Ways to Touch a Girl

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to Touch a Woman without CREEPING her out!
Video: 10 Ways to Touch a Woman without CREEPING her out!


How would you break the barrier of a collision with the girl you love? It's hard to know when you should express your feelings and when you should go further.If you've found a girl you love and you both seem to have attracted to each other, you have to start by breaking the barrier of a collision, and then you can come up with a subtle way of getting involved. body contact more often. So, how would you touch the girl so as not to mislead her about you? Read the article to know that.


Part 1 of 5: Breaking Touch Barriers

  1. Make sure the girl you love will get the touch from you. Before you start making plans to touch her, make sure your flirting is well received. If she likes you, she will stand closer to you, and in general she will be more likely to be close to you. Is she talking with you with affectionate eyes? Is she smiling at you and enjoying a happy moment with you? If so, you are on the right track. Here are a few ways to know if she wants you to touch:
    • If she likes you, she will look at you for a long time or look away immediately. Both of these signs mean that she likes you. If you accidentally glance over and catch her glued to you, this means that she has a crush on you, although she may quickly turn her head away. If she looks away in a hurry, she may be shy but already like you.
    • Evaluate her personality. If she is comfortable and friendly, she is less likely to be upset and frightened when you touch her. If she is shy or shy, you have to do something to be more sure of her feelings before there is any contact.

  2. Touch gently as if it were fleeting. Gently touch her arm with your arm, place your hand on her waist, or pass her a pen or notebook and let your hand linger near hers. Is she startled back as if she had just placed her hand on a hot lamp, or does she let your body linger for a few seconds and smile at you? If she responds to your feelings, then she is accepting your plan of breaking the barrier of collision.
    • Keep the first impact natural and friendly to see how she reacts. Surely you do not need a romantic gesture at this time.

  3. Linger longer. If the random bump really works, then try to touch her longer next time. Put your hand on her waist for a few seconds, not just to lead her through the door. Place your hand on hers for an extra second or two when you hand her the gum. If your legs and knees accidentally touch under the table, linger for a while before taking them off.
    • This will make the girl feel more welcoming to you and will make the impact last longer. This way, you also get a more accurate sense of whether or not she likes the touch.

Part 2 of 5: Be a Gentleman

  1. Look for the opportunity to break the collision barrier in the most elegant way while you are together. This will give you the reason to touch her through the gesture of a gentleman who is always attentive to her. But make sure she is a girl who is always content with a polite gesture and won't feel old-fashioned. Become her hero in dazzling armor. Once you have a date or go to a place where just the two of you have a crush, you should look for a chance to be a real gentleman who can touch her.
  2. Give her a coat. If the two of you are going back and she needs to put on a coat, give her the shirt like a gentleman so she can easily slip her arm into her sleeve. Your knuckles can "gently" touch her. If she reacts positively and you notice her hair is sandwiched between her jacket and back then carefully pull her hair out.
    • You can also help her take off her coat at the beginning of a date whenever you invite her home or at a restaurant.
  3. Please help her. This is extremely useful when she needs to stand up when she gets in or out of a car, or when she has to step through puddles and cross an uneven surface. Many girls like that gesture from a man because it shows that you are thinking of her, not yourself. This act of help is more effective when she's wearing a nice dress or high heels.
    • Again, make sure she's not the type to think that you will lose your face by offering to hold your hand to do these things.
  4. Put your hands behind you. This can be seen as an invitation to her to put it in your arms, especially if you are walking together. This can be seen as a romantic way for the two of you to walk like a couple without being too sensitive. You should do this after You two had a sweet date and had a great time together. After dinner, watching your movie, or after anything you've done on a date, going out for a walk will be a good way for you to show your feelings for each other.
    • If this is the first time you practice this or show physical contact with a girl then you should not walk on a crowded street as you may both come across acquaintances here. Find a more private place.
  5. Implement the "women first" tactic. Open her door and let her through the front door, hallway, or crowd. A nice and steady gesture is when you just put your hand above her waist (you can place your hand anywhere on her back to lead her through the door, if you're really comfortable together then you you can put your hand lower than her hip). Walk towards the door (or hallway), while saying "behind me". Other positions can be placed on the back of her arms, on her elbows (especially if she's wearing a short sleeve), or gently and carefully resting her hands on her shoulders.
    • Although letting the girl go ahead is a good gesture, don't touch her too much when the opportunity arises, otherwise she will think you're just trying to be a gentleman to be able to touch her. , and that's not the case you want.
  6. Guide. If you have to walk through the crowd, hold her hand so you can walk through without losing her. It also proves that you are always first. Once you get past the crowd, you can keep holding her hand if she seems to like it.
    • Holding hands is a big progress for many girls. If she doesn't respond, don't get too discouraged. She may be waiting to be your girlfriend before you hold your hand, especially in public.

