How to Cut Onions Without Stinging

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


  • Some people also use the method of cutting onions under the tap is flowingBut this way is also a bit confusing. When the water flows, it will be difficult to hold the onions in your hand.
  • Cut onions near hot water or steam. The steam from the pot or kettle is very harmful. It will absorb and dissolve the onion vapor.
  • Breathe through your mouth and stick your tongue out when cutting onions. The gases released from the onions react with the water on your tongue. As a result, the olfactory nerve near the tear gland will not be stimulated, causing tears in your eyes. If you breathe through your nose as usual, your eyes will sting immediately!

  • Soak the onions in water before cutting. Enzymes from the onion will be dissolved in the water. However, this will reduce the flavor of the onion and make the onion more slippery, making it difficult to cut. If you don't mind the taste of the onion fading, give this a try.
  • Cut the onion horizontally. Due to the structure meat Onions are tubular, so slice the onions horizontally to avoid the onions from hitting your eyes.
    • However, a gentle breeze can blow tear gas directly into your eyes, so pay attention to the wind direction. When turning on the fan, you should pay attention to the fan blowing in the correct direction.

  • Use some acidic solutions. Acidic or ionic solutions can degrade the enzyme. Here are a few things you can do at home:
    • Apply vinegar to the cutting board. The acids in the vinegar degrade the enzyme.
    • Soak the onions in salt water. This also degenerates the enzyme, but it will change the taste of the onion.
  • Use candles. Light a candle and place it near the board and cut the onion. The onion vapor will be absorbed by the burning candle.
    • However, this is not the most effective way. Some people say candles will only give off fragrance, not really help. But it makes your kitchen aroma anyway!
    • Don't forget to blow out the candles after you've cut the onions.
  • Advice

    • Sweet onions like Vidalias are less likely to sting your eyes. You can try sweet onions instead of regular onions.
    • Cut the onion final when all cooking preparation steps are completed (if possible). You won't need to smell onions for too long in the kitchen.
    • Chew gum while cutting onions. Your mouth will be working continuously and this will keep you from watery eyes.
    • Use chilled onions if possible. This will make the eyes less stinging.
    • Or you can swipe a match (do not use a gas lighter) so that the burned sulfur layer can absorb all the enzymes.


    • You should be careful when cutting onions with a sharp knife to avoid injury.

    What you need

    • Cutting boards
    • Sharp knife
    • Water (most tips are needed)
    • Refrigerator / freezer (optional)
    • Goggles (optional)
    • Candles (optional)
    • Bread or gum (optional)
    • Vinegar or salt water (optional)
    • Lens