Ways to Scare Your Sister

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
TOP SIBLING PRANKS! Trick Your Sisters and Brothers || Funny DIY Pranks by 123 GO!
Video: TOP SIBLING PRANKS! Trick Your Sisters and Brothers || Funny DIY Pranks by 123 GO!


Sometimes, your sister's screams after being hit with some cool pranks will be the greatest joy you will ever receive. If you want to get revenge on your sister for annoying you, skillfully and unexpectedly scare her is the best method you can do. As long as you don't go too far, you might be successful at scaring your sister and maybe having a laugh at her reaction. If you are looking for some cool ideas to scare your sister, go ahead with Step 1.


  1. Sneaky attack. Find a time when your sister is fully focused on something, whether she's playing a game, drawing pictures, chatting on the phone, or doing her homework. Then, crept up behind her. When you get close enough without making her detect your presence, shout "Scream!" and enjoy her loud screams. If you do it the right way, this could be the simplest and greatest prank. This will be more effective if she doesn't know that you are at home.

  2. Turn off the light. This method is most effective when your sister thinks you've decided to sleep over at a friend's house. Wait for the moment when your sister thinks she's home alone or when she's in her room, then secretly put your hand in her room and turn off the lights in the room. . If you do it correctly, she will scream and not understand what happened. If she knows you're at home, grab a book and pretend you're reading in another room when your sister runs in and screams.
    • Alternatively, you can wear a horror outfit and shine a light on your face in a dark room, your little sister will panic!

  3. Suddenly scare her when she thinks you are sound asleep. If you are both riding on a long bus ride, or watching TV together, pretend to fall asleep for a few minutes. Wait until you feel that your sister is approaching you, or is moving closer to your face. When she thinks you are well asleep and doesn't seem suspicious at all, suddenly roll your eyes and shout as loud as you can. If you do it the right way, you will be quite frightening.

