help you organize your emotions and explore them in meaningful ways. They can assist you in expressing and experiencing healthy sex, as well as creating a safe and healthy sex limit. Talking with a therapist may be uncomfortable at first, but it can help you overcome difficult or lingering emotions that may affect your sexual performance.
    • You can find a therapist by calling your insurance provider, local psychiatric clinic or talking to your doctor, family member or friend for an address.
    • Sometimes people have an increased or weakened libido due to family sex problems, or unresolved abuse.
  2. Reduce testosterone with medication. Several medications can be used to lower your testosterone levels and libido. Talk to your doctor about medications you can take. Medications can help lower your hormone levels but also have some adverse side effects.
    • If you experience bothersome side effects, consult your prescriber immediately. They can adjust the drug or dosage.
  3. See a deep brain stimulation method. Stimulating the hypothalamus brain can help reduce libido. This may sound a bit outrageous, but this treatment is beneficial for those who have a sex crush or a history of sexual mismatch.
    • If you are interested in this treatment, see your doctor and see if there is any chance that might help you.