Ways to Feign Illness

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Psychology of Faking an Illness [Munchausen Syndrome]
Video: The Psychology of Faking an Illness [Munchausen Syndrome]


Are you trying to pretend to be sick to escape a class, take a day off work, not have to host your spouse's family, or are you going to play the role of the sick person in a play? Faking sick isn't as hard as it sounds, but if you don't look sick, no one will believe you are sick. By changing the look, posture, tone of the voice and knowing the symptoms of different diseases to fake, you will look like the real sick person and have some time for yourself without having to suffer. suffer.


Method 1 of 3: Change posture and action

  1. Choose a disease to fake. People often pretend to have a severe cold or fever, because these illnesses are experienced by almost everyone, and the symptoms are easy to imitate. Pretending to have a migraine, diarrhea, or stomach ache is also smart, as you won't have to describe your symptoms in detail - no one wants to hear about you going to the bathroom anyway. how.
    • The most important thing is to not fake the symptoms. If you're pretending to have a migraine, don't complain of a stomach ache, and if you're acting like you have diarrhea, don't start sneezing.

  2. Recall how you looked when you were sick and follow along. While playing the role of a sick person, you won't be able to laugh or be happy, otherwise people will doubt whether you are really sick.
    • Think about how you felt and acted when you were really sick the last time to act convincingly.
  3. Use concealer or makeup white flour for pale skin. A little green concealer can turn healthy skin into sickness, and a pinch of white flour will make you appear pale and tired.
    • Concealer is more effective, but if not available then you can use some white flour instead.

  4. Wear loose clothing or a blanket. No matter what the illness is, the sick person wants to keep warm with layers of cloth around them. Wrap a blanket or warm coat the night before and all day you want to fake sick.
    • You may shiver or tremble slightly to mimic the symptoms of a cold, even with a blanket, as the sick person often feels hot and cold at the same time.
  5. Reactions were slow and wobbly, crashed into furniture and sluggishly. Almost any disease also reduces the body's ability to coordinate. Whether you're pretending to have a migraine or having a bad cold, slow down and act unconscious of your surroundings.

  6. Sniffling, coughing and whining about the symptoms of the disease. In order to act like the real thing, you should turn off your talents to show that you are sick. If you want to pretend you have a cold or the flu, you have to sniffle and cough at least every few minutes, while with other illnesses, be sure to whine, rub your stomach, or rub your forehead, depending on what disease you're doing. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Fake specific symptoms and lesions

  1. Pretend fever or cold with cough, stuffy nose, and fatigue. Breathe through your mouth to feel like a stuffy nose, don't forget to talk and react more slowly than usual. You can pretend to cough lightly and snort vigorously to look more real.
    • Pretending a runny nose is difficult, but you can make your eyes look watery by trying not to blink for a long time and make your eyes water. Do so right before talking to someone for maximum effect.
  2. Pretend migraines by avoiding lights, sounds, and crowded places. Migraines often have no outward symptoms, so people just rely on your story to know what you're going through. Pretend to be sensitive to light and noise, and retreat to a quiet, dark room if possible.
    • Common symptoms of migraines are dizziness, an intense reaction to light and sound, loss of balance, and severe headaches, especially the temples and back of the head.
  3. Pretend a stomach ache by being nauseous and going to the toilet every now and then. The night before, you could rub your stomach a few times and complain about the "strange" feeling before leaving the bowl of rice and going to bed a little earlier than usual. Pretend diarrhea by sitting in the bathroom for a long time and acting like a stomach ache.
    • You can pretend vomiting by making a gagging sound, then pour a glass of water into the toilet bowl. Splash the water, wait a while like to rinse your mouth and get out of the bathroom, lie on the sofa and eat nothing.
    • Continue to go to the bathroom several times during the night, but be sure to turn on the exhaust fan so that everyone won't suspect why they can't hear any sound coming from the bathroom.
    • Spray plenty of room spray to remove the “smell,” and continue running to the bathroom as often the next day.
  4. Don't act too much lest you get suspicious. Patients often hide their symptoms, cough only when they have to cough, and seem nauseous when having nausea. You should practice acting your symptoms in front of a mirror and convince yourself before trying to convince others that you are ill.
    • It's easy to spot if someone sneezes or is fake. While it's not a good idea to fake a sneeze, if it feels more real, you can tickle under your nose with a feather or something similar to stimulate your sneeze.

Method 3 of 3: Prepare in advance

  1. Talk about your "symptoms" the day before the day you want to feign illness. Begins to show signs of being sick the night before. Tell everyone that you feel dizzy, then don't eat dinner and go to bed earlier than usual even if you don't have to sleep.
    • Your goal is to instill in the mind that you are not feeling well instead of saying, "I feel sick". This will make your symptoms appear more believable because you won't claim to be sick.
  2. Progressive manifestation of symptoms over a period of a few hours. No one suddenly became seriously ill; symptoms build up until they are noticeable to the tired person. Start slowly with a few light coughs or sniffles if you want to fake a cold, or appear lethargic and slow to respond if you want to fake nausea.
  3. Stay up late to darken your eyes as if you can't sleep. Most people with serious illness have trouble sleeping (unless they take a lot of drugs that cause drowsiness). You can stay up a few hours later than usual to create dark circles under your eyes.
    • For everyone, this can be a sign that you have trouble sleeping, even though in fact you are staying up late to enjoy your pastime.
    • You can also use a bit of eyeshadow to complete the dark circles, but don't go overboard. If someone finds out that you put on eyeshadow, your performance will go to smoke.
  4. Avoid making plans or meeting people as if you were really sick. Faking sick people are often exposed especially when they are caught going out to play instead of lying in the nursing home.
    • Spend a day away from social media, cancel all plans with friends, and stay home all day. You don't want anyone to find out about your ruse.


  • Try not to overuse your sick leave when you are not really sick. Fortunately, if you are really sick and have used up your sick leave, you will lose more than just a call to your boss to ask. Vacation.


  • Intentionally inducing vomiting can damage gums and tooth enamel. If you decide to induce the gagging reflex, don't overdo it, lest you actually vomit and risk harming your teeth in the long run.
  • When you take too much time off, your coworkers may hate you if they have to take the job for you. Remember to call your boss early in the morning to give them time to assign work, or you can promise to make up later.