  4. Tell horror stories. Invite a friend over to your home to host a ghost storytelling; When your sister wants to join, tell her she shouldn't because the stories everyone is about to tell will be too scary for her. Your sister will start begging and begging you and pretend to agree. Then, before you start your story, say that you are not sure whether to tell this story because this is a true story, and you don't want to scare your sister. Finally, be "reluctant" to tell a story about an item in your house, such as a haunted teddy bear or a mysterious old photo. When you finish your story, you and your friend pretend to sleep; After that, place something, like an old teddy bear from the story you told and wait to listen to your sister's scream.
  5. Wear a clown mask. This method can only work if your sister is the type of person who is scared of seeing clowns. In fact, this is a more common problem than you might think, so if your sister is afraid of the clown, you should get a clown mask and scare her. Pick a time when she is completely surprised, like when she comes home from school and knows that you are leaning back on a chair and turning your back on her. As she approaches you, suddenly turn around with a mask on her face and scare her terribly!
  6. Use fake bugs to scare your sister. Go to toy stores and buy fake bugs that you can use to scare your sister. Most kids will be scared by bugs at some point, placing fake bugs in unexpected places may cause your sister to scream. You can put a bug in her backpack - this will cause her to be really scared, even though you won't be able to hear her scream.You can also put fake bugs on her pillow, in the sink, on her plate, or in locations where you know she wouldn't expect it.
  7. Wear a mask when she thinks you are sleeping. If you plan to wake up late and occasionally, your sister is tasked with waking you up, this is the perfect time for you to do your prank. Put on a creepy mask, whether it's part of the Grandfather's outfit, a monster mask, a clown mask, or anything you can use to scare your sister. . Then, face the wall and pull the blanket to cover the body. When your sister keeps calling your name to wake you up, wait until she approaches you, when she thinks you must be deep asleep, pop up suddenly with a mask. worn on the face. Surely she will have to scream because she never expected this.
  8. Tap on her room window. If you really want to do your best with your prank you can knock on your sister's room window at night. Though, climbing the roof wouldn't be a good idea, if you're sure you can do it safely, knock on your sister's window in the middle of the night. to really panic her. You can also throw pebbles at her window or use a tree branch to knock against the window. Then go back to your room quickly and pretend you're asleep or doing your homework so she won't suspect you're the culprit.
  9. Make use of fake blood. Fake blood can always be a great tool to scare your sister, no matter how you use it. You can let your sister find you lying in bed with a face covered in fake blood. You can smear fake blood all over your body and let your sister find out you're sitting face down at the table. You can pretend that your hand is caught in a waste disposal machine and suddenly pull your hand out of the machine with a lot of fake blood in your hand, screaming. However, you should remember to be careful with this prank, because it does really Scare your poor little sister!
  10. Hid in a crate placed outside the door to the outside. This prank is worth doing. First, you need a crate big enough for you to comfortably hide in. Then, place the crate outside of the door for the time when your sister is home. Next, you need to ring the doorbell and quickly jump inside the crate. When your sister opens the door and stare at the barrel for a few seconds, jump out of the box and scream, you will make your sister scream.
  11. Sneak attack from inside the closet. This method is a bit difficult, but it will work if you do it correctly. First you need to hide in the closet. Then call your sister, pretend you're not at home. Tell her that you really need her help and that you want her to open the closet to get you something. When she opens the closet door, you can jump out. She will be scared and completely confused! Of course, this only works once your sister is ready to help you.
  12. Apply red food coloring to her toothbrush or soap. Dropping a drop of red dye onto her toothbrush or under the bar of soap she uses will make her think her mouth or hands are bleeding! Although food coloring is completely harmless, it will scare your little sister a little before she realizes the real cause. However, make sure that your parent is not the one who uses the bar first.
  13. Change her desktop desktop into a creepy picture. If your sister is old enough to use the computer, wait until she gets up or uses the toilet. Then, change her desktop wallpaper to some kind of creepy image to create a little surprise for her when she comes back. You can also use the trick with the phone screen he uses, if you can steal it.
  14. Use fake spider. A fake spider with a long, transparent string or a piece of fishing line will be great tools for you. Remember to stand away from your sister and use a branch to lift the spider. When your sister walks over, lower the rope and make the spider fall right next to your sister, or even over your sister. She would be screaming non-stop because it happened all of a sudden.
  15. Suddenly jumped out from the bushes. Who says pranks need to be picky? Keeping things simple will always give you your advantage. Just hide behind a bush in an area where you are sure your sister will pass and then jump out and scream. Surely she will start to scream too because this is not something that often happens every time she passes by this place. You can also take a snapshot to capture her expression as you jump out of the bushes. If you really want to do your best with this prank, you can wear a mask or disguise.
  16. Use a feather to tickle the back of her neck. This is also a simple yet effective prank. You just need to use a feather and sneak up behind her. When you are sure she is completely focused on something, use the feathers to tickle the back of her neck. Use firm force so that she can sense the presence of something on the back of her neck, but don't be so strong that she knows you're the culprit. This will quickly cause her to scream and turn to look around. If possible, try to hide or hide when she turns her head so she won't think you are the culprit of that mysterious feeling.
  17. Put a fake snake on her bed. Fake snakes can scare your little sister of any age. Make sure her bed is neatly arranged or at least her blanket is folded neatly. Then place a large fake snake on her head pillow or blanket. Make sure she doesn't notice this when she looks at her bed. Next, when she gets ready to go to bed and pulls the blanket off, she will scream so loudly that your whole family can hear it.
  18. Become the monster hiding under the bed. If your sister is still scared of the monsters under the bed, you can make this fear come true. Sneak underneath her bed while she is resting or when you know she will wake up quickly. Then, by the time she lands on the floor and yawns, getting ready to start the day, reach for her ankle and listen to her screams. You will frighten her even more if you can keep your hands wet and cold with this method.
  19. Stealthily scares your sister in the mirror. If your sister likes to spend hours looking at herself in the mirror, this is a great opportunity for you to scare her. All you need to do is put on a horror mask, put fake blood on your face, or do whatever it takes to make your appearance even more creepy and then creep up behind you. her so she can't see you. In just a few moments, she will notice your creepy reflection in the mirror and she will scream!
  20. Scare your sister while she's sleeping. Once your sister has fallen into a deep sleep, find a big, scary item and put it on her bed.You can use a blood-stained prosthetic head, a snake or a big lizard, a large spider, or anything you know that will scare your sister into death. awful. Then place these on her bed so that when she wakes up, the first thing she sees are these items. This way will make her terrified! advertisement


  • You will be able to easily scare your sister if you have more than one sibling. Because of that, she will have more suspects.
  • Make sure you are not the fearful type of person.
  • Sometimes, staring at your sister and following her and humming some scary tune is a great way to scare her.


  • Your sister will probably tell the adults, because every sister likes to do this.
  • Your sister has many ways to get back at you such as embarrassing you!
  • Your sister will definitely retaliate against you. SURE!
  • The line between acting humorous and hurting is fragile. What's more, your sister is a little girl, and she might feel terrified when she finds out that a strange man is in her room. If you are implying that there is a man hiding under his bed / room and he is intending to harm him in any way, you may hurt her. That's more than you can imagine.
  • Don't be the cause of your sister's fear of dating someone when she turns 21 just because when she was 5, you used the image of a crazy man hiding underneath. her bed to scare her.

What you need

  • A younger sister.
  • The ability to intimidate.
  • Imagination.