How to Play Pokémon GO

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Pokémon GO Day 1 | 2022 Pokémon Europe International Championships
Video: Pokémon GO Day 1 | 2022 Pokémon Europe International Championships


For years, Pokémon fans have been excited about the Game Boys and Nintendo DS 'games in capturing and training strong teams of Pokémon. With Pokémon GO, the line between Pokémon and the world we live in seems closer than ever.With a few simple steps, you can learn how to be a successful Pokémon Trainer, and maybe one day, even catch them all.


Part 1 of 5: Start downloading Pokémon GO app

  1. Go to the App Store app store. Pokémon GO is available for both iPhone and Android phones. From the home screen of your phone, slide your finger to the right and type "App Store" (or "Play Store", if using an Android phone) into the search bar that appears. Tap the App Store icon to open the app store.

  2. Find the Pokémon GO app. Touch the button Search (Search) at the bottom of the screen and type "Pokémon GO" into the search bar. Touch Search to see a list of results appear.
  3. Download the Pokémon GO app. Find the Pokémon GO app in the results. Click the button GET (OPTIONAL) in the top right corner of the result bar. You may be prompted to enter your Apple ID password. After that, the app starts to download.

  4. Open the Pokémon GO app. Press the home screen button and tap the new Pokémon GO icon that appears.
    • If you don't see an app on the home screen, swipe left until you see the Spotlight quick search bar where you can type "Pokémon GO" and tap the app that appears.
  5. Allow Pokémon GO to access your location. Allows the app to access the location so that you get the most out of the game.

  6. Enter your date of birth. When finished, press Submit (To send).
  7. Register for an account on Pokémon GO. You can do one of two ways:
    • Sign up using Gmail(Sign up with Gmail). If you have a Gmail account, you can use this option to associate your account with the game, allowing you to share data between the two accounts. Currently, signing up for Gmail seems more stable than using a Pokémon Trainer Club account.
    • Sign up for the Pokémon Trainer Club (Register with Pokémon Trainer Club account). This is a feature available on Poké that seeks to create a private community for Pokémon players to communicate, challenge, and trade Pokémon with. If you are interested in joining this community this is a good choice.
  8. Customize your coaching character. After agreeing to the terms and conditions and recommendation from Professor Willow, you will receive a photo of the two characters.
    • Touch your favorite avatar and then to another screen to be able to edit some other body features for the character.
    • Edit features by touching each different item and using the arrows to switch between different looks.
    • Tap the check mark in the lower right corner of the screen when you finish the main character design. You are ready to play!

Part 2 of 5: Catching Pokémon

  1. Check the bar next to Pokémon. If a Pokémon is nearby, you will see a gray bar in the lower right corner of the screen that shows the shadow of the Pokémon near you.
  2. Watch out for rustling grass. Looking at the screen, look for a bunch of plants moving in the distance. When you see some, you are getting an indication that there may be a Pokémon there.
  3. Walk to that lawn. Yes literally walking Go by foot to where you see the rustling lawn on the map! Once you get there, a Pokémon will probably appear on the screen.
  4. Tap on Pokémon. When you get close enough to the Pokémon, tap it to enter "catch" mode. Time to fight.
  5. Check the Pokémon's combat stats. A Pokémon's combat rating, also known as CP (Combat Points), is the number shown on the gray bar above its head, and this number represents its strength. Pokémon with a low CP is easier to catch than Pokémon with a high CP.
  6. Use the right Pokéball (a spherical device used to capture and store Pokémon). There are different types of Pokéballs you can use to catch Pokémon, and they provide different stats on effectiveness. The Pokéball is the basic and weakest ball to use - it's also the kind of Pokéball you'll get at the start of the game.
    • You can earn Pokéballs at PokéStops (a stopover for pet gamers) and this section will be discussed a lot in the article.
    • You can also buy PokéBall at PokéShop.
  7. Wait for the right moment. Look for the ring inside the circle where the Pokémon is standing. Depending on the difficulty of catching a Pokémon, the ring will be red, orange, or blue. It can also be resized; when the size of the bracelet is minimal, the Pokémon is very weak and it is more likely that you can catch it (but only if the Pokéball is in the ring).
  8. When you're ready, swipe the Pokéball toward the Pokémon to catch. You will throw a Pokéball at it. If you miss, or the Pokémon breaks the Pokéball, you can try again until it escapes. If it runs away, don't worry - head back to the map and move on to your next attempt at finding and catching a Pokémon!
  9. Master the technique of throwing. The single most important factor that affects your ability to successfully catch a Pokémon is the technique you use to throw a Pokéball at it. To throw a Pokéball, simply use your finger and flick the Pokéball at the Pokémon on the screen. To improve your throw, don't forget:
    • Choose a straight throw. If you happen to throw the Pokéball too far to the left or right, you will miss the Pokémon.
    • Use enough force. A slow, short flick will cause you to throw the ball with less force. A quick and long flick will make the ball fly faster and longer. Try to throw the ball with a little force, but make sure not to overtake the Pokémon during the throw!
    • Turn off Augmented Reality (AR). Some of the battles in Augmented Reality require more precision to throw when trying to catch a Pokémon. For a good throw when catching them, turn off Augmented Reality in the settings.

