How to improve anorexia dog

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Veterinarian Secrets To Get Your Dog to Eat: Part 1 VLOG 68
Video: Veterinarian Secrets To Get Your Dog to Eat: Part 1 VLOG 68


Your dog will sometimes refuse to eat, whether you feed him dry or wet food. A dog's lack of appetite can be caused by stress, anorexia, or lack of exercise. You can stimulate its appetite and encourage it to eat in many ways. However, if the dog continues to fast or appears tired or in pain, contact your veterinarian promptly.


Method 1 of 3: Stimulate appetite

  1. Find cause. There are simple reasons why your dog eats less may go away on its own, though you should still help it get through the problem. If your dog does not fall into any of the following situations, contact your veterinarian or consider any health concerns.
    • Dogs can get motion sickness when traveling. Others will not eat when they move to a new environment.
    • Some dogs do not like to eat in uncomfortable places. You should place the dog food dish in a fixed place at a moderate height, avoiding other pets from competing with him for food.
    • Dogs are anorexic due to the absence or presence of another pet or a member of the family.
    • Smaller causes may be due to a change in the interior of the house or the effect of cleaning.
    • Sometimes dogs do not eat to demand the attention of the owner. If the dog doesn't eat and wants attention, ignore it. When you feed your dog, put the plate down for about 10 minutes, ignore it, and discard any leftovers if it doesn't eat.
    • The dog is a picky eater.

  2. Reduce dog food and human leftovers. Most dogs prefer a steak with mashed potatoes over dog food. It will be very happy if you give the food it likes, but gradually it will become picky eating and just waiting around the table.
    • You need to keep an eye on the children as they are often great for dog treats.

  3. Get your dog to exercise. Regular exercise will help stimulate appetite and encourage your dog to eat more. For the best effect of exercise, take your dog for a walk before every meal. Your dog will quickly form a positive relationship between walking and eating.
    • Some breeds of dogs require more exercise, but generally it's a good idea to get your dog active every day or at least a few times a week.
    • If you are unable to participate in physical activities, there are options to choose from such as taking your dog to a day care center, hiring a dog walker, or taking it to a dog park and leaving it alone. run and jump there.

Method 2 of 3: Change eating habits

  1. Feed your dog at the same time of the day. You should feed your dog twice a day at the same time, or as directed by your veterinarian. Some dogs just like to eat late.
    • If your dog is healthy and active, but is often distracted before eating, leave the tray with the food and go away. After about half an hour, you come back to put the plate away whether it has eaten it or not. The dog will quickly realize that if it does not finish it before doing something else, it will no longer be able to eat again.
  2. Makes the meal fun. You can feed your dog a toy with the food inside, teach him new tricks, and make meals a reward.
  3. Cook better food. To make dog food more palatable, mix in a few tablespoons of canned dog food, or add a little warm water or broth.
    • Or you can use the dog sauces sold at pet stores. Sauce is condensed into small particles, when mixed with dry food and warm water will make dog food much better.
  4. Change the environment for the dog to eat. If your dog still refuses to eat, try some of the following changes. The changes can have long-term benefits, although the dog will need some time to adjust to them:
    • Feed your dog in a location separate from other pets.
    • Change the food bowl, or set the bowl at a more appropriate height.
    • Spill the food on the floor to feed your dog instead of using a food bowl.
    • Some dogs are distracted by other activities and unable to focus on their meals, so try leaving your dog's food and drink tray in a quiet place so he can concentrate on eating.
  5. Change the type of food. You can either feed your dog another brand of food or replace the dry food with wet one. These changes should be done slowly within a week: Mix 1/4 of the new food with 3/4 of the old food your dog eats for a few days, then gradually increasing to half the old food, one Half of the new food over the next few days and continue to make such gradual changes so that the dog's digestive system can adapt more easily to the new food.
    • Suddenly switching to other brand foods can cause your dog to experience bloating and diarrhea.
  6. Protect food. Make sure dog food is fresh and kept in sealed containers to keep moisture and pests away, always check the expiration date when buying food, and check it regularly when storing at home. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Dealing with severe anorexia

  1. See a veterinarian if your dog has an unexplained anorexia. If your dog is eating well and has suddenly stopped eating, take it to the veterinarian quickly to see if it has dental problems, mouth pain or other serious health problems.
    • Your veterinarian can check your dog's weight and give you advice on a healthy weight.
  2. Look for sick dogs. If your dog appears tired, lethargic, drank too much water, exhibits pain, has poor hairiness, has bloated or has a bloated stomach, then you should take it to your vet. Detecting worms in the feces is a clear indication that your dog has a parasitic disease and should be seen by your vet.
  3. Check for signs of stomach torsion. Gastric torsion occurs when a dog's stomach is constricted. This disease is very dangerous and can kill your dog after a few hours. You will need to watch out for some symptoms, such as the dog constantly looking down at his stomach, moaning, walking around and wanting to vomit but not being able to vomit. Any unusual signs of an upset stomach could be a sign of gastric torsion, and it's important to get your dog to the vet immediately.
    • Do not allow your dog to play, play, or exercise vigorously for at least an hour after eating to avoid the risk of a twisted stomach.
  4. Check your dog's teeth. You gently lift your lips to check the dog's teeth, if you notice that the dog has lost its teeth, or has yellow teeth, has a bad smell or has plaque, it may have a toothache so it cannot eat. You need to take it to the vet if you find a loose, chipped or broken tooth.
    • Your veterinarian will show you how to clean your dog's teeth regularly.
  5. Give your dog food prescribed by your doctor. Your veterinarian can formulate a special diet for your dog to address his health problems. Although many dogs do not like this diet, you need encouragement to make sure it eats and absorbs the necessary amount of nutrients.
  6. Talk to your veterinarian if treatment is ineffective. If your dog refuses to eat a particular diet, or deteriorates in health, you should see your vet immediately. Your dog may need to take more medicine or switch to a liquid food diet. advertisement


  • While you should not feed your dog with human scraps, some human foods are perfect for dogs and can be a great reward for them. You can feed your dog rice (white or brown rice), cooked eggs and chicken, peanut butter, and a variety of vegetables such as sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, and pumpkin. Keep in mind, only feed these foods in sufficient amounts to ensure a healthy diet is maintained.
  • If you want your dog to gain weight quickly, you can give it to minced meat. Meatballs are high-fat foods made from meatballs, wheat germ, eggs, cooking oil, and a few other ingredients. There are many recipes for minced meat meatballs out there that you can find and consult.