How to get rid of lice (lice) the natural way

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports
Video: How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports


Head lice, the scientific name pediculosis capitis, are an insect that parasites on the scalp of humans and sucks in blood. Most commonly found in children, lice are usually transmitted directly from person to person. Head lice are not a sign of unhygienic conditions and do not cause a contagious disease. While there is little medical evidence about the effectiveness of head lice, using natural remedies can help get rid of lice without the use of harsh chemicals.


Part 1 of 2: Treating lice with home remedies

  1. Comb your hair when wet. Use a squash comb (a special tight-tooth comb used to comb lice) to comb the length of your hair when it is wet and slippery. This can get rid of lice and some nits if done for several weeks.
    • Buy squash combs at pharmacies, supermarkets or other retailers.
    • Rinse wet hair and use a product like conditioner to lubricate it.
    • Use a brush to comb the length of your hair at least twice.
    • Brush every three or four days for several weeks. Do this for at least two more weeks after no lice are found in your hair.
    • Use a spot light on the scalp to clearly see each area when brushing lice.
    • A magnifying glass can also help you clearly see brushed areas.
    • Comb each section of hair about 2.5 cm x 1 cm, starting close to the scalp and combing all the way to the ends. Be sure to rinse your comb with hot water and a tissue after each part of your hair has been combed.
    • Clip the finished parts of hair to make sure the entire scalp area is brushed off.

  2. Apply essential oils. There is evidence that certain natural vegetable oils can kill head lice and nits, and alleviate itching when applied to the hair. Note that despite their lice-killing effects, essential oils are not FDA-approved to meet safety, efficacy, and manufacturing standards and can cause scalp damage if not approved. used correctly.
    • Use essential oils such as tea tree, anise, and ylang ylang to treat lice and nits. You can also look for vegetable oils that contain nerolidol, a compound found in many vegetable oils. Some of these oils are: neroli, ginger, jasmine and lavender.
    • Mix about 50 drops of your chosen essential oil with 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    • Apply the mixture to your hair and cover your hair with a shower cap. Cover it with a towel.
    • Leave it on for 1 hour, then wash thoroughly with shampoo to remove lice and nits.
    • You can buy essential oils at most health care stores, pharmacies, and many supermarkets.

  3. Suffocate lice and nits. Many household products can choke lice and nits. You can treat lice by applying one of these products to your hair and leaving it on overnight.
    • Apply mayonnaise, olive oil, butter, or Vaseline wax to your hair.
    • Put a shower cap on after applying these substances and leave it on overnight.
    • In the morning, you can clean your hair with baby oil and shampoo, then rinse thoroughly. Note that due to the properties of these products, it may take a long time to clear your hair.
    • Repeat this process for several nights.

  4. Rinse hair with water and vinegar. After you have killed the lice and nits, you can use a mixture of 50% water and 50% vinegar. This mixture can break down dead nits and help remove lice or nits that have remained on the hair.
    • Rub a lot of mixture into your hair and rinse thoroughly.
    • A mixture of vinegar and olive oil may also help.
  5. Avoid flammable products. No matter what natural remedies you use to treat head lice, never use flammable products on your hair. Kerosene and gasoline can cause serious health damage and create a fire hazard if exposed to fire. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Controlling the spread of lice

  1. Clean all household items. Although lice do not survive for more than a day if removed from the scalp, it is important to clean items as a precaution as well. Wash all items of someone infected with lice that has been used two days ago.
    • Wash bedding, bedding, stuffed animals, and clothes in hot soapy water. The washing water must be at least 55 degrees Celsius. Dry on a high temperature.
    • Wash all hair care items such as combs and accessories with hot water and soap. Soak items in hot water at least 55 degrees Celsius for 5-10 minutes.
    • Cover any non-washable or washable items with a plastic bag for two weeks to suffocate lice and nits.
    • Vacuum floors and any upholstered furniture.
  2. Meticulous examination. After handling lice and for the next few weeks, you need to check on your head for lice or nits. This step can help prevent the spread of lice from person to person and to make sure you are free of lice and nits that require treatment.
    • Lice eggs will hatch within 7-11 days after lice are born, so be sure to check your scalp for at least two weeks after treating the lice.
    • You can use a magnifying glass and a lamp to check hair and objects.
    • Check hair daily until lice are gone, then check weekly to prevent re-infection.
  3. Contact the source of the lice infection. Schools and child care facilities are the most common sources of lice infection, although infection can occur anywhere. You should contact a suspected source of the infection to alert you to the possibility of another person becoming infected.
    • Tell these places that you are self-contained.
  4. Separate personal items. In general, it's best to keep your personal items separate. This can reduce the risk of lice and nits spreading to others, and also prevent reinfection.
    • Hang coats, hats and scarves separately from the hooks as much as possible.
  5. Use only your own supplies. It is important not to share utensils with others. This can prevent the spread of lice and nits.
    • Use only your comb, hat and scarf.
    • Be sure to use only your own protective clothing, such as a helmet.
  6. See your doctor. If you find that the continuous natural lice treatments are not working, see your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe medication to treat lice or related skin infections, or determine if the "lice" on your head is actually dandruff.
    • The persistent itching of the lice can lead to skin tearing and infection.
    • Some other conditions that can be mistaken for lice are: dandruff, residual hair products, dead hair tissue stuck to the hair shaft, scales and other small insects in the hair.


  • School age children should be screened for lice every month or two.
  • If you have lice, you can apply coconut oil to your hair, put a shower cap on your head, and sleep overnight.


  • Be careful when using plastic bags if you have young children, as plastic bags can cause suffocation.
  • Head lice are hardly transmitted by objects because they need blood to stay alive.

What you need

  • Squash comb (lice comb and nits)
  • Essential oils
  • Mayonnaise, butter, olive oil or Vaseline wax
  • Vinegar
  • Washer and dryer
  • Plastic bags
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Shampoo and conditioner