How to take care of dry, hard feet

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024


Dry, hard skin on the feet is not just a cosmetic issue. The feet are the complex musculoskeletal system that helps the body move. Taking care of your feet can help relieve knee, hip and back pain as well as make your feet look better in sandals. There are many different treatments you can use to make your feet less dry. If you are unsuccessful after a few weeks, you may need to see a doctor to check the condition of your legs. In general, however, if dry and hard skin is not the result of another disease, it can always be successfully treated at home.


Method 1 of 3: Pedicure

  1. Declaim food. While spending time in a chlorinated pool or hot tub is not good for your skin, a foot bath for 15 minutes before moisturizing or exfoliating does help. Once your feet have healed and are no longer stiff, you do not need to continue soaking them for the treatment.
    • However, a long foot bath in hot water dissolves the natural oils on the skin and the heat reduces the moisture of the outer skin layer, which is the cause of dry skin, so limit the time to soak your feet.
    • Don't soak your feet more than 3 times per week or else your skin will dry out more rather than heal it.
    • You can mix different types of soaking water, including:
      • Mix baking soda and a little vinegar in a basin of warm water.
      • Mix a mild detergent (use scented type if you want) in a tub of warm water.
      • Mix Epsom salts in a tub of warm water.
      • Mix 1/4 cup white vinegar in a basin of warm water.
      • Use 1/4 cup of lemon juice to exfoliate dry skin and dead skin cells.

  2. Kill death celk. Mechanical exfoliation means cleaning the top layer of dead skin to nourish the skin underneath. You can use a pumice stone, a stiff brush or a loofah to remove after the top layer of skin is soaked softly.
    • Pumice stone can be found in a store or supermarket.
    • You don't have to choose a particular brush to buy. Even regular household brushes can be used as long as you don't use them with other cleaning products.
    • It is best to soak your feet in warm water or take a warm bath for 10-15 minutes before exfoliating.

  3. Moisturizing. Once you're done exfoliating, it's time to moisturize your skin. Moisturize immediately after bathing or soaking your feet with an alcohol-free product to keep moisture on your skin, preventing it from drying out. Some moisturizers hold moisture in the skin while others penetrate the skin.
    • Moisturizing creams like Eucerin and Cetaphil work by keeping the skin moist. Other products with lanolin work similarly. Olive oil is just as effective on the skin and is easy to find. Take some olive oil, apply to skin and massage.
    • Other moisturizers penetrate the skin and work within the skin. Coconut oil has many effects, including natural antibacterial and antifungal. It moisturizes the skin of the feet, helps cracks heal and prevents inflammation.
    • Alcohol-based products are less “sticky”, but alcohol will make skin dry faster.
    • After moisturizing your feet, wear cotton socks to reduce the risk of slipping away and not wash off the moisturizer.

  4. See a doctor. If these treatments have not been successful after repeated attempts, you will need to see your doctor. Ask for hypothyroidism if dry skin develops in the arms and legs.
    • If dry skin doesn't improve after taking home remedies, your doctor will prescribe medications that contain lactic acid or lactic acid and urea. These ingredients will help keep skin moisturized.
    • More serious conditions will require ointments or creams to reduce the risk of cracking the skin of your feet to dry out.

Method 2 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Drink a lot of water. The moisture in the body is used to hydrate and nourish the skin. When you become dehydrated, water is used for the most important functions, such as blood circulation, before use by the skin. By drinking 8 glasses of water a day, the skin all over the body will stay hydrated and not dry out quickly.
    • Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages as these will increase the itchy sensation of dry feet.
  2. Watch for side effects of any medications you are taking. Diuretics used to increase the amount of water in the body, or topical or oral retinoids used to treat acne can also temporarily dry the skin.
    • If the side effects that cause dry skin persist for more than 2 weeks, talk to your doctor to change the medication.
  3. Wear cotton socks. Cotton socks help keep feet cool and absorb sweat. When sweat builds up on the skin, it loses moisture and causes dry feet.
    • Change socks daily or after sweating (such as after exercising or hiking). Wash socks after each use.
    • Put your socks to bed every night after moisturizing your feet.
  4. Wear cool shoes for your feet. Avoid wearing the same shoes throughout the day. Your feet need breathing to keep moisture, so wear sandals or shoes with air holes in the hot weather. When it is cold, avoid wearing warm shoes even at the office or school, instead wear a pair of thin, cool shoes to change when not outdoors.
  5. Avoid harsh detergents, which can dry out your skin. Strong detergents do not make skin any cleaner than mild detergents. However, they are do loss of skin moisture and leading to dry skin. This soap dissolves fat in the skin, leaving you feeling dry and tight.
    • Dermatologists often recommend soaps that contain a lot of glycerin such as glycerin soaps and natural soaps. You can find these in most supermarkets and stores.
  6. Use warm water when bathing. Instead of using hot water in the shower, use warm water and limit the bath time to less than 10 minutes. Hot water and air with low humidity reduce water in the outer skin, leaving skin feeling dry.
    • As a general rule, you should adjust the water temperature so that you are comfortable without causing your skin to redd.

