How to Split a Couple

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To ⁂ Break Up ⁂ A Couple
Video: How To ⁂ Break Up ⁂ A Couple


Although splitting a couple is dangerous, if you think that you really belong to someone who is in a relationship with another person, it is well worth the effort. To be successful in this, you must proceed with caution. First sow the seeds of doubt and then make the breakup inevitable. If you want to know how to get there, just follow these steps.


Part 1 of 3: Sowing the seeds of skepticism

  1. While you might think there is nothing wrong with breaking the relationship of someone you like to make you and that person happier, people may not think so. Plus, mature and intelligent lovers can easily discern your motives, especially when you expose any signs of jealousy towards one of you, claiming to be a female friend. close, or the person's ex-girlfriend.
    • If this is your goal, you must be sure it is the right thing to do. This is a matter of morality and it violates the Ninth Commandment. Are you willing to sacrifice your dignity? If the relationship breaks down because of external factors (which are you), not because of the nature of the relationship, the couple may still be able to cherish each other and their love will become. stronger over time.

  2. Become the confidant of the person you like. If you're going to separate the guy or girl of your dreams from each other, then, just like the name Iago in Othello (but much less cunning), you have to step in between the two slowly, but sure. To do that, you have to win the trust of the person you like and get him (or her) open to you. Understand, agree, understand, show your ex that you are a good listener. At first he may not confess to you about his relationship, but it will come.
    • One warning to you: Being your favorite person isn't falling in friendship with that person. Remember not to act intimate like a friend, otherwise he will never be able to treat you as a lover. If one of them finds out, you will surely fail. Ninety-nine percent are unsuccessful.

  3. Let him talk about the ripples in her relationship. Every relationship has its ripples, and the chances of a couple going through their honeymoon and dating for a few years are quite low. The worst part is that you openly criticize the other person's relationship, or in general you make your guy feel like he has a bad relationship. This will make people angry, defensive, and even more determined to heal. Nobody wants to admit failure, especially in a relationship, so you have to wait for the person to naturally admit that their relationship has a problem.
    • You can start by letting the person talk about their relationship. Ask seemingly ... naive questions. For example, if you know that her band was playing at a local location last night and her boyfriend didn't show up, just naively ask her if she likes the show.
    • Or just ask what her evening was like. If she seems upset, just say, "How was your weekend?" and wait for her to reveal the rest.
    • Ask, "How did that make you feel?" Leave a conversation open with general questions that encourage the person to keep talking - and you begin to see cracks in their relationship.
    • If you are trying to split a close couple, unfortunately, it can be difficult for the person to reveal anything unhappy in the relationship. But once you become your crush's confidant, you may find that their relationship is not very good either.

  4. Play the game of "stabbing the rice paddy". Once he (she) has started to talk about the cracks in relationships and all matters about their partner, the worst way is to completely agree or say, “You deserve to be behave much better ”. This will make the person suspect that you have a shady motive. Instead, be reserved and uninformed, forcing the person to talk more and explain why he (she) is really unhappy - and how flawed their partner is.
    • If the person has to talk more about his or her frustration and you can get him or her to keep talking, they will be more attentive to them.
    • Make sure that every time something goes wrong, that person will tell you. Asking about his (her) feelings will make him more brooding about those contradictions.
    • In this situation, not criticizing her relationship would be better for your plan. If you really do pair up with her, no one will ever say that you ruined her previous relationship. If you openly criticize either person, especially when the plan fails, it shows that you deliberately split between the two of them.

Part 2 of 3: Bringing them to the inevitable breakup

  1. Be who he (she) is looking for. Without completely changing your personality, you can still try to be the person that person is looking for. If she complains that her boyfriend never asks her how she feels, be sure to do it. If she wants her boyfriend to share more about her favorite things, go on a picnic with her or learn about the vegetarian restaurants that she loves.
    • This is not as deceptive as people think. If you have a good reason to be with the person you love, then you should definitely be a good boyfriend, right?
    • Don't take it too seriously. If she complains that her boyfriend never did anything to make her happy, take her out to lunch or coffee when she's busy. This can also have the opposite effect because she may only use you to vent her feelings.
    • Do not exceed the limit. Pampering and being a good person in the eyes of someone you like will help you naturally fall into the role of a boyfriend or girlfriend, but don't do anything outrageous, like giving flowers or complimenting her on being beautiful. It's too obvious if you do something romantic like buying luxuries for your crush, so be careful. If you are a girl trying to separate the couple, you will be pushed away if you buy him a gift because it makes it too clear that you like him, unless he is the benefit use.
  2. Please appear more. This does not mean that you have to be ready to be around or follow. It just means that you should slowly meet a little more… and then more. Offer to drive her to class, snack and play carefree games like tennis until you become a part of her routine. Make sure you're not obsessing, and that your crush takes the lead from time to time.
    • Not too dependent. Show your ex that you also have your own life apart from trying to divide your feelings.
    • Showing up more often can help your ex feel like she's in a relationship with you. This gives her a good feeling and reassures you.
  3. Exploit the couple's weaknesses. Every couple has weaknesses. For example, they often get into fights when they go out with friends on drunk party occasions. Great - invite them to your upcoming party. If your beloved man's woman spends too much on alcohol, tell him about a personal device he can't live without. Or if you like a guy whose girlfriend is obsessive about his looks, ask her to go shopping.
    • Once you have a grasp of any of the couple's disagreements - and there are tons of them - you can make it worse. Turn small cracks into large openings until they can't help but fall into it.
    • If one of them wants to get married and the other is hesitant, find ways to bring up the topic of marriage. Talk about your parents' wedding anniversary, invite them to an engagement party, even send them a diamond ring catalog in their mailbox.

