How to send a confession message to a guy you like

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
how to create a cute confession or message thru google form
Video: how to create a cute confession or message thru google form


Texting is a great way to chat with someone you like if you're a little shy or nervous about approaching someone in person. This gives you precise control over your speech and becomes more proactive than the reality. Instead of saying "I like you," start by asking questions and getting to know the guy better. You can send flirting messages and don't be afraid to tease your partner. When the time is right, send them a short and sweet message to confess — this will be stressful, but you will feel proud of admitting your feelings!


Part 1 of 2: Start chatting

  1. Say "hello" and ask a question to initiate a conversation. Instead of saying "Hi" or "How's it going?", You should have a clear conversation plan. For example, you could say, “Hi, Mr. Binh, do you know the homework for English class? I forgot to write it again ”. Or, "Hi, Lan! I see you participating in the play at school. Are they in need of someone behind the scenes? "
    • You can also comment instead of asking questions. Instead of saying, "How do you think history class today?" You might say, “I think today's class is boring. Mr. Dung taught about the American Civil War is NOT interesting ”. This will initiate the conversation and help you share your personality with the other person.

    Advice: Be courageous and text that person first! There's no reason to wait for them to contact you.

  2. Put open question. Open-ended questions need more than a “yes” or “no” answer, and it's an effective way to get to know the other person more and keep the conversation going. Ask about their movies, books, games, TV shows, YouTube channels, favorite travel destinations, or whatever you can think of.
    • For example, instead of asking, "Do you enjoy watching movies?" you should ask, "What are your 3 favorite movies?"
    • Instead of asking, "Was your weekend happy?", You should ask, "What did you do at the weekend?"

  3. Reply to details instead of just sending one word. Don't hesitate to share your own opinion! The fastest way to end a conversation is to send a “yes” or “yes” response. If you have something in common with the guy you like, chat about the topic. Get comfortable disagreeing with him — sometimes differing opinions can help keep the conversation going.
    • For example, if your partner thinks a Marvel movie is the best but you disagree, tell them why! You can start an interesting discussion about the different characters and details.
    • If you don't know exactly what the other person is talking about, ask them. For example, if you've never heard of his favorite band, you could say, “I've never heard their music before. What music album do you like? I will listen! ”

  4. Praise and praise them. The key to making an interesting compliment is that you need to be sincere and short. For example, send a message like, "You played a great game on Friday!" or, “I was impressed when you excelled in completing class essay. You are fantastic!"
    • Feel free to send a private compliment message even if you are not chatting on any other topic. Just wait for a response from the other person before sending another message.
    • Avoid saying anything about your feelings when sending these types of messages. Saying, "I don't know if I should say this because I feel a bit weird, but I think you are good at soccer" will make the text weird! You just have to say frankly, "You play soccer very well!"

    Send flirting compliments:

    “I like the scent of your perfume! What brand are you using? "

    “I'm so glad you were in class during my presentation today! It's great to see you ”.

    “I never realized that your eye color is so beautiful. The shirt you wear today makes them more attractive.

    "I'm so excited I want to know what you think about the latest Lost Boy season!"

  5. Send emojis and animations to show your wit. Look for emojis and animations that are related to what you are talking about. For example, if you're texting a boring weekend, send an animation of someone sleeping on a table. Or, send a text message containing all the emojis so the other person can guess what you're saying.
    • Be creative and have fun talking through text! It's a great way to begin to feel comfortable with your partner, so that you can finally confess your love to him.
  6. Send them funny pictures and videos that remind you of him. Next time you find an image or video that makes you laugh, send it to him with a message like, "This makes me think of you!" with smileys. You can also say, “I'm thinking of you. Hope you like it! "
    • For example, if he says he likes cats, look for a funny cat collection video on YouTube and send them the same message, "For you, the man who loves cats," with a cat icon.
    • Telling your partner that you're thinking about him is a great way to move forward with more flirting messages.
  7. Tease them about a habit or something you disagree with. Make sure you're kind and cheerful, and avoid teasing them about something that might hurt their feelings. For example, it is not a good idea to tease him about stuttering. However, if he tells you that he still enjoyed watching a movie he liked as a kid, you can of course tease it.
    • For example, send an animation from your favorite secret movie or TV show and text like, "I know my Friday night plans!" with a blinking or sticking out symbol.
    • Or, if you think Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter series is the best character but the opponent thinks Hermione Granger is the best, you could say, “Well, I can't agree with you, HERMIONE MUCH. YEAR!" with smileys.

    Advice: If you accidentally hurt a guy you like, deal with it directly. You can say, “I'm sorry for making you sad. I'm just trying to be funny but it's clearly ineffective! Sorry!" with embarrassed face icon.

