How to cure salty soup

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Quick Tip: How To Fix A Salty Soup
Video: Quick Tip: How To Fix A Salty Soup
  • Don't worry about the soup getting pale. You can add spices later.
  • Mix the brine batch with the unsalted batch. Cook another pot of soup without adding salt, then mix two batches together. In the end you will have a pot that is twice as much soup but just tastes good.
    • Freeze any leftover soup by putting it in a Ziploc bag and then putting it in the freezer. You can warm up the soup and use it again if you need to treat the salty soup again!
  • Method 2 of 3: Add other ingredients

    1. Add some celery, onion or leek to refresh the soup. These vegetables will make the flavor more delicious and help treat the savory of the soup. Cut the ingredients into small pieces and add to soup, then cook for about 30 minutes. The amount of ingredients you use will depend on your taste. This will work best on soups that already have a lot of vegetables.
      • You could also try using some fresh mashed tomatoes.
      • Remember that the new ingredients added to the soup will change the flavor of the soup.
    2. Add a little acid to fool the taste buds. You can balance the salty taste by adding a sour seasoning. Try adding lemon juice, vinegar or wine to fill out the salty taste. This tip works for any soup or stew.
      • Add the sour seasoning little by little, and remember to taste it after each addition.

    3. Add 2-3 teaspoons (8-12 g) of sugar to the soup to add sweetness. If your soup is only slightly salty, you can balance the salty taste with a little sugar. It will help reduce the feeling of salinity. Remember to give little by little, while tasting.

      You can also give it a try brown sugar, honey or maple syrup if you like.

    4. Add a little starch to absorb salt. It is often advised to treat salty soups by adding a starchy food such as potatoes, rice, and pasta to the soup, but this will only make it a little less salty. Try cutting a potato into small pieces, placing it in a pot of soup and simmering for 30 minutes to reduce the salinity. This method works better with soups than stews, as the starch can absorb the liquid from the soup.
      • Combine this method with other methods for a better effect.

    Method 3 of 3: Prevent soup from becoming salty

    1. Season with salt when the soup is boiling instead of adding it first. Avoid adding salt to the soup before cooking. When the soup boils, the liquid will evaporate and the rest will be more salty than you might think. Adding salt when you are about to cook also means that the salinity of the soup will be the same as when you are seasoning.
      • The longer the soup boils, the more salty it will be.
    2. Add a little salt after adding one ingredient to the soup. Instead of adding salt to it all at once, you should slowly add teaspoon (1 gram) of salt each time, remembering to taste it after each addition of salt to taste. This also helps all the ingredients soak up the seasoning.
      • Taste the soup while cooking.
    3. Avoid adding salt to soups if the ingredients are high in salt. If the soup contains ingredients like bacon, minced meat, or other salt-containing ingredients, you probably don't need any extra salt at all. Soups cooked with cheese do not need the usual salt seasoning.
      • If you cook the soup with canned foods like peas, try washing it before you cook it. Canned foods are preserved in salt, and the salinity can decrease if you wash the ingredients before you put them in the soup.
    4. Replace salty butter with unsalted butter in recipes. For example, if the soup recipe includes sautéed vegetables with butter, replace it with butter. This will reduce the amount of salt in the soup.
      • You can also replace butter with olive oil for a healthier one.
    5. Cook in a low-salt broth to keep the soup from becoming salty. Unsalted broth will taste light, but thanks to this light taste you can season your own seasoning. The broth that has salt in it will make your soup more salty.
      • Don't season with salt when making your own homemade broth. You can add salt to the soup.
      • It is important to make soups with low salt broth if the other ingredients are already high in salt.
    6. Let eaters add salt to their soup according to taste. Everyone has a different taste of salty food. You can taste it lightly when cooking the soup and let everyone add salt on the table. advertisement