Part 3 of 5: Finding a Reason to Touch Her

  1. Wipe something out of her face or hair. We often see the eyelashes fall on someone's face, especially the cheek. If you see this, tell her “Stand still! Plus the eyelashes fall on my cheeks. Let me help you get it out ”. Then gently take the lashes away. Don't press too hard on her face, especially if she's wearing makeup. Do the same thing if you see something in her hair like lint or dust.
    • Of course, don't stare at her face all day to find the lashes that fall there. But if you see this then great!
    • You can also lie. Let's say there's something in her hair, there's really nothing in it, and break the collision barrier this way.
    • Don't brush the food off her face. It doesn't feel good when you say, "Wait, there's a little bacon on my chin."
  2. Compliment her jewelery or nail polish. Does she have a strange ring, a new hairstyle, or a special nail polish color? Admit it ("The ring is beautiful" or "Did you use a new nail polish color?"). Reach out, raise your palms, and ask her if you can take a closer look. Check for anything special, and ask her a question or give her a compliment. If she is wearing earrings, use your hand to support this jewelry and say they are beautiful. But try this tactic only if you have touched her before - as getting closer to your face is a pretty intimate move.
    • While you are doing all of this, get a feel for how she responds to be able to hold her hand. After she has answered your question or compliment, gently rub her hand with your thumb, and quickly release. Smile and continue the date, but be careful not to appear scared.
  3. Keep her warm. If the weather is very cold outside and you find her shaking from the cold, give her your jacket. Then put her clothes on. You can stretch your arms around her arms to create warmth in case she feels comfortable around you. If you find her hand is numb, ask her to reach you and help her warm your hand (hand in hand). Place your hand on top of hers, gently and quickly rubbing together to warm her hands.
    • If you are brave, raise her hand and blow warmth at them. However, make sure your breath does not smell bad.
  4. Joking. If you are teasing each other, it's great to gently push each other, pat each other's arm, or touch the opponent's shoulder. If you two pretend to flirt, it's easy to touch the other person, as long as you both do this. You may even eventually realize that she touches you more than you touch her. If you are both in a fondness and flirting mood then this is a good way to touch her.
    • A joke is perfect if you both do it. But if you feel that you are only touching her and she is not responding, stop.
  5. Take the breakthrough. If she responds positively to all of this, then you should take the next step (otherwise you will forever be stuck in a “friend” relationship). You can place your hand on her shoulder, waist, or hold her hand. Behind her neck and behind her waist are also two sensitive areas on her body.
  6. Know when she doesn't like it. If she doesn't respond positively to your actions, just let go. This doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't care. She is just in no mood or feeling tired. However, if you try more than once and still get the same attitude, she may not like you to touch.

Part 4 of 5: Touching Her during Physical Activity

  1. Dance. Any dance that requires you to dance like salsa, tango, or swing will be a good way to break the collision barrier. However, remember, if she seems to be happy dancing with you, it's not certain that she likes you off the dance floor. Even so, this is also a good start.
  2. Skating. Ice skating is great for accidental physical contact. You can hold hands to keep her from falling if she doesn't know how to play the sport, or help each other slip backwards. In such a cold environment, you also get the chance to help her stay warm by hugging or dressing her in your coat.
  3. Play tennis. See her as a rival in a duel. There will be many opportunities for the two of you to hit and touch each other after every nice hit. Finally, you can also touch her back, shoulders, and say the game is great. Remember that she may find she is sweaty and does not want to be touched during or after the game.
  4. Try any activity where there are facilities that allow you to hug her from behind. For example, riding a motorcycle in front of the back, sitting on a slide to slide down a snowy hill, or trying skydiving in front of the back, ... can play golf together if you know how to hold the club golf. Playing sports gives you two more opportunities to be together!