  8. Ask for their opinion or suggestion to do something interesting. This not only compliments him, but also gives you a chance to invite him out. Try saying, “You and I are looking for the ideal coffee shop to study. Which bar do you usually go to? " Or, "I'm so sad! I want to watch a new TV show for entertainment. Can you introduce me to me? "
    • A great way to continue this approach is to actually go there or do something the other person has suggested and then send them a follow-up message. For example, you could say, “I started watching Riverdale and I LIKE it. I'm excited to see what happens next, ”along with an animation from the movie.
    • If they say you should explore a new coffee shop in town, go there with a few friends and then send a text like, “I went to the new cafe and I love it! It's a great place! Thank you for your introduction ”.
    • If you want to try inviting them out, wait a week and send a message like, “Hi, today I'm going to the cafe you introduced. Do you want me to meet and study together? "

Part 2 of 2: Share your feelings

  1. Send the other person a regular message to initiate a chat. Even if you just send a simple message confessing your feelings, it will drive you crazy waiting for a response. If you send him the normal text message first and get a response, at least you'll know he's on the phone. Try asking a question or talking about something you talked about.
    • For example, you could say, “I need to review for next week's exam, but I can't concentrate. I just want to sleep! "
  2. Texted back and forth a few times to understand his current dignity. If your partner is in a bad mood or hanging out with friends, this may not be the best time to confess. Try asking him how he's been doing, has any plans, or is doing something. The answers will give you hints about his feelings.
    • If he responds briefly or responds well, he might want to talk about it another day.

    Advice: If waiting for the “right time” prevents you from sending the “I like you” key message, give yourself a deadline. Some times will definitely be more appropriate than others, however in general, no There is the so-called “perfect” timing. If you want, pick a date and be determined to confess that day.

  3. Draft a brief message telling the person you like him. Don't try to text too many details. Short and simple is the most effective way for you to say what you need to say. Try texting like this, "I like you. Let's go out someday! " or, “I want to tell you that I like you. No pressure or anything. I just want to share my feelings ”.
    • If you've texted him for a few weeks and sent each other flirting messages, he probably won't be too surprised by how much you like him.
    • A detailed, lengthy message about your emotional troubles can overwhelm him. You should give the person space to respond to and respect their feelings, no matter what.
  4. Refrain from sending follow-up messages until you receive a response. It will be difficult to wait for him to text back, but sending animated texts will make you clingy and thoughtless, and that will ruin the situation. Try setting your phone aside and doing something different for a while, like taking a walk, watching a movie, or rearranging the closet.
    • If he does not text back, that is the answer. The hope is that your partner won't behave like that to you and will respond even if they don't have feelings for you.
  5. Think about your partner's texting habits as you read your response messages. Do they usually respond to a message within minutes, hours, or days? Do they often use emojis and complete sentences, or often give short answers? Finding the difference between how he normally responds and how he texts can give you a hint of his thoughts.
    • For example, if you often get a very quick response, but there is no response from him after a few hours of your confession, it means he is taking some time to think about texting again.
    • If your partner sends meaningful messages with emojis and animations, but replies to your message with a word or short sentence, that means he is annoyed and has no feelings for him. friend.
    • Remember that people will respond differently when confessed to. Some people will need time to determine their feelings if they haven't thought about it yet.
  6. Celebrate the "like" answer by inviting him out on a private date. If he likes you too, that's great! Try sending another message like this, “Anh Phương, that moment was really stressful! I'm very happy that you also like me! This Friday we meet and watch the newly released movie! Can we have dinner together before watching a movie? "
    • If you're not allowed to date someone individually, try setting up a picnic group, such as watching a movie, doing bowling, playing golf, or attending school events.
  7. Face the answer "don't like" by giving your partner some space. If the other person doesn't answer what you want, it's okay to feel sad. Don't send more messages asking them why they don't like you or try to pretend you weren't serious. You should simply say, “I totally understand. I hope we can still be friends! ”
    • Remember, there's nothing wrong with confessing, and just because they say they don't like you doesn't mean you have any problems.
  8. Be proud of yourself for doing the hard work, no matter the outcome. Whether your partner likes you or not, you've done something that everyone in the world finds it difficult. Take a moment to appreciate how you've grown and get to know yourself better in the process.
    • You can even take some time to reflect on what you want to do differently in the future. Treat each opportunity as a learning experience!


  • If you never get the person to open up or respond to your message, that means they probably don't like you and you should try to move on.
  • Try not to use the phone from time to time. It's hard for you to put your phone down while waiting for the message to respond, however try leaving it somewhere else for an hour or so a day so you won't be obsessed with excess.