Method 3 of 3: Understand the importance of taking care of your feet

  1. Understand the function of the skin. The skin is the largest part of the body, chewy and elastic. The skin protects the body from bacteria, viruses and fungi. When the skin is cracked, there is an opportunity for bacteria to enter the bloodstream. In addition, the skin has the function of regulating or keeping the body temperature at the best level to help the functions of the body work.
    • Skin sensitivity helps you to feel the different sensations due to the regulation of the brain. No area of ​​the body is numb or loses sensation, not even the foot.
    • Skin cells are produced every day. The body produces about 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells per minute per day. Dead cells are located on the 18th to 23rd floors of the skin.
    • The outer layer of the skin contains dead cells called the epidermis. This skin is very thin in some areas of the body like the eyelids and thick in others like the soles of the feet. When the dead cells in the epidermis are removed, new cells are produced underneath.
  2. Diagnose dry, hard feet. This dry skin condition is scientifically known as xerosis. The skin will be lighter in color compared to other areas of the leg and often hard to the touch. You will feel:
    • Itching
    • Chapped skin
    • Redness
    • Deep fissure in the heel
    • Skin
    • Heel and soles, where more contact with the ground, are more likely to dry out. This increases the risk of cracking and peeling the skin.
  3. Find out what causes dry feet. Foot skin can become dry and hard for a variety of reasons:
    • Age: Age and the hormonal imbalance caused by age (due to menopause) cause skin loss of elasticity and lipids, increasing the risk of dry skin.
    • Climate: Living in a dry climate can reduce skin moisture and lead to dry skin. In addition, the air conditioner loses moisture in the air, reducing the skin's natural moisture. Cold weather is also damaging to the skin.
    • Skin conditions: Atopic dermatitis and psoriasis are two diseases that cause dry and hard skin in the affected area.
    • Chlorine: Swimming or soaking in chlorinated pools removes natural moisture from the skin.
    • Effects of other diseases: People with diabetes often have dry skin on their feet, increasing the risk of infection. Anemia also leads to a loss of moisture in the skin and increases the risk of complications. If you have diabetes and dry skin on your feet, see a doctor or a podiatrist for the right treatment.
  4. Prevent dry and hard feet. Prevention is better than cure. Foot skin care is still easier with treatment to cure dryness. Here are some tips for maintaining healthy, soft feet:
    • The older you get, the more you will need to take care of your feet, use the methods mentioned above.
    • If you regularly swim in chlorinated pools, take special care of your feet. Chlorine will lose moisture in the skin and lead to dry skin.
    • Don't take too long, just enough to clean your body. Choose a shower over a bath to reduce the risk of losing skin moisture. Always retain moisture (with an alcohol-free moisturizer) after bathing.
    • If you have atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, take special care of the skin on your feet to reduce the risk of cracking and peeling.
    • If you have diabetes, check your feet every night to avoid chapped skin. You can reduce your risk of complications related to diabetes by avoiding and taking care of your feet.


  • If you use coconut oil, you will need to moisturize 2 to 3 times per week to maintain soft skin on the soles of your feet and heels.
  • Once your feet have healed, continue to moisturize after bathing to avoid the dryness of the skin from re-emerging.
  • Note that leg health is related to overall health. Feet indicate your health status.


  • If you have diabetes, then taking care of your feet is very important. Diabetes reduces blood circulation in the legs. This means that a single crack or cut in the skin can lead to inflammation and make it difficult to heal.