How to Prepare Horse Snacks

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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Occasionally horses love to be given a snack or a special treat. There are a variety of snacks that are extremely easy to make and delight horses. Oatmeal biscuits, crackers, grass mixes and fruit treats are good choices. Avoid overeating, and instead give your horse the healthiest diet.


Method 1 of 2: Bake horse treats

  1. Cook cake from carrots and apples. You can bake some simple horse fruit cakes at home. Horses often like apples and carrots so making cakes from these 2 ingredients is extremely ideal. The ingredients to be prepared for the cake are 1 carrot, 1 apple, 1 cup molasses, 2.5 cups of oats and a little vegetable oil. Grate the carrots and apples, then mix well with the rest of the ingredients.
    • Put the mixture in a shallow baking tray and bake at about 150 degrees Celsius.
    • Bake for 40 minutes or until cake is golden brown.
    • Remove the tray from the oven and let it cool for 4 hours in the refrigerator before chopping it up.

  2. Make crispy oatmeal crackers. To make this snack, you need 1 cup of dried oatmeal, 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of chopped carrot. Also, prepare some sugar, salt, vegetable oil and molasses. You should chopped carrots first, then mix with flour and oatmeal. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar to the mixture and mix well. Next, add 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and ¼ cup molasses in turn and continue to mix.
    • Mix until smooth and stick together.
    • Squeeze the mixture into small cubes by hand and place it in a baking dish spread with oil (or fat).
    • Place the baking tray in the oven and bake at 175 degrees C for about 15 minutes or until the cake is golden brown.
    • Should let the cake cool before feeding the horse.

  3. Prepare the oatcake bar. The oat bar is another baked oat cake that you can prepare for your horse. Prepare 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup animal sweets, 1/3 cup molasses, and 1/3 cup flour. First, put the oatmeal in a large bowl, then pour all the rest of the ingredients and mix well. When the mixture is thick and smooth, you can squeeze it into bars. You can use foil to wrap each cake bar or use a mold or a cookie cutter if available.
    • Place each cake bar on a baking tray spread with oil, then bake at 175oC.
    • Bake for 22 minutes, remove the cake tray, and let cool in the refrigerator or freezer.

  4. Try making corn biscuits. You can make vermicelli a super easy baked biscuit made from corn-based cattle food (a mix of oats, corn and barley). Prepare 8 cups of dry corn, 3 cups of ground carrots, ½ cup corn oil, 2 cups flour, and 2 cups molasses. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Leave the mixture for 1 hour to allow the cereal mix to absorb water, then continue mixing.
    • You can use a teaspoon to scoop out the dough into small portions, then place in a baking tray with oil (or grease).
    • Bake at 175 degrees C for 12-18 minutes.
    • Place the cookies on a tray, allow them to cool, and store in a sealed container.

Method 2 of 2: Cook snacks without an oven

  1. Try making "no bake" cookies. You can make horse crackers or crackers without the need for an oven. Mint biscuits are one of those snacks that don't need an oven. To make 5 mint biscuits, you need 1 cup of chopped oats, ¼ cup of water, ½ teaspoon of molasses, and 5 mint leaves. First, stir the oats well with water.
    • Next, slowly add molasses to the mixture, continuing to stir until smooth and smooth.
    • Squeeze the mixture into balls, then press each mint leaf on top of each cake.
    • Freeze the cake in the refrigerator before feeding the horse.
  2. Prepare an apple dish in a banana sauce. To make this dish, you only need 1 apple, 1 banana and some ice cubes. First, peel and slice the banana. Put the sliced ​​banana and ice cubes in a blender and puree it into a creamy consistency. Next, cut off the top of the apple and carefully scrap the inside of the apple.
    • Add the banana sauce to the empty apple.
    • Pour the rest of the banana sauce around the apple.
  3. Try making grape popsicles. This fruit dish only needs a few carrots and 1 bunch of grapes. First, cut the carrots into thin sticks. Next, stick each carrot stick to each grape and push the grapes to the end of the carrot stick to form a popsicle. Put the grapes in an ice cube tray so that the grapes are attached to the carrot sticks. Finally, freeze the grape ice cream.
    • Leave the grape ice cream in the freezer for a few hours. Avoid freezing ice cream.
    • This is an ideal fruit snack for horses on hot days.
    • Use seedless grapes or remove the seeds before making.
  4. Try a healthy blend of grass. You can prepare delicious and healthy snacks for your horse from mixed grass. To prepare your mixed grass, you need to prepare the top 5 chopped grasses (some with both flowers and roots). Can combine grass dish mixed with 2 handfuls of chopped young grass or grass and 2 handfuls of young wheat leaves.
    • Prepare 4 cups of young (blooming) clover with a little chopped parsley.
    • The final ingredient is 2 washed and chopped spinach leaves.
    • Mix all the ingredients together and you will have a delicious and nutritious grass blend.
  5. Prepare a mixed fruit dish. To make a slightly sweet horse snack, you can mix in the most delicious fruits. Prepare 2 pears, 1 apple, 4 carrots, 1/4 watermelon and 1 plum. Cut the fruit into pieces and mix well. Add 1 teaspoon cod liver oil and mix well.
    • This fruit mix is ​​a lot, so you can divide it evenly among horses.
    • Vitamins and minerals can be added to a mixed fruit dish if necessary.


  • If you cannot store in the freezer, you should only make enough snacks for 1 week because overdoing it, food can spoil and mold.
  • Should not snack too much because the horse will get used to and demand constant food.
  • You can make horse treats to sell or give to others.
  • If you have a friend who keeps a horse, you can prepare some snacks to give you for special occasions like Christmas or birthday.


  • Don't add too much sugar or sweet food to horse treats.
  • Only feed the horses what the owner (of a horse training camp) asks for.