How to improve circulation in the legs

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 7 Exercises to Increase Blood Flow & Circulation in Legs & Feet
Video: Top 7 Exercises to Increase Blood Flow & Circulation in Legs & Feet


Good circulation in the legs helps the foot tissue to absorb many nutrients and eliminate waste and is essential for long-term healthy legs.Leg circulation can be improved by starting some simple habits, taking herbs and supplements, and changing your diet. Read the article below to learn how to instantly improve leg circulation.


Method 1 of 4: Start healthy feet habits

  1. Don't sit or stand for too long. You need to walk around during the day to allow blood flow in your legs. Sitting or standing for too long will cause the blood to accumulate instead of circulating, thereby gradually damaging your health. If you find you have been in the same place for an hour or more, walk around for a few minutes before going back to where you were.
    • If you work in an office and have to sit down to work, you should get up and take a break every 1 hour and a half. Even going to the bathroom and going back to your desk allows your feet to move and improves circulation.
    • You can also choose a standing desk to stand to work instead of sitting.

  2. Choose the right posture to help increase circulation. Do you tend to sit cross-legged? This is a common position in many people, it can interfere with circulation in the legs and make it difficult for blood to flow to the leg tissue to keep the legs healthy. Make a habit of sitting in a correct posture to help increase blood circulation.
    • Sit with legs spread out slightly and keep your feet on the floor. Be sure to get up often to avoid sitting in this position for too long.
    • You can also slightly raise your legs to increase circulation. Put your feet on the chair, 15-30 cm from the ground.

  3. Start an exercise routine. If you can schedule an exercise time, your circulation will definitely improve. Any leg exercise helps to increase circulation. Try walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, rock climbing, and other exercises that keep your feet moving.
    • Daily exercise is extremely beneficial. Even walking for half an hour improves leg health.
    • If you're looking for a light workout, you can try yoga. Many yoga poses focus on the legs and stimulate the circulatory system.

  4. Wear comfortable shoes. Wearing high heels, pointed toe shoes or tight shoes can interfere with the blood flow from your feet to your heart. When focusing on improving leg circulation, wear comfortable shoes, low heels, and plenty of padding.
    • Wear sneakers or loafers that give your feet plenty of room to breathe.
    • You should wear round or almond-shaped western shoes instead of spikes. Choose shoes with wedge-shaped soles instead of high heels if you want to increase height.
  5. Wear medical socks (socks). Medical socks are similar to tights, designed specifically to stabilize leg tissue and help ease blood circulation. You can buy medical socks at a pharmacy or ask your doctor to help you choose socks that fit your legs and your personal needs.
  6. Stop smoking. Smoking can actually lead to peripheral artery disease - hardening of the arteries in the legs and loss of blood circulation. If your circulation is poor, you should stop smoking and stop using other tobacco products to restore leg health. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Use herbs and supplements

  1. Try birch bark tea. This herb is said to help stimulate the circulatory system. You can take herbs as a supplement, but the tea form is better, especially when brewed with ginger and drink 1 cup per day.
  2. Use ginkgo biloba supplements. Ginkgo has long been used for a variety of medicinal purposes and there is clear evidence that ginkgo can help widen blood vessels, thereby improving circulation.
    • The recommended dosage for ginkgo biloba extract is 120-240 mg per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

  3. Drink cayenne chili tea. This hot pepper is said to help open blood vessels and improve circulation. You can sprinkle chili on foods or stir chili with tea and honey. Taking a little cayenne pepper every day can improve your circulation over time.
  4. Take fish oil supplements. Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for a healthy lipid profile. A high level of "good" cholesterol improves circulation.
    • Fish oil supplements come in gel capsules and are usually made from mackerel, tuna, cod liver, salmon or herring.

Method 3 of 4: Eat healthy

  1. Eat less salt. Salt causes fluid retention and swelling in the body, which in turn puts pressure on the veins and leads to poor circulation. Try reducing your salt intake in half and avoiding adding salt to foods while you prepare them.
    • Cook yourself instead of eating out. It is often difficult to know how much salt is in foods over the counter and the salt content is often more than you think.
    • Avoid salty snacks, fast food, prepackaged meals and snacks (and microwave them).
    • Drink plenty of water to push the salt out of the body. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to stay hydrated.
  2. Maintain a healthy weight. An important part of keeping feet and feet healthy and improving circulation is maintaining a healthy body weight. Being overweight can put pressure on your circulatory system. Eat a balanced diet and talk to your doctor about reaching a healthy weight for your body.
    • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.
    • Make sure to get more fiber in your body through foods like beans, nuts, oatmeal and other high-fiber foods.

Method 4 of 4: Medical treatment

  1. Talk to your doctor about treatments for poor circulation. If lifestyle changes and healthy habits don't seem to be working, you may have a more serious problem - peripheral artery disease. Talk to your doctor to determine if you have a peripheral artery and talk about available treatments.
    • Peripheral artery disease occurs when plaque builds up in arteries and blocks blood flow from the feet and lower legs to the heart. As a result, your legs will hurt and accompanied by other poor circulation symptoms.
    • Peripheral artery disease is often treated with medications to fight leg pain, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.
    • Peripheral artery disease is sometimes also treated with heart surgery.


  • Always consult your doctor for the most professional advice.