How to Cover Bruises

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


  • Makeup is also very effective for dark spots on the body.
  • Use concealer for darker bruises. If the bruise is too dark that the foundation cannot cover, you may need to treat it with concealer. Use your fingertips or suck makeup to gently dab the cream over the bruised area.
    • Choose a concealer with a shade that is a bit lighter than your natural skin tone.
  • Try a bit of red lipstick mixed with concealer. Mix concealer with orange-red lipstick to give it a peach or skin tone. Then apply the mixture on the bruise.
    • After applying the pink mixture to the bruise, spread evenly and cover with a layer or two of concealer.
  • Method 2 of 3: Makeup to cover bruises on the face

    1. The first step is use concealer. For concealer to work, start by applying a layer of concealer. Choose a cream color that is brighter than your natural skin tone and use enough to cover the entire bruise. Use your finger or makeup to dab the cream on the bruise, then spread it well.
      • You can also look for a concealer with yellow tones to help neutralize the color of the bruise.
      • If the bruise is a different color, you can look for concealer of different tones for better results. For example, you can use a cream with green tones for red bruises, white tones for brown bruises, and lavender tones for yellow bruises.

    2. Apply foundation cream. After covering the bruise with concealer, continue to apply a layer of foundation. A foundation will help even out the color and cover up the bruise further.Use your fingers or a sponge to place foundation on your face and spread evenly.
      • Apply foundation all over face for best results. Don't just apply it on one cheek or one side of the face, or you will see a discrepancy in color.
    3. Cover with a transparent layer of chalk. To add even more coverage, use a makeup brush to coat a layer of transparent powder with concealer and foundation. The topcoat will help keep the makeup from drifting.
      • You should also cover your entire face with powder. This will give the skin a uniform look.
      • You may need to reapply throughout the day. Take a box of compressed powder with you and check makeup every few hours.

    Method 3 of 3: Use other methods to cover bruises

    1. Use clothing and accessories to hide bruises. Clothes can help cover the bruise. Check your wardrobe for an outfit or accessory that will help cover the bruise depending on where it is located.
      • A long-sleeved shirt or pants can easily hide a bruise on an arm or leg. However, you can not always apply it, especially when it is hot.
      • A towel, headband, or hat can help hide the bruise near the hairline or on the forehead.
      • If the bruise is in your eyes or near the bridge of your nose, you can cover it with sunglasses or prescription glasses.
    2. Heavy makeup for eyes or lips. You can distract yourself by giving your eyes or lips a highlight. This won't hide the bruise, but it will help people pay less attention to it.
      • For example, you could wear black eyeliner with a few coats of mascara, or use vibrant red lipstick to draw people's attention to your eyes or lips instead of the bruise.
    3. Wear active accessories. If you have "big teng" earrings or a wide necklace, then now might be the right time to wear it. These amusing accessories didn't cover up the bruises but would pull everyone's attention away from the place.
      • For example, you can wear round earrings or necklaces with decorative tassels to distract people's attention from the bruised skin.


    • If you have experienced physical abuse, it is important to get help to get rid of it.
    • Do not apply concealer or cosmetics to cuts, stitches, or open wounds.

    What you need

    • Concealer
    • Cream for background
    • Transparent powder coating
    • Red lipstick
    • Makeup sucking
    • Eyeliner
    • Long pants, long sleeve shirt
    • Fashion accessories