Ways to Lose 5kg in a Week

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Lose Weight Fast 5kgs In 7 Days - Full Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss - Lose Weight Fast-Day 1
Video: How To Lose Weight Fast 5kgs In 7 Days - Full Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss - Lose Weight Fast-Day 1


Losing 5 pounds in a week is a very difficult job, but not impossible. With the right motivation, proper diet and exercise it is possible! Read on to the detailed plan to lose that much weight in 7 days. If you can't accomplish it in 7 days, set a different goal and push it 10 days. You will also feel much better with weight loss!


Part 1 of 3: Calories Calculation

  1. Eat fewer calories than you burn in a day. That is the whole secret to weight loss. The theory may be as simple as that, but the practice is really arduous. To lose 0.5 kg you have to burn 3,500 calories. Thus, to lose 5 pounds in a week, you will have to lose about 0.6 kg per day, which is equivalent to burning 5,000 calories per day.
    • Understand that you will have to exercise to lose 5 kg in a week. Starving the body is not a good way. In fact, fasting makes it harder to lose weight, especially after you've finished cooking.
    • Understand that you'll burn calories during everyday activities like commuting, climbing stairs, and even breathing. While these activities don't consume a lot of calories, you don't need to rely entirely on heavy exercise to burn calories.

  2. Understand that your goals are really hard to achieve. If you want to lose 5 pounds in one week, you need to burn 5,000 more calories than you take in each day. That is a high level. But don't get discouraged; It's just a reminder that losing 5 kg in one week is really hard. Prepare for a very, very arduous journey!
    • To get an idea of ​​how large these calories are, calculate the following: a person weighing about 72.5 kg will burn about 1,000 calories while playing soccer for 90 minutes. That means you need to play competitive football for 7.5 hours a day to burn 5,000 calories. Not impossible, but very difficult!

  3. Know that the average person burns 2,000 calories a day through daily activities. This means that if you take in exactly 2,000 calories a day, your weight will stay the same - no gain or loss.
    • If you're trying to lose weight, you should know that a healthy person needs at least 1,200 calories per day, regardless of diet. If you eat 1,200 calories a day, you'll need to burn 4,000 calories to reach your goal.

Part 2 of 3: Diet

  1. Drink only water. Water is the dieter's best friend, and sweet, sugary and caffeine drinks are the enemy. A sweet and simple "energy", or "sport" drink can hold up to 400 calories. That's one-third of the total calories for the whole day. Stay away from all other drinks except water.
    • Unsweetened green tea drinks are sometimes acceptable. If you are sick and bored with the white water you drink every day, sometimes you drink tea, it's okay. Green tea is high in antioxidants and calorie free, so you can drink it.
    • If you feel so hungry at a meal, drink a large glass of water right before eating. This is to trick your stomach that you are fuller than it actually is, making you less hungry.
  2. Eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet. Simple carbohydrates, also known as refined carbohydrates, are usually not nutritious and are absorbed by the body very quickly. Stay away from simple and refined carbohydrates on the diet as follows:
    • Biscuits, candies, cakes and other pastries
    • Honey, molasses and syrup
    • White bread, white rice and regular noodles
    • Wide variety of packaged cereals
  3. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates. Unlike simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates contain a lot of fiber and other nutrients that are digested and released into the blood much more slowly by the body. Some examples of complex carbohydrates include:
    • Whole grain breads, whole wheat pastas, brown rice
    • Beans and legumes such as lentils, carrots and sweet potatoes
    • Vegetables and fruits like asparagus and apricots
  4. Eat lean protein. Choose beef that is 98% lean and only 2% fat. Choose chicken breast without skin. Soy products like Japanese soybeans or tofu are also high in protein as well as a variety of fish, including salmon.
  5. Determined to avoid fast food. In addition to being fried in trans fats, fast foods like sandwiches, chips, milkshakes (or burritos, cheese pasta and sandwiches) all contain hefty amounts of salt and sugar. They are empty carbohydrates, with no real nutrients. If there is a serious intention to lose that much weight and get your weight back the right way, you will have to stay away from fast food.
  6. In the morning eat like an emperor, at noon eat like a prince, in the evening eat like a beggar. Have you ever heard this sentence? There is a part of the truth in it. Eating early is to kickstart your metabolism and provide enough energy to keep you feeling well until noon, then gradually decrease, and dinner is the lightest meal of the day. Here are a few examples of a menu you cook for yourself for the day, and a snack in between:
    • Breakfast: Fried egg whites, spinach and chicken breast, add a banana and some fresh blueberries
    • Lunch: Quinoa with grilled salmon and a small salad
    • Snack: a handful of pistachios
    • Dinner: Stir-fried with bok choy, carrots, mushrooms and pepper
    • Some foods that help you lose weight or are low in calories are:
      • peanut butter
      • rice cake
      • Berries
      • green vegetables
      • green tea
      • country
      • Greek yogurt
      • unsalted nuts
      • almond milk
  7. Keep a diary of the calories of all foods you eat. Keeping a regular journal will help you know when you've crossed the line. It also tells you what foods and when it works, tastes good or not. It also captures struggles that you'll find so much fun looking back on after the hardships!
    • Accurate calculation of calorie and volume of food. It may be difficult to calculate everything at first, but after a while it will be as easy as your second instinct. Be careful when estimating calories in specific dishes and meals. Be exact! It is not worth lying to yourself because the only person who can suffer is friend!
  8. When you make a mistake (and everyone does), don't exaggerate. Sometimes it's okay to miss a meal you shouldn't eat. Everyone has times like that. But if you slip, don't fall. Don't over-judge and go astray, never. That only makes your goals more difficult and discourages you. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Exercise

