How to Transform anger with exercise

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Feel-Good Fitness for ANGER: Transform anger to calm | FemFusion Fitness
Video: Feel-Good Fitness for ANGER: Transform anger to calm | FemFusion Fitness


Regardless of whether someone makes you angry, you're angry at yourself, or you've just had a bad day, one of the best methods of healthy transformation of anger energy is exercise. That angry energy can build up inside you and exercise is an effective way to convert anger into action that causes your body to sweat, produces endorphins and helps you feel (and look) better. . If you want to convert your anger with exercise, the good news is that there are plenty of helpful exercises available to help you do this.


Method 1 of 2: Exercise to relieve anger

  1. Do carido or aerobic exercises to get your body to produce endorphins. Cardio exercise increases heart rate and aerobic exercise increases the amount of oxygen in the body. These two factors go hand in hand and, when combined, cause the body to produce endorphins, a substance that reacts with the brain to create a feeling of positivity and reduce the perception of pain. If you're feeling angry, an effective way to convert this energy is to use it to help you complete a challenging carido / aerobic exercise.
    • Always talk to your doctor before doing any exercises that make your heart and lungs work hard.

  2. Track your heart rate during intense exercise. Since when you are angry your heart rate may have increased, when combined with cardio exercise, you need to monitor your safety. Exercise depends on the work of the cardiovascular system. During your break, it's a good idea to check your pulse to make sure your heart rate doesn't exceed its maximum.
    • To determine maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220 from your age.

  3. Avoid weightlifting when you are angry. In the moment of extreme anger, you might think that lifting heavy weights up and down a few times can relieve your anger. However, it can be dangerous to lift weights while you are angry and thinking poorly. Anger distracts you from what you are doing and can lead to serious injury.
    • If you go to the gym with anger, even a small amount of frustration can ignite your anger.
    • If you get injured, you'll get even more angry!

  4. Try new exercises to transform anger. If you want to “cool off” with exercise, this is a great opportunity to try an exercise or join a class that you've always wanted to try but haven't done yet. Let your anger make you try something new. That way, you will have a great campaign and maybe you will find a new passion.
    • Turn anger into a motivation to cope with your practice, not the people in the classroom or the gym.
  5. Listen to your favorite music to relieve your anger. Music improves concentration and reduces feelings of fatigue, making it feel like training is easier and more enjoyable. The distraction of thoughts that music produces and the amount of energy you spend with longer exercise will help relieve anger. You can listen to soothing music if it helps to dispel the anger, or choose rock or rock music to release your anger.

    Warning: When exercising outdoors, or in an area prone to obstacles or hazards, do not listen to music at volume too loud to prevent you from hearing warnings or alarms to avoid danger. This is an extremely important note when you are jogging on the street or railroad tracks!

  6. Stretch your muscles before exercising, especially if you are angry. You'll want to jump into the workout right away and skip the warm-ups and stretches. Anger can make you impatient and dissatisfied with taking the time to warm up your muscles and prepare yourself for the difficult exercise. However, if you exercise without stretching and warm-up, you could experience injury, meaning you won't be able to practice for a while while waiting for the injury to heal and you'll get even more angry!
    • Use warm-ups and stretches to focus and convert anger into energy to help you complete the exercise you are about to do.

Method 2 of 2: Try other exercises

  1. Try controlling your anger by running. Jogging is an effective technique you can use to transform anger and dissatisfaction. The focus you need to run and the endorphins your body produces from the exercise will help you stop thinking about what makes you feel more upset and comfortable. Remember to properly warm up and stretch before running!
    • Running on the road with beautiful scenery. You can increase the benefits of running by running in a quiet area without a lot of distractions like running around a lake shore or a quiet area in the city.
    • Use a treadmill to release your anger. The treadmill allows you to run without going outdoors and can exercise regardless of weather conditions.
    • Watch for traffic or road hazards. Always watch to avoid moving people or vehicles while driving.

    Advice: Get a good pair of running shoes. Since you are angry, what you need right now is comfort. A good running shoe will feel comfortable in your feet, and help you focus on breathing and movement.

  2. Try doing interval exercises to focus on releasing anger in a healthy way. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is great for converting anger because you have to do it as much as possible in short bursts. You will use up 100% of your strength during the practice, then rest for a few seconds. This way, you will use angry energy to convert it into strength for practice.
    • Try tabata exercises to manage your anger. Tabata workouts include short bursts that require intense concentration, followed by a short break before continuing.
  3. Practice yoga to calm your anger. Practicing a challenging yoga exercise is a way to harness the energy of your anger to overcome difficulties. You may be so angry and dissatisfied that you feel that practicing yoga is impossible. Taking a yoga class will help you dispel these thoughts to focus on transforming the angry energy into each movement. Also, it's easier to transform angry energies when you have a support group.
    • Try taking deep breaths to dispel the anger. Deep breathing is an important part of yoga practice and can help you transform anger.
    • Perform a series of warrior moves to challenge anger. The warrior moves will challenge the physical side of your body and give you a great goal to transform anger.
    • Join a hot yoga class to relieve your anger.
    • If you don't want to join a group, you can rent a private gym at the yoga studios when they don't have classes.
  4. Join the boxing boxing class. Boxing and kickboxing are both forms of exercise that help you transform your anger, and combination classes give you the opportunity to focus your angry energy on punching sandbags in addition to burning calories. These classes are often very challenging, so you can use your anger to overcome the challenges in practice. Focus on your breath, technique, and use the angry energies to perform powerful punches.
    • Look for gyms near your home that have beginner classes if you are new to boxing.
    • Choose the right boxing glove through the size chart based on your weight and the circle of your dominant hand.
    • Use anger to increase your power and strength in each punch by visualizing the sandbag as the cause of your anger.
    • If you don't want to practice with a group, boxing studios also have their own training class.
  5. Ride a bike to alleviate frustration. Cycling is also a form of cardio and you can use anger to overcome the feeling of fatigue. You can go for a bike ride outdoors or take an indoor cycling class. If you choose to go outside, the concentration needed to ride safely will help you forget your anger. The advantage of an indoor cycling class is that it is led by a coach to help you focus on overcoming challenges.
    • If you choose to ride outdoors, be sure to obey the rules and wear a helmet.


  • Always talk to your doctor before trying different types of vigorous exercise.