Part 3 of 5: Using PokéStop

  1. Find PokéStop on the map. As you venture around the world, look for some floating blue cubes on the map. These are PokéStops, where you can find valuable items for your journey as a Pokémon Trainer.
  2. Walk towards PokéStops. Once there, it will change shape, transforming into a medal like a Pokéball. This signals that you are close enough to use a PokéStop.
  3. Tap on PokéStop. You will have a close look at PokéStops.
  4. Spin the medal with your finger. A number of items will appear around the medal.
  5. Touch the item to put it in your backpack.
  6. Find another PokéStop in blue. After using a PokéStop, it will turn purple, meaning you've just used it, and it needs time to reset before you can collect more items from it. For more items, go to the blue PokéStops that appear on the map. advertisement

Part 4 of 5: Gym challenge

  1. Reach level 5 as a trainer. Gyms are some of the locations around the world that Pokémon trainers meet to fight each other. For a few different ways to level up a Pokémon Trainer, check out Strategy and Advanced Tips.
  2. Locate Gym on map. The gym is the largest object that appears on the map. You can recognize them as tall pedestals covered with light.
    • Gyms can be found in some of the most prominent locations, so if you don't see them in the vicinity of you, try minimizing the map.
    • Gyms are usually yellow, blue or red, denoting the Pokémon team currently "in control" of that gym.
  3. Walk towards the gym. When you get close to it, tap the gym to get directions through a conversation with Professor Willow.
  4. Choose a team to challenge. You will be asked to choose a Blue, Yellow or Red team. Tap on the group of your choice, note that the team with the same color of the gym at this point controls it.
  5. Choose Pokémon to fight. You will see a screen showing the first Pokémon in your team.Select any Pokémon by tapping the button in the lower right corner of the screen (with two Pokéballs colliding) and touching the Pokémon you want to challenge.
  6. Press the GO button! when you are ready to fight. Try hard!
  7. Tap on the opponent's Pokémon to attack. This will lower the CP of the opponent Pokémon. When the Pokémon's CP reaches 0, it will faint and the next Pokémon in the backpack will be sent out to fight.
  8. Avoid enemy attacks by swiping left and right. If the enemy has just delivered an attack on you, consider avoiding it to save CP instead of immediately attacking them again. advertisement

Part 5 of 5: Strategy and leveling tips

  1. Start with catching Pikachu. At the start of the game, you will be allowed to choose between the three being Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur as a Pokémon novice. If you ignore all three of these Pokémon and wait for them to reappear on the map near you, on the fourth time you will eventually see Pikachu appear with them.
  2. Find the best PokéStops at cultural landmarks. Not all PokéStops are created equal! More centrally located PokéStops tend to deliver better items. To find Pokéstops that have lots of important items, check out a few places like:
    • Monument
    • Some famous buildings
    • Park
    • Museum
    • Cemetery
    • College campus
  3. Collect eggs to "hatch" the Pokémon. At some Pokéstops, you will be able to collect eggs. After walking a certain distance with the egg in your backpack, it will hatch, adding a Pokémon to your team without you having to catch them.
  4. Level up your character. As you travel through the world, you have a number of opportunities to gain experience that will level up as a trainer. When you reach level 5, you can enter a gym where you can challenge other trainers. As you level up, you will also begin to encounter rarer, more powerful Pokémon in the world and Get access to better items at PokéStops. You gain different levels of experience to complete a number of different missions, and the amount of experience you gain increases as you become a stronger trainer. Here are a few things you can do to level up your trainer and the experience rewards you get from the start of the game:
    • Catch Pokémon (Pokémon Caught) - Get 100 XP
    • Catch New Pokémon (New Pokémon) - Get 500 XP
    • Curve Ball - Get 10 XP
    • Nice Throw - Gains 10 XP
    • Great Throw - Gains 50 XP
    • Excellent Throw - Get 100 XP
    • Visit a PokéStop (Checking in at a PokéStop) - Get 50 XP
    • Challenge a Pokémon Trainer at a Gym (Battling a Pokémon Trainer at a Gym) - Gain 100 XP
    • Defeat a Pokémon Trainer at the Gym (Beating a Pokémon Trainer at a Gym) - Gain 150 XP
    • Defeat a Pokémon in the Gym (Beat a Pokémon in training at a Gym) - Gain 50 XP
    • Hatch a Pokémon Egg - Gain 200 XP
    • Evolve a Pokémon - Gain 500 XP
  5. Use special attacks in matches at the gym. While playing against another trainer, you can charge a special attack by keeping your finger on the screen and using it when the energy bar is full. These attacks are more powerful than some normal Pokémon combat steps.
    • It takes a while to recharge, so it may not be viable for every gym game.
  6. Challenge Pokémon according to type. All Pokémon have types that are strong to resist and weak against several others respectively. When challenging, try to have your Pokémon fight a Pokémon that will give you the edge. This chart shows you which Pokémon are stronger and weaker than the others (arrow points indicate the strongest types).
  7. Save energy. Pokémon Go will drain your battery if you don't take steps to save it. Tap the Pokéball icon at the bottom of the screen and then click the "Settings" icon in the upper right corner. Tap the "Battery Saver" option to improve battery performance. advertisement


  • Turn off Augmented Reality Mode, Music, and Sound Effects and turn on Power Saver to save your phone battery power.
  • When a PokéStop has pink confetti around, there will be Pokémon there. Bougainvillea is called a device that attracts Pokémon to PokéStops for 30 minutes (Lure Module). Like the name suggests, the device will attract Pokémon, and if you see and you don't jump in, then other players will. You can get a Lure Module from a PokéStops, but it's rare. You can also buy them at the store. Walk around PokéStops with the Lure Module to find and catch multiple Pokémon.
  • The best way to effectively obtain items when in a crowded area with PokéStops is to walk a large circle around the many PokéStops along the way. If you go back and forth in the same line, by the time you turn your head to reach the PokéStops at the back, it may still be recharging and not being used. If you go a large circle, then by the time you have completed a round, the PokéStops at the beginning of the circle have been reset, as well as a number of different PokéStops next to the circle.


  • Traveling the world while playing Pokémon GO requires extreme caution because it will appear in everyday life. Before going somewhere alone, make sure it is safe for you to go there and be careful when trying to reach Pokémon in several different areas.