Ways to Feel Full of Energy Every Day

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Have More Energy | Sean Hall | TEDxUNSW
Video: How To Have More Energy | Sean Hall | TEDxUNSW


Your quality of life will improve dramatically when you are always energetic. There are many ways you can stay energized each day. Healthy people can feel energized by making important changes in their diet, exercise habits and other lifestyle changes. Also, don't forget to get enough sleep each night to wake up refreshed.


Method 1 of 3: Eat science to feel energized

  1. Avoid processed foods. This is a way to help you maintain a balanced diet and get more energy. Fresh whole foods are always better than processed foods because they are packed with healthy nutrients and vitamins. Processed foods - such as those that just need to be reheated in the microwave, fast foods and prepared foods are high in calories. In addition, this food also contains preservatives, high in sugar, greasy, and coloring products, etc. The body will not get many nutrients from processed foods, so energy sources are also reduced.
    • Whole foods are rich in nutrients and provide more energy to the body. Some typical whole foods are fruits, vegetables, unsalted nuts, lean meats, fresh fish or shellfish, low-fat milk, whole yogurt, and low-fat cheese.

  2. Maintain a balanced diet. Keep in mind the importance of whole foods and try to maintain a balanced diet with a variety of food groups. A well-balanced diet will provide optimal nutrition and help you feel energized every day.
    • Fruits and vegetables should make up half of your diet.
    • Eat cereal intake appropriate for age, gender and activity level. The USDA MyPlate site can help you determine the right amount of grain for your needs, but half of them should be whole grains.
    • Supplement the amount of protein appropriate for age, gender and activity level. The USDA MyPlate site also helps you learn more about protein.
    • Dairy products are also part of a well-balanced diet and the MyPlate site will provide you with more information.

  3. Eat the right amount of food at the right time. Eating too little or too much can affect your energy sources. Skipping meals or cutting calories can also slow down your metabolism as your body tries to conserve energy, and as a result you will feel sluggish. On the other hand, overeating (especially refined carbohydrates and sugary snacks) can cause blood sugar to spike, make you feel energized and then become tired quickly. (and possibly irritable). Try to eat three meals a day or six well-organized meals throughout the day.
    • Avoid binge eating. You may be in good portion control; however, if you suddenly become out of control and “cup” clean large amounts of food at once, it means you are eating bluff. This is not healthy eating habits. If you find yourself eating out of control, don't stock up on foods you would normally sip during these times. When you have the feeling "want to eat the whole world", do it manually, exercise, ... to stop thinking about eating.
    • Don't skip meals. Have healthy snacks on hand in case you're busy and don't have time to eat.
    • Avoid eating according to your mood. If you often eat when you are in a moody mood, or are angry, happy, sad or lonely, you are letting these emotions trigger your appetite. Emotional eating does not help you maintain a balanced diet. Instead of just eating, find other activities to relieve stress.
    • Avoid eating late. Getting more calories after dinner can cause health problems, especially if you often eat foods that are low in nutrients or high in fat. You can get rid of the late-night habit by providing your body with nearly all the calories it needs during the day. Your lunch should have more food than dinner.

  4. Drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration. Staying hydrated by drinking water throughout the day is an important part of keeping you from getting tired and becoming more active. If you do not make a habit of drinking enough water during the day, you can fall into a sluggish state.
    • Adult men are advised to drink about 3 liters of water per day.
    • Adult women are advised to drink more than 2 liters of water a day - 2.2 liters to be exact.
    • When you exercise, you will lose water due to sweating; So, in addition to the recommended daily amount of water, you should stay hydrated.
  5. Avoid improper recharging. A lot of products claim to add extra energy when you use them, but that's not always the case. Even if those products provide you with energy, the efficiency is usually very short. Many products have more negative effects than the energy they provide.
    • Coffee can help you recharge quickly, and research today says coffee is not as harmful as many people think. However, the caffeine in coffee is a mild addictive substance, and the amount of time your body takes to metabolize it can alter your sleep habits and affect your energy sources throughout the day. Coffee with sugar and milk increases the amount of calories and fat you take in, so you should consider this when drinking coffee.
    • Although energy drinks are not worse than coffee because of their high caffeine content, this product can lead to heart problems if consumed in excess. The high sugars in energy drinks are empty calories and can lead to fatigue at the end of the day.
  6. Consider taking herbal teas and supplements. Many types of herbal teas and supplements help users feel more refreshing. However, you should always talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking a new supplement, especially if you are taking other medications.
    • If your diet does not provide enough B vitamins for your body, you should take a supplement. You can energize your body by taking the B vitamin pill along with the multivitamins you take every day. Talk to your doctor to find out if this solution is right for you.
    • Vitamin B-12 pills contribute to improving your energy sources if your body is deficient.
    • Siberian Ginseng helps you increase stamina, fight fatigue and reduce stress. You can buy this herb as a tea and as a supplement.
    • Ginkgo is another herb that supports the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which helps with the glucose metabolism of the brain, giving you a clear and clear mind. Ginkgo biloba tea can be purchased retail at health food stores, but ginkgo biloba is also often combined with other teas and sold as a supplement.
    • Green tea is sold in both extract and tea form. This product contains natural caffeine and has many other health benefits, such as antioxidants, to help you feel healthier and more energized.
    • Peppermint oil is another supplement that contributes to energy improvement. There have been studies on the effect of peppermint oil on mobility, and conclusions indicate that peppermint is very helpful in providing additional energy.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise regularly

