How to keep glitter from your clothes

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
how to stop glitter from falling off clothing
Video: how to stop glitter from falling off clothing


Sparkles are a great accessory to adorn clothes, but they are also easy to fall off and become cluttered. You can fix glitter on clothes by using hairspray or fabric adhesives, and be careful when wearing and washing your clothes to avoid rubbing or melting glitter.


Method 1 of 3: Use hair spray

  1. Buy a hairspray bottle. You can use any brand's hairspray to fix glitter problems quickly. Remember that hairspray can help you keep the glitter in the correct place on your clothes, but it won't keep them there forever. You will need to use fabric glue or a transparent heat transfer pad to fix them for longer.

  2. Remove any loose glitter and prepare to spray. Gently shake the garment so that the loose glitter of glitter falls out, then spread a towel on a dry surface and spread the garment flat on the towel.
    • If your clothes are wrinkled, the hairspray will probably fix them. You should consider flattening the garment earlier if the garment is heavily wrinkled.

  3. Spray hair spray on glitter. Take care of yourself: spray a thick layer of glue and make sure nothing is left out. Spray the areas where the glitter has become loosened.
  4. Let the hairspray dry on your clothes. Read the instructions on the hairspray bottle, let the glue dry a little longer than the time on the instructions as the drying time of the fabric may not be the same as your hair. Once the glitter on the glitter has dried, pick up the clothes and shake gently. If you have a glitter drop, you need to reapply. If not then you can use the clothes, but be gentle! advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Use fabric glue

  1. Use fabric adhesive to fix the glitter in place. You can sprinkle glitter on fabric glue to stick it to your clothes, then cover it with a fabric adhesive solution mixed with water to create a protective outer layer. The glitter usually falls off when rubbed against other objects, so a coating of glue on top can help fix the seeds one by one.
  2. Mix a mixture of fabric glue and water. First, you will add a little water to dilute the fabric glue. There is no specific mixing ratio, you can mix so that you can use a brush to apply the mixture easily, do not mix too thick or too loose.
  3. Apply the mixture to glitter. Line a piece of newspaper on the back of the glitter garment, apply it with a paint brush, and apply small or glue to the area where the snow needle is attached. Be sure to take care not to let the glitter fall out while applying the adhesive. Be sure to apply adhesive to the entire area of ​​the glitter.
  4. Let the glue dry for 24 hours. Spread clothes in a dry, warm, and ventilated area. Make sure the clothes are not wrinkled, otherwise the glue could make them harden forever. You can apply the clothes as soon as the adhesive is dry. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Take care of clothes with glitter

  1. Wash gently. If possible, wash your clothes by hand to make them easier to control. Fabric adhesive is synthetic, it will not wash off when washing clothes, however hairspray does not. In general, hand washing helps to better protect the glue, glitter, and clothes. Wash your clothes carefully, don't overburden your clothes, and avoid washing them by machine.
    • Use cold or warm water for washing. Hot water can melt the adhesive.
  2. Dry clothes. You can dry the clothes on the clothesline or spread the clothes on a flat surface. A clothes dryer can cause glitter to pop out when the glitter is flipped over and rubbed against other clothes. Furthermore, quick drying methods (dry island, blow-dry) often use high temperatures, which can cause fabric adhesive to melt and glitter loss.
  3. Keep clothes when wearing. Avoid rubbing that could shed the glitter, do not rub or scratch the glitter. You also shouldn't wear purlins too often, save them for special occasions. The more often you wear glitter, the more often you will have to wash them, and that will make them more susceptible to rubbing and damage!
    • You can buy a tin of glitter to fix your clothes if needed. You should also have fabric glue available, which is widely available in craft stores.


  • Avoid wearing purlins too often.


  • Do not spray hairspray near fire! Many hairspray products are very flammable.