  4. Try to separate the two. Nothing makes a couple lose interest in each other faster than having a good time hanging out alone. Invite the girlfriend of the person you're interested in a girls-only party - or better yet, introduce her to a guy who might be more interested in her. Do whatever you can to separate the two of you as much as possible, and make sure they really enjoy what they do when they're not together.
    • Don't make this too obvious. You should only introduce activities that normally naturally pull the two of you apart.

  5. Get your crush on the person you like. If you really think your crush is in a bad relationship and it is better for him to leave and join you, then chances are his friends will feel the same way. If that's the case, you should be friendly with his friends, but don't focus your attention on yourself but only make them feel that you are an objective person.This may cause them to ask your guy, “Why are you still involved with nothing human? Why don't you go out with (enter your name here) better? "
    • When you are out with his friends, don't hold onto him. Don't let them think you were hanging out just for their friends; You should just let them see that you and the guy are a really good couple.

  6. Don't act too much. Becoming a close friend is different from being an easygoing person and acting as if you are willing to be with the person you like at any time, regardless of the person in love. Don't try to meet up on occasions like well-understood date nights, special events, or times when you know the two of them are together. This can make the person you like to think you're too dependent on and clingy if you're with him - and no one likes it.
    • You can become a potential lover without having to text or call her every five minutes. Set a trap and wait for her to come to you.
  7. Make the person you like to be jealous of. Nothing makes him realize he's missing out more quickly than seeing another guy by your side. This doesn't mean you should use someone to make him jealous; just spend more time hanging out with a close friend of the opposite sex or going to innocuous dates and then reporting. You will be amazed how quickly your image in the person's eyes shimmer. And the situation will develop faster than expected. Remind your ex that you're not “idle” is a good idea.
    • This will cause the person to think, “Oh my God! My wonderful friend must have been felled… oh wait, why do I care? Did I have feelings for him? "
  8. Respond properly when they break up. Unless your ex is clearly “for you”, don't jump in and try to date. Instead, being a good friend, a sympathetic listener, is comforting when the person feels distressed about breaking up in a relationship, even if this is planned.
    • Tell the person that you are there for them when they need to talk, and that you cannot imagine what that person is going through.
    • However, do not defame the other person. Calling your crush's ex a fool or something worse right after they break up can make your crush angry.
    • Know how to cheer the person up. Give her a funny stuffed animal or take her to a comedy. Please do more romantic things.

Part 3 of 3: Nurturing your new relationship

  1. Don't rush into dating right away. Even though you have to wait months (maybe even longer) for the relationship to end and be with the person you like, that doesn't mean you immediately move in, put her in bed, and introduce the girl of your dreams to your parents and about fifty of your best friends. On the contrary, please relax. Even if you decide to go on a date right away, you shouldn't be with her every minute - just seeing her a few times a week is enough. Give her time to cool off.
    • It's best to give the person some time to heal and not date until he or she is ready. But if your feelings are serious then maybe difficult to implement, right?

  2. At first, try to avoid talking about your ex. You and your new boyfriend or girlfriend may have spent hours analyzing the relationship in the past, but now is not the time to be reminded. While you shouldn't pretend that your ex doesn't exist, don't talk about him, or deliberately ask about him until the person you like has had enough time to cool down - it can take a lot. months, or even more than a year.
    • Of course, if the person really wants to talk about the past relationship, you shouldn't avoid it. But you can say that you want to focus on this new relationship, so you need to work hard to let go of the past until you can walk more steadily.

  3. Enjoy your new love affair on its own terms. Don't get stuck in the past, don't worry too much about being perfect in the eyes of your new lover - you just need to be yourself. If the two of you really want to be together, you will find a plan that works for you and find a path to true happiness. Don't compare yourself to your ex, or try to act like you don't like them.
    • It is true that you may have used tricks to win this relationship, but if you want to maintain your relationship, you should just think about you and your partner together - and think nothing of the other.
    • Even if you were close friends in the past, you should think of new things to do as couples to assert yourself as a lover and avoid thinking about the past.
  4. Don't be obsessed with the past, otherwise your love will not last. You may find yourself in a precarious position. Your new lover has broken up with your ex for you - who can guarantee that it won't happen again if she (he) meets someone more suitable than you? Yes, no one can be sure that won't happen, but in order to keep yourself awake and maintain a great relationship tell yourself that the breakup of your old relationship is natural. , that you and your partner are meant for each other. This will not happen again.
    • If you keep asking what the other “ex” is like, or being jealous every time your partner comes into contact with people of the opposite sex, you will ruin your relationship.
    • If your relationship is really strong, you will find that you no longer have to worry about your ex or the past relationship. This may take months, but having intended to be together forever, it is also worthwhile to bury the past.


  • If that person's love had broken, it would end without anyone's influence. So you don't need to do anything. Maybe you shouldn't do anything because it is morally wrong to interfere with someone else's love story.
  • If you are friends with a couple you want to break up with, you will have to secretly have sex with that person.
  • You have to go out to play with either person (never with the other). Make sure you stay in their conversations! Never let them talk to each other in private. Always text one of you so they can't talk to the other.
  • If you want to hang out with either of you, give that person time to recover if they fall in love. Chances are, if they just broke up, they'll guess it was you.
  • Don't let anyone know you are trying to split the two.


  • Dividing a couple who have just fallen in love and are on a honeymoon is extremely difficult.
  • Be careful when taking the last steps, don't let anyone find out you're doing this, careful not to get caught you doing the last step.
  • Be careful not to get caught up in your partner's dissonance.
  • This may be considered unethical.
  • Maybe someone discovered your conspiracy.