Ways to Heal Lung Damage

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Post COVID-19 Impact on Lung Damage, Treatment & Recovery | Bumrungrad Hospital
Video: Post COVID-19 Impact on Lung Damage, Treatment & Recovery | Bumrungrad Hospital


The lungs and respiratory system possess several natural protective layers. The air before going through the nose will be filtered out by dust by the hairs in the nostrils. The lungs produce sticky, sticky mucus that helps form a barrier that prevents bacteria from sticking to the lungs. Having two healthy lungs is essential to living a happy life. Unfortunately, the lungs are exposed to so many toxic chemicals and pollutants that we breathe in every day, leading to poor lung health and diseases such as tuberculosis, coughing, pneumonia and bronchitis. There are also persistent, difficult-to-treat conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer, which affect the lungs in the long term. If you want to improve your lung health, follow the natural methods below to restore your lung condition to fullness.


Method 1 of 5: Maintain Diet and Nutrition

  1. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. You should add to your daily eating habits an amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. A diet lacking in fruits and vegetables has been linked to lung diseases, especially asthma and COPD. Vegetables and fruits are high in antioxidants that can protect against asthma and COPD, even cancer.
    • To choose the fruits with the most antioxidants, look for brightly colored fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, apples, plums, oranges and citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, squash, and bell peppers.

  2. Cut back on meat. To improve lung health, you should limit eating meat, especially red meat. If you want to eat meat, you should choose lean beef, preferably grass-fed and do not use antibiotics or growth hormones. Eating poultry does not contain antibiotics or growth hormones. You should also not eat the skin.
    • Poultry such as chicken and turkey are good sources of vitamin A. People with vitamin A deficiency are susceptible to bacterial infections in the lungs. Supplementing with vitamin A helps the body to destroy harmful microorganisms on the pleura.

  3. Eat fish high in fat. You should include more fish in your diet. Lung damage will heal more quickly if you eat fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, and sardines. These fish fats are rich in omega-3 acids that help improve lung health.
    • The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids help improve mobility, which in turn improves lung health.
  4. Add beans. You should include beans and legumes with every meal, the beans that are good for your lungs are Navy beans, black beans, and kidney beans, which are high protein sources. These legumes, along with legumes like lentils, contain many vitamins and minerals that are essential for lung function.
  5. Switch to organic food consumption. Diet helps you protect and heal lung damage, thanks to the vitamins and minerals found in certain foods. The more organic foods you can eat, the better. Research has shown that a number of preservatives and additives in non-organic foods are linked to asthma attacks, lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including pneumothorax and bronchitis. chronic management.
    • Additives found in food are sulfides, aspartame, parabens, tartrazine, nitrates, nitrites, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and benzoates.
    • If you can't switch to an all-organic diet, avoid foods with added additives at least. Check the label on the package to be sure to exclude those products from meals.
  6. Cut back on processed or packaged foods. During the recovery of your lung health, you need to limit your intake of processed or packaged foods. This will help you limit your intake of additives and preservatives, which can cause breathing problems and increase lung sensitivity. Make it from the original raw materials, though it will take time and some skill.
    • Health is definitely better if you cook it yourself this way, meaning not using processed food. As such, vitamins, minerals and nutrients are still preserved in food.
    • The white the food, the more processed it is, such as white bread, white rice and white pasta. Use whole-grain breads, brown rice, and whole-grain pasta instead.
    • This means eating only untreated complex carbohydrates. If you avoid white bread and processed foods, you should have eliminated almost all other carbohydrates. When the body processes complex carbohydrates, they are broken down into simple carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body.
  7. Take supplements. Consider adding minerals like magnesium, zinc and selenium to your diet, which are essential for lung function and general health. Also, you should get more vitamin D3 every day, as vitamin D deficiency is linked to respiratory function failure.
    • Always consult a health professional before taking any supplements and follow the manufacturer's instructions for the duration of use.
  8. Do not take beta-carotene supplements. Beta-carotene is found in natural foods and is a precursor to vitamin A. However, you should not take supplements if you are a smoker or are at risk of lung cancer. Some studies point to work additional Beta-carotene is associated with a higher risk of lung cancer in smokers.
    • However, there is no evidence that consuming beta-carotene in food every day makes you more susceptible to lung cancer.
  9. Drink a lot of water. Drinking plenty of water will help ensure the lungs are sufficiently hydrated and do not produce a lot of mucus, and at the same time, circulation is easier. You should drink almost 2 liters of water per day. Drinking plenty of water also helps make mucus less viscous, preventing the buildup of too much mucus in the lungs and airways.
    • You can also increase your hydration by drinking herbal teas and fruit juices. Any caffeinated liquid is considered part of the daily diet.
    • Increasing fluid consumption by eating vegetables and fruits with a high water content is also an option, such as watermelon, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Method 2 of 5: Combination Exercise

