How to Cut a Kiwi

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Cut a Kiwi - 3 Easy Ways!
Video: How to Cut a Kiwi - 3 Easy Ways!


  • Wash. It is advisable to rinse it off to ensure that skin contaminants such as germs are removed.
  • Cut the fruit horizontally at the widest part of the fruit. Remember to use a clean, sharp knife. Depending on the ripeness of the fruit, you can also cut it across. However, if the fruit is a bit stiff, you may need to cut it again to be able to cut through the core.
    • Now you can eat by scraping the pulp with a spoon just like you would a boiled egg.
    • You can remove the small black seeds when you eat them if you don't like them, but they are still edible.

  • Cut the kiwi into small slices. If you want smaller and more eye-catching slices, first cut the fruit into rounded slices, cut from one end to the other and discard the small slices at the ends. Then cut each piece in half into a circle.
    • These kiwifruit slices make a great addition to the salad and add a hint of tropical color to pastries, muffins and desserts.
    • They can also be used as snacks for children and for school lunches. If you want to remove the skin before slicing, follow the method below.
  • Method 2 of 2: Peel off

    1. Cut the ends of the fruit. Place the fruit on the cutting board and carefully cut the ends with a small knife. Don't regret leaving the ends because you have to do this to get the pulp this way.

    2. Place the spoon between the skin and the pulp. You should use the spoon type to make. Try to position the spoon as close to the peel as possible as this will make it easier to remove the pulp.
    3. Rotate the spoon around the fruit as long as it stays below the shell. This will separate the skin from the pulp. Depending on the size of your spoon, you can rotate the spoon several times to separate the entire shell.
    4. Separate the pulp from the skin. Once you have turned the spoon, you should be able to separate all of the pulp from the peel and retain its original shape completely.
      • You can also peel the skin with a knife, but by doing so you can remove the whole pulp and if done poorly, the fruit will look very bad after peeling.

    5. Cut the fruit in half vertically. Then again cut into four to fit salad or garnish with fruit plate. Or, you can cut into cubes of different sizes. advertisement


    • Look for colored fruits yellowish; they are usually smaller than green ones and have a very soft brown skin, yellow flesh and a sweeter taste.
    • It will be easier to peel the fruit if you dip the fruit in hot water for about 60 seconds.
    • Parts of the kiwifruit are edible, including the peel.
    • Using the second "peel off" method, you can make an incision between the intestines and the shell to easily insert the spoon.
    • Kiwifruit contains an enzyme that can soften meat. This enzyme can stop the freezing process so do not put kiwifruit in ice cream, jelly or jam as they will not solidify.
    • After eating the kiwifruit, you may feel a bit itchy so drink some more water or milk.
    • Choose a sharp knife to cut because blunting makes it difficult to cut, and sliced ​​out pieces may not look good.


    • Use a sharp knife to sharpen it as a blunt walk can easily slip.
    • Wash fruit before eating to remove harmful bacteria. Wait for the fruit to dry before cutting. Using paper to dry the fruit will not remove moisture because the hairs of the fruit may trap it.

    What you need

    • Chopping board
    • Tissue
    • Sharp knife
    • Spoon (optional)