  1. Walk everywhere. Need to buy food? Please walk to the store. Need up to the fifteenth floor of the building? Take the stairs, not the elevator. Need to play football field? Let's walk there. Think of every walk as an opportunity to burn calories and stay fit.
    • Buy a pedometer. It tracks your steps during the day, and you can hide it on your side so no one will see it. A good piece of equipment converts steps into calories burned. Well worth it for you to buy!
  2. Get in the habit of warm-up and stretching before exercising. Play 80's inspired dance music and get ready to go. Warm-ups and stretches will help you complete the exercise. Also, who can practice if there is an injury? Some examples of warm-ups include:
    • 20 push ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 burpees (Burpees are jumping in the air, falling for pushups, then repeating).
    • Run fast in place for 1 minute, then switch to slow running in place for 1 minute.
    • Touch your toes, arms outstretched at the same time, relax your limbs and tendons, don't forget your upper body and neck.
  3. Try interval training. This is a method of training with high intensity for only a short time, then mainly with moderate intensity or light intensity. In many studies, scientists have found that high-intensity trainees finish the exercise with shorter intervals. and burn more calories than the person exercising with moderate intensity throughout the exercise.
    • An example of a high-intensity interval training is: While on the track, run at full speed for one lap, then run at slow speed again for the rest of the laps. 4 laps equals 1.6 km. Love and feel the burning of energy.
  4. Play a sport. The best part about sports is the competition. Competition motivates us to be stronger. You might think I'm not good at any sport, good I'm not comfortable playing sports. However, remember that people who try and respect themselves are people who are respected by others. If you think that playing soccer, basketball or swimming will be fun and not boring, then you should join. Let competitive spirit burn your calories.
  5. Make use of the exercise machine. If you don't have a gym at home, consider going to the gym so you can use it. Try the following types of machines and find out which one works best for you:
    • Treadmill treadmill. Running on a treadmill can be tedious than running freely, but it's better than nothing. Find the right speed to help you sweat.
    • General elliptical machine. You can use different endurance on most ellipticals, making this strength training more effective.
    • Cycling on site. If you take a cycling class, get ready for some excitement. Cycling classes are a great way to lose weight.
  6. Practice combination exercises. Combination exercises that include strength, endurance and aerobic exercise, work on many parts of the body, and generally keep you out of boredom (this is a huge cause of people stopping exercise. ). Combination exercise regimes like Crossfit may not be the most ideal for accelerated calorie burning (these workouts work better at replacing fat with muscle), but it's well worth trying. . Who knows where you will find new inspiration!
  7. Dance all night. To really boost your aerobic abilities, try dancing. No, not necessarily at home, although it is always recommended.So how about the dance class in your neighborhood?
    • You can try some basic dance classes with jazz, pop or hip-hop if you are familiar with and comfortable with choreography and music.
    • You could also try a dance like zumba, a mix of latin dance and international music into one great exercise. As well as regular dance classes, zumba also has instructors.
  8. Exercise, and exercise twice as long. You will have to practice twice to reach your goal. It's best to choose which exercises you really enjoy, as you have to burn 5 kg in a week.
    • You may have to set aside 4 hours a day to exercise. Work out twice a day for two hours each and have a break in between. If you need motivation, think about how much weight you will give up and that gorgeous figure that will soon come to you. Good luck!


  • Don't overdo it! You can hurt yourself.
  • Do not take any weight loss pills.
  • Do not apply this regime too strictly for a long time. It can lead to underweight, and even anorexia.