Part 5 of 5: Know What to Do

  1. Do not massage arbitrarily. Don't approach the girl and give her shoulder massage for no reason. If she says she feels achy, ask you to gently massage her shoulder, or suggest you give her a massage, do it. But if in the middle of the day you walk towards her and try to massage her with you alone, this will quickly mislead her about you.
    • If she is tense instead of relaxing when you massaged her, you may have gone too far.
  2. Don't pull her. Avoid jerking her arm and pulling her away with you. If you are lucky, this will be interpreted as a nuisance. Worse, you are supposed to be rude to drag her around. And usually, any act of manipulation and tugging is attributed to immature and boastful.
    • There is a difference between jokingly pulling an opponent towards you and acting violently and inappropriately tugging the other person.


  • Be courageous. More confidence means better action.
  • Be gentle and considerate whenever you touch her. The smartest trick is to ask for a goodbye hug and a light touch on her arm. This way you will know if she likes it or not.
  • Some people don't like to be touched, especially when you're on your first date. Take it easy, or your relationship may end before it begins.
  • Even the most skilful of touch gestures won't work if she's bored and dislike. Keep your conversation alive, and make sure you're happy.
  • Tickling her on her hips lightly will be a pure act. But this should best apply to the girl who is already your friend, not someone you don't already know.
  • If the two of you are in a relationship, and find her wearing high heels, put your arm on her.
  • When you meet a girl for the first time, try shaking her hand. This will let you both come into contact.
  • If she gives you all kinds of crash signals, give it a try.
  • Be confident. The girl won't tell you if she wants to be touched by you. So it might be a bit risky. If she says you stop, or she seems upset, stop.
  • If you are her best friend, go with her to bring her study materials to the school locker.


  • Notice that some people show affection to their friends very easily. A girl might give you a hug and think she's just being friendly, while you feel you're receiving all kinds of signals.
  • Different cultures will have different levels of receptivity and physical contact. In Korea, holding hands / hugging is common in a lover, and kissing her in public can be uncomfortable for her as well as for others. However, this is well received in Latin America. In Bulgaria, holding a girl goodbye is as common as shaking hands elsewhere. Therefore, learn about cultural contexts to behave appropriately.
  • Don't touch her "private area", as this will scare her off.
  • If she “brushed” the area you just touched, this is a sign that she thinks you are dirty and rude. For example, if you playfully touch her arm, and then she scratches, rubs, or wipes the area, be careful. She may think you are dirty or she doesn't like it. You can try again later if you think this is just a coincidence, but if she continues to behave like that, stop for a moment.
  • As soon as she starts some kind of physical contact, if she says goodbye to you early or needs to go to the bathroom, she may not be accepting the gesture or feel uncomfortable. In some cases, she may be embarrassed after physical contact with you, so be sure to do so before continuing the daring touch.
  • Don't overdo it! Some girls will find overly polite manners like annoyance and possibly even rude!
  • Try not to be too bold or nagging if she gives you a feeling of being tepid.
  • While you think you're doing the right thing and respect your partner by not touching her unless she touches you first, you end up in a friendship with her. For many people, the big difference between "friendship" and "love" is shown in the way they touch each other. There are theoretical ways to touch someone.Learn to read her body language and if you see a signal or expression on her body that says you should stop, respect her boundaries and emotions by refraining from impact. touch further.
  • Don't touch her affectionately if you are just her friends. She will feel very uncomfortable. And it won't be likely that she likes you back, so it's better to just hold her hand.
  • Some women feel uncomfortable with touch until you are truly in a loving relationship with them. If you want to see her again, don't be impatient and take it easy, otherwise you will scare her.