How to Treat Earache

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Ear infection home remedies (plus treatments)
Video: Ear infection home remedies (plus treatments)


It is estimated that no less than 70% of children under 3 years of age suffer from ear infections, and many adults also suffer from both ear infections and pain. If your ear pain is severe seek medical attention, because if ignored, they will cause permanent hearing loss. However, minor pains can be cured at home with traditional therapies and instructions passed down by grandparents long ago. Traditional anti-scientific therapies should not be used; If you are wondering about any of the medical guidelines, consult those in the medical profession.


Part 1 of 3: Using Proven Medical Directions

  1. Use heat to ease the pain. Heat can provide immediate pain relief.
    • Apply a warm compress to the affected ear. You can make a warm compress by soaking a towel in lukewarm water and wring it out to dry, or buying a hot water bag or heating pad from the pharmacy. Note that overheating will cause burns. The gauze pad can be held on the ear for as long as you want. Alternatively, apply a cold pack to it within the last 15 minutes. Next, apply a warm compress for about 15 minutes. Do this 2 to 3 times a day.
    • Set the dryer to "Warm" or "Low", leave the ear about an arm's length away and blow it directly into the ear. Note: do not set the machine to "High" or "Hot".

  2. Use drugs bought over the counter. The best drugs to deal with this are ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Observe the directions on the time and dose on the instruction sheet.
    • Note that the dosage for children is based on the child's weight. Do not give aspirin to children under 18 years old. Aspirin can cause Ryey Syndrome, which is rare, but if it does, the child's liver and brain can be damaged.

  3. Go to the doctor. If symptoms persist for more than 5 days in an adult and 2 days in a child, or in a child under 8 weeks of age, it is difficult to move the neck; or if you have a fever, get medical attention right away. Although ear infections are common, if you ignore it, the infection will spread to other parts.
    • If the cause of the ear infection is bacteria, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic for you, to ease the pain and kill the bacteria.
    • Ear infections can lead to permanent hearing loss, so when symptoms persist or worsen, immediately consult an ear, nose and throat doctor.

Part 2 of 3: Using Home Remedies

  1. Clean the nose. Ear pain is usually caused by a blockage of mucus in the Eustachian tube, the Eustachian tube is a small duct that connects the ear, nose, and throat together. So when you clean your nose, you will reduce the pressure on the eardrum.
    • Try gently pouring a little salt water into the child's nostril, followed by suctioning.
    • You can use suction tools to clear the mucus in your nose.
  2. Gently shake your ear. Ear pain is usually caused by a blocked Eustachian tube, so the simplest treatment is to gently pat a few ears (to put pressure on the ear like in an airplane). This action can help keep mucus clear.
    • Hold the ear cup with your thumb and index finger, press against your head, then tug and rotate your ear gently so as not to hurt. You can also fake a yawn, yawning also has the same effect as tapping the ear to clear the Eustachian tube.
  3. Steam. Another way to clear the Eustachian nozzle is to inhale the hot steam (you will run a runny nose when you inhale the heat), the Eustachian nozzle will reduce the pressure inside the ear. Add some herbs or a mild fragrance to soothe a cold. pain sensation.
    • Make a steam bath yourself by filling a pot with hot water and adding a few drops of essential oil or a teaspoon of Vicks Warm Oil or similar topical oils.
    • Carrying a towel over the head to steam 3 times a day to prevent Eustachian hose from clogging, reduce the pressure in the inner ear and regulate the mucus circulation in the ear.
    • Do not wear a steam bath for a young child, as it could burn or suffocate or, worse, drown. Instead, apply a little Vicks Babyrub oil (specially formulated for babies) to the child's chest or back to play under or near warm running water. The steam resonating with the oil vapor creates a soothing effect.
  4. Try Olive oil. For pain relief, put a few drops of warm Olive oil directly into the ear.
    • The oil bottle should be soaked for a few minutes in hot water so that the oil absorbs heat and warms. Put the oil directly into the ear and cover the ear with a cotton ball.
    • If this method is applied to your baby, do while the baby is sleeping, you can hold the baby on his side to let the oil run into the ear. Do not use cotton balls to cover children's ears.
    • Note that there have been no reports of any efficacy except for analgesic effects.
  5. Use garlic essential oil and synthetic floral scents. The antiseptic effects of garlic have been proven and folk believe that garlic is a natural antibiotic.
    • You can find garlic essential oil on the Amazon website or at home health food stores.
    • Heat the oil (place a few drops of oil on your wrist to check how hot) and then place a few drops of oil in your ear twice a day.
    • Again, this approach has not been proven.
  6. Lavender essential oil. While lavender essential oil should not be placed directly into the ear, you can still use it to massage the outside of the ear, which is said to increase the circulation of fluids. incense has a soothing effect.
    • Mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with a few other drops of carrier oil (like coconut oil and olive oil) and finally, gently massage the outside of the ear.
    • Other essential oils that are used are: eucalyptus, rosemary, oregano, chamomile, tea, and thyme.
    • There is only little evidence of the effectiveness of this method, up to this point, there are no studies showing the effects of essential oils on health.

Part 3 of 3: Preventing Earache

  1. Prevent cold viruses. One of the leading causes of ear pain is a cold, and since there is no cure for colds, you must be aware of precautions to avoid colds.
    • Wash your hands often, especially when you are in a public place and before eating. If you do not have a sink in your area, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The cold virus is known to live longer and can live up to several hours on all types of surfaces, so even if you don't have sick people around, you are still at risk of infection, especially in places like libraries and grocery store.
    • Exercise regularly.Hard-working people have a better immune system, so their bodies can fight colds and other bacteria that cause infections.
    • Eat vitamin-rich foods. Eat enough nutrients, eat all kinds of foods, focus on protein, eat vegetables, and fruits. The organic substances found in fruits such as chili, oranges, dark leafy vegetables will help your body absorb vitamins better. So stick to your diet with natural foods rich in vitamins.
  2. Get tested for allergies. Allergies can cause itchy ears and ear pain. Allergies can be caused by the environment, from the foods you eat.
    • Go to the hospital to check for allergy tests you have, the test may require blood tests and skin reactions. The test results will tell you what causes your allergies, whether from grains, pets or dairy products.
  3. Prevention of ear infections in young children. Ear infections in young children are common, but can be completely prevented by adjusting the way the baby is fed.
    • Childhood vaccinations. The ear infection shot is one of the most common injections given to young children.
    • Try to breastfeed your baby for the first 12 months of life. Breast milk contains antibodies that help fight ear infections, so babies who drink breastmilk are less likely to develop infections than formula-fed babies.
    • If you bottle feed your baby, make sure the bottle is tilted 45 degrees and that the baby is not on his / her back or on the crib. Because doing so can cause the milk to accumulate inside the baby's ear, causing infection. Try to feed babies between 9 and 12 months of age from a cup to reduce the risk of developing a bottle-feeding infection.


  • Putting anything in the ear can also cause serious undesirable harm like hearing loss (either temporary or permanent).
  • Insert a cotton ball into each ear when you shower.
  • When using a steam bath, place the basin in the sink to avoid negligence that could cause burns.
  • Do not put any fluid inside the ear when you know for sure or suspect that your eardrum has been punctured.
  • Do not insert the gauze inside your ear as it can puncture your eardrum.
  • Consider and limit allergenic foods such as: wheat, dairy products, corn, oranges, peanut butter, and simple carbohydrates found in sugars, fruits, and juices.