How to Play with leopard lizards

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Handle & Tame Your New Leopard Gecko // Step-By-Step Guide!
Video: How To Handle & Tame Your New Leopard Gecko // Step-By-Step Guide!


  • Know how to properly lift a lizard. Once the leopard lizard has gotten used to your hand and happily crawls up and lies, simply lift it out of the tank. Make sure to grab your other hand and place it under or beside the hand holding the lizard so you can help it if it suddenly moves and could fall out of your hand.
    • If you want to lift the lizard without waiting for it to crawl onto your hand, do so gently. Hold the lizard's body with as many fingers as possible (using the maximum number of fingers to fit the lizard's body will help you hold firmly), and support the other hand underneath to prevent the lizard from falling out. . Remember not to hold too tightly because the lizard is quite small and weak.

  • Barrier to play area. The leopard lizards, especially the young ones, are very agile and will run away if given the chance. When you first play with them, create a safe play space to make sure the lizard cannot escape, such as using a box or crate. You can also select an area and use pillows or other soft objects as barriers to separate the lizards from other parts of the house.Be careful not to build a barrier with objects that could fall over and injure a lizard. When away from home or when going from the outside into the house, you should also close doors and windows because the wind is not good for the lizards, moreover other pets (if any) can come in and disturb them.
    • Once the leopard lizards get used to being taken out of their cages, they'll be more bolder and you'll be able to play with them in bed, in chairs and on the floor, etc.

  • Let the lizards freely explore. In general, leopard lizards are curious, energetic, and adventurous creatures, so let them do just that. Let the lizard crawl onto your arms, ride on your shoulders, or even curl up in your hair. The leopard lizards will likely stay in a place on your body where they feel warm - they are cold-blooded animals and to them our skin looks like a heating stone, so Don't be surprised if they decide to hang on your neck or inside your elbow.
    • You can curl up a piece of cloth (such as a towel or shirt) and place it on your bed, then let the lizard climb on and find a favorite hiding spot. Remember to keep an eye on where it is hiding when you need to return it to the cage.
    • Let the lizard explore an empty room or your bed. The leopard lizards love to climb (though they're not very good at it) and find a place to crawl inside, so let it crawl behind and around pillows and mattresses. You remember to pay attention to it and do not be subjective, otherwise it will go away without knowing it.

  • Create an obstacle course for the lizards. Find a big box or box and put 'obstacles' in it. Obstacles can be paper tubes for the lizards to crawl, smaller boxes for them to crawl, and many other objects. Be creative! You can put in the box a fake tree for the lizards to climb (can be purchased at the pet store) or old toys to make the obstacle course more unique.
  • Organize festivals for lizards. This is like creating an obstacle course, the only difference is that the lizard will not have to try to cross the obstacle to go from side to side. Instead, put in a bucket of 'toys' (climbing trees, rugs, tissue rolls, etc.) and let the lizard play freely. You will be amazed at the interesting tricks they do. Some will love climbing trees and jumping down. Others like to get into the core of a roll of tissue and roll it around. Organizing a lizard festival is a great way to find out what your lizard likes to do.
  • Know when to return the lizard back to the barn. The leopard lizards need warmth to maintain their energy levels. When they climb or exercise in a place that is not as warm as a tank, they will tire. One rule to remember is to check your lizard's belly for about 10 minutes after playing with them. If the lizard's belly is cold to the touch, return it to the cage to warm up. advertisement
  • Advice

    • Let the leopard lizard get used to human contact. You will need to be patient with them. They will not like it when they are alone and will suddenly be bothered every day.
    • Don't take advantage of discarded items for your lizards. Instead, buy them new items, such as fake logs and hiding places. The lizard's whereabouts will be nicer and they will like it more.
    • Lizards do not have sticky pads on their legs, they cannot crawl onto vertical surfaces and are very prone to fall. Therefore, you need to be careful not to let them climb to too high places.
    • Always be gentle and never touch or hold their tail, otherwise they will fall off on their own.
    • Always be gentle with leopard lizards as they are quite a soft creature.
    • When startled, the leopard lizard will emit a mouse-like sound and appear frantic. If you want, you can cover your room completely and let the lizards move freely.
    • If the lizard is very afraid of you, do not make it worse by lifting it. Instead, place your hand in front of the lizard's cave entrance every night, gradually it will get used to and crawl onto your hand.
    • Don't force the lizard to do anything.


    • Do not overfeed leopard lizards, they can become obese and become weak.
    • Do not give the gecko acid fruit (oranges, lemons, grapes, etc.). These fruits can put their lives in danger.
    • Never put your hand under the jaws of the leopard lizard. They will bite because they feel threatened and injure their jaw.
    • Absolutely not pull or hard touch the lizard's tail, otherwise they will leave the tail.