Ways to Cure Hand Sweat

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hyperhidrosis Treatment | How to Stop Excessive Sweaty Palms and Sweaty Hands
Video: Hyperhidrosis Treatment | How to Stop Excessive Sweaty Palms and Sweaty Hands


  • When you need to wash your hands before eating or after using the toilet, you can simply wash your hands with clean water instead of soapy water. This will help you avoid drying out the skin on your hands from using too much soap.
  • Reduce hand heat. Many people sweat their hands when their body temperature rises, so reducing the heat is quick and effective. You can keep your hands in front of a fan or air conditioner to dry the moisture and reduce sweating.
    • The quick way to cool your hands while you are outdoors is to find the restroom and wash your hands with cold water, then dry them with a paper towel.
    • If possible, avoid heating your hands. Don't use the heater unless absolutely necessary, and turn off the thermostat in your room.

  • Sprinkle a little powder on your hands. If you're at home and don't mind your hands being white, sprinkle them with powder to temporarily absorb the sweat. This is also useful when hand perspiration interferes with everyday exercise such as lifting weights, jumping rope or chores where you need to use a grip. Try these powders:
    • It is powdered, odor or odorless.
    • Baking soda or cornstarch.
  • Part 2 of 3: Solutions for life

    1. Do not use products that make your hands sweat more. Do not keep in your hands cloth utensils and products that give your hands airy, resulting in wet hands, and your hands must not dry naturally. Avoid the following items:
      • Gloves, mittens and products covering your hands. Of course, use these products only in cold weather, but avoid wearing gloves indoors or in situations where they are unnecessary. Gloves are very helpful when you want to hide hand perspiration, but they will heat your hands and lead to more sweat than usual.

    2. Lotion contains grease and other skin care products. Fat wax is commonly used by people with dry skin that needs to be healed with moisture, and it adds moisture to the sweaty areas. As a result, the grease prevents your hands from drying out, but becomes wet. The same goes for coconut oil and some other cosmetic oils used to moisturize the skin.

    3. Use antiperspirants. You might think that antiperspirants can't be used on the hands, as it is commonly used on the underarms, but chemical formulas that prevent underarm sweating are also effective for the hands. your.
      • Choose a special odorless antiperspirant that contains Aluminum Zirconium, which is said to be very effective.
      • Ask your doctor to prescribe a powerful antiperspirant containing Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate, a powerful antiperspirant chemical available on the market.
    4. Relax. Sweating is often caused by anxiety and stress. Practice meditation, yoga or an activity that will help reduce stress and keep your sweat glands from working properly.
      • If you sweat while thinking about a problem that worries you, find a solution and tackle it thoroughly. If you need help, talk to a counselor.
      • A quick solution to anxiety-related sweating is to sit down, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Try to relax your mind before continuing to do other things.

    Part 3 of 3: Medical treatment

    1. Iontophoresis is explored. This process involves using water to transfer electrical current under the skin to temporarily prevent sweating.
      • During the Ion Transfer process, hands are immersed in electric water. You should feel a prickling sensation in your hand, but the process is painless.
      • A family-specific Ionizer kit is available. Talk to your doctor to buy one that can be used any time.
    2. Take medicines. Oral medications containing anticholinergics have the side effect of preventing sweating, so doctors sometimes prescribe this medication to treat hand sweating.
      • This is a good option if you are not an athlete, but if you are an active person then it is dangerous to prevent your body from sweating, as this is the mechanism that reduces the body's heat while working. practice.
      • However, the anticholinergic ingredients can also cause dry mouth and other side effects.
    3. Get a botox injection. In addition to being used to remove facial lines or to make lips full, Botox is also used to suppress the nerve ganglia from producing sweat. However, botox injections can be painful and may only stop sweating temporarily.
    4. Choose how to cut the sympathetic ganglion. This procedure involves surgery to cut off a parasympathetic node in the chest to permanently dominate the node that controls the body's sweating.
      • This surgery should only be considered as the last resort, since in 50% of surgeries the patient's body will experience compensatory sweating in another area. Hand perspiration should go away, but you should see a lot of perspiration in your back or in another area.
      • If you want to undergo this treatment, find a doctor who has experience in surgery, do not recklessly choose to perform dangerous surgery on someone who is not familiar with the procedure.


    • Unless hand sweat interferes with your daily activities or social life, don't let it upset you. This is a problem that many people have.
    • Try moisturizing creams and wipe your hands with a clean, dry cloth.
    • It is important to stay calm when you feel anxious, so staying calm or thinking about something distracting or happy will help your sweaty hand.