How to reduce swelling and redness caused by acne

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to Make Swelling From Acne Go Down : Skin Care Problems
Video: How to Make Swelling From Acne Go Down : Skin Care Problems


  • Since both essential oils can cause skin irritation if used in their pure form, dilute the essential oils with water before applying it to the skin. Then use a cotton swab to gently dab the pimple, let it sit for about 10 to 20 minutes. Then wipe it off.
  • Use a clay mask. Clay masks are very good at absorbing moisture to help treat inflammation and suck out the impurities in acne. After applying the mask, the pores on the face will be smaller and tighter. For best results, apply the mask once a week and then move on to covering specific areas of stubborn pimples.

  • Moisturizing. Skin moisturizer is an important factor in keeping skin from irritation. Moisturizing regularly will keep your skin tight and healthy. For best results, moisturize after each wash you face, using a non-acne-causing moisturizer. "Non-comedogenic" simply means that pores won't clog.
    • Use a moisturizer or essential oil suitable for your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, use a moisturizer labeled 'oil-free'. You don't need to use a moisturizer every 20 minutes, but it's better to bring it with you in case your skin gets dry. This can become a major problem in winter due to dry winds and cold temperatures.
    • There are two basic types of moisturizers: cream and gel. The gel form is suitable for oily and combination skin, while the cream form is more suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

  • Remember to remove makeup before going to bed. Do not leave makeup on the face. They will clog pores and cause more acne. If possible, keep some tissue by your bed and use it to remove make-up when you don't feel like going to the bathroom to wash your face.
  • Use an astringent. An astringent is a substance that helps tighten and lighten skin by shrinking pores. While using an astringent regularly may not be good for your skin, using it before washing your face can help remove oil and dirt.
    • If you want to use a natural astringent, try a slice of lemon and rub it on your face. Then wash your face and let it dry or gently blot with a towel. This also gives the skin a pleasant scent.
    • If you are using a strong astringent, be sure to add moisture to your skin to prevent dry skin. If you use lemons, be careful not to get in your eyes. If you get lemon juice in your eyes, stop and rinse your eyes with clean water for a few minutes.

  • Protect in the sun. While a little sun is beneficial for your health, too much can cause redness and irritation. In addition, ultraviolet rays can cause dark spots on the skin and put you at risk of skin cancer. Before you go out, put on a sunscreen that has an SPF 30 or 45 rating.
    • Be aware that there is no need to use a cream with a higher SPF, the one with SPF 30 and 45 is enough to block about 90% of harmful rays.
  • Be aware of the different causes of acne. Acne and waking go together, but acne can be caused by many other things. Some examples include:
    • Hormonal changes: this can be due to puberty, medication, contraception, etc.
    • Diet: Dairy products or cereals containing gluten can cause skin breakouts.
    • Dirty hair: Oil in your hair can clog pores, especially the top of your head.
    • Cosmetics: If you use cosmetics, even if you wash your face, there is a possibility that residue can plug your pores and turn into pimples. You will need to use a suitable makeup remover. In addition, skin cosmetics that are too oily or too strong for the skin can also cause negative effects.
    • Excessive sweating: This may sound strange, but there is a fungus on the skin scientifically named Malassezia. This fungus resides on the skin and causes no health problems. But when exposed to moisture, it grows very quickly and can cause breakouts.

  • Do not squeeze pimples or touch the skin of your face. While you may be tempted to squeeze pimples (especially blackheads and whiteheads), it is really counterproductive. Squeezing pimples spread the acne-causing bacteria to other areas of the face, increasing the likelihood of new blemishes. Not to mention that your hands contain dirt, oil and other contaminants that are not suitable for touching sensitive skin. Do your best to keep your hands away from your face and other acne-prone areas. advertisement
  • Advice

    • Do not touch your face with your hands or fingers. Skin naturally produces oil, so touching it causes oil to plug into pores.
    • Do not try all of the above at the same time. Choose one or two methods and use them in combination to evaluate the effectiveness. Not too much will give good results.
    • Certain types of facial masks can temporarily reduce swelling and moisturize your skin. If you want to give it a try, look for one that contains aloe vera extracts or other popular soothing agents.
    • Most teenagers get acne at different times, so don't panic about what happens to you.


    • If the acne on the face persists for weeks, make an appointment with a doctor or dermatologist. Some types of acne are persistent and can only be effectively treated with the right prescription or topical medication. In addition, persistent acne can be a sign of other skin problems.