  1. Exercise every day to feel full of vitality. Although you may feel too tired to exercise at times, trying to exercise can really help you feel better. When you feel lethargic, even moderate intensity exercise like walking around can make a dramatic change, making you feel more motivated and active.
    • A 10-15 minute walk around a residential area is considered a mod of moderate exercise, helping you feel better than doing high intensity exercise like 45 minutes on the treadmill.
    • Yoga. This form of calming energy exercise helps you work more efficiently than stressful energy that doesn't usually last long but can lead to the depression we often have. Calm energy is confident, energetic, and optimistic energy with a high level of energy and low stress.
    • Practice pilates. Pilates is a form of moderate exercise that helps nourish a calm energy source.
    • Practicing tai chi is also a way to create calm energy.
    • Exercise. Fitness exercises performed in a slow and rhythmic manner also contribute to a calm energy source for the practitioner.
  2. Listening to music while practicing. Music combined with moderate intensity exercise can provide a source of calm energy.
    • According to ongoing studies, music can create a calming energy source, especially when combined with moderate intensity exercise.
    • Listening to music during exercise can create a calming energy source during exercise, helping you feel energized right after and for longer periods of time.
  3. Know your limits. In fact, moderate intensity exercise can drain energy, leaving you in a calm state and becoming tired.
    • At first, high-intensity exercise will make you feel lethargic, but gradually this form of exercise gives you more energy than when you are not active.
    • Note that intense exercise can generate a lot of powerful energy, help you work more efficiently, but can also make you feel more tired.
  4. Eat fruit before exercising. Fruit has many health benefits for the body - including a number of benefits for exercise.
    • Eating fruit helps to break down food so that the body can absorb more nutrients.
    • The process of absorbing nutrients from eating fruit before exercising helps the body to have more active energy and become more active throughout the day.
    • Oranges, bananas, and apples are all good choices.

Method 3 of 3: Maintain a healthy schedule and sleep habits

  1. Get adequate and moderate sleep. Getting enough sleep is your way of energizing you to stay active throughout the day. Make sure to get into the habit of sleeping on time - that way, your body will know to wake up and rest at the right time if you keep the habit of sleeping properly.
    • Get enough sleep each night. Adults should get 7-9 hours of sleep each night and teenagers should get 8-10 hours of sleep.
    • Avoid taking naps if possible. Taking a nap can affect your sleeping habits.
    • Avoid stimulants like caffeine intake after noon.
    • Exercise moderately when it's almost time for bed and do vigorous exercise in the morning or mid-day.
    • Relax before bed. Don't bring stressful things to your bedroom, especially if you're in bed. In addition, don't discuss or debate emotional issues in bed when it's not needed.
    • Make sure your bedroom gets the right amount of natural light. Being able to tell day and night will help you form a healthy sleep routine.
    • Avoid eating or watching TV in bed. Try to only use your bed for sleep, or it may be difficult to sleep.
  2. Seek support when you feel overwhelmed. If you keep up with a healthy sleep routine and still feel tired, seek help. Talk to your doctor about sleep issues.
    • Monitor your sleep habits to watch for unusual changes.
    • When you see your doctor, be sure to mention your regular sleep routine if your monitoring chart shows that.
    • Your doctor will order tests to look for conditions that often make you tired, such as thyroid disease, depression, anemia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
  3. Schedule daily activities. Being organized is an important part of staying energetic. By reducing your stress, you will have time to focus on enjoyable activities.
    • Use a planner or calendar to prioritize your work.
    • Remember to check the plans often and don't miss them.
  4. Avoid overwork. Sometimes we are forced to stop and realize that we don't have time to do everything we want to do. Instead of filling in empty time with work or meetings, give yourself some free time to relax.
    • Besides work, you also need to schedule a dedicated rest. Work and rest planning is equally important.
    • Set rules for rest time. For example, turn off your phone or avoid accessing email and social networks. You can even purchase software to block internet access for a set period of time. These apps are often used at work, but you can also use them at rest.


  • The brain works according to the body. Even if you feel tired, get up and take action. By stimulating your brain, you can continue to be active throughout the day without problems. If not, take a nap when you're done.
  • When you want to get more done, adjust to your daily schedule. When you are tired, you will exercise moderately to increase your heart rate, then relax and wait for your body to form energy for the next job. If you feel more tired with each exercise, find another activity. Avoid pushing yourself too hard, lest you get hurt.
  • Energy cereal cakes are great sources of nutrients between meals.