  1. Strengthen exercises for the cardiovascular system. Exercise is essential for both cardiovascular health and lung health. Exercise increases blood circulation to the lungs, so more nutrients are transported here. Initially, you should exercise slowly and carefully so that you do not overload your body. Find a pace that is right for you and increase the intensity gradually as you get used to.
    • When starting out, you should go for a long or brisk walk, or use the treadmill. This type of exercise does not require much effort but helps blood and air transport to the lungs and the whole body in general.
    • If you have breathing or lung problems, let your doctor know before trying a new exercise. They will show you safe exercise to help improve your lung capacity and health.
  2. Begin to breathe. Breathing exercises are designed to increase the amount of oxygen you breathe in and maximize the amount of carbon dioxide out. Breathing can make you a little dizzy at first, which is why most health experts recommend slow and steady exercise. Once you get used to the most suitable method of breathing exercise, you will find yourself using it more often without having to concentrate on thinking.
    • You can ask a personal trainer or a physical therapist to teach you how to increase your breathing capacity. Ask your paramedics to refer you to a personal trainer.
    • Always talk to your doctor or health care professional before starting a new exercise program. If your goal is to improve lung health then they will refer you to a lung rehabilitation specialist.
  3. Practice pursed-lip breathing. To treat dyspnea and increase lung capacity, most doctors generally will recommend one of two methods. The first method is pursed lip breathing. Start this by inhaling through your nose for two or three seconds, then purge your lips and exhale slow through the gap between the lips for four to nine seconds. Practice as often as you feel comfortable.
    • If you feel uncomfortable, wait an hour later, try again. This method requires practice and dedication, but if you try it, you will soon feel better breathing and better health.
  4. Diaphragmatic breathing method. You should practice diaphragmatic breathing, which means breathing from your belly instead of your chest. Although most people do not breathe this way, this is considered normal breathing. The diaphragm is the strip of muscle below the lungs that is the main muscle involved in breathing. First, relax your shoulders, back, and neck. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your back, and inhale through your nose for two seconds. While you inhale, stretch your abdomen, then exhale through pursed lips to control the rate of breathing, at the same time, gently press your hands on your abdomen. This movement pushes the diaphragm and strengthens it.
    • This breathing method also takes practice. It's not easy to get used to diaphragmatic breathing, but if you watch babies, this is how they breathe. Infants do not use “auxiliary breathing muscles,” which is what they call the muscles in the neck, shoulders, back and ribs when they are additionally involved in breathing. Once you get used to it, you should use this breathing method as often as you feel comfortable.
  5. Practice deep breathing. Deep breathing is a variant of the pursed lip and diaphragm breathing methods, developed by the University of Missouri in Kansas City. To do the deep breathing method lie flat on your back. Place pillows under your knees and neck for a comfortable lying position, placing your hands on your stomach, just below your ribs. Put your fingers in your hands together so you can feel them separate, and know you're doing the right movement. Breathe deeply and slowly by stretching your stomach. While breathing the fingers must separate.
    • This exercise ensures you are using your diaphragm to breathe instead of your ribs. The diaphragm creates a stronger suction force than pulls air into the lungs, if you use the ribs, the suction force is not as strong.
    • Take frequent deep breaths if you want to or whenever you find it hard to breathe. You may feel a bit dizzy at first because there is more oxygen in your lungs than usual. Whenever you feel uncomfortable, stop. However, you can repeat it as often as you want.
  6. Methods of breathing o. You can increase your lung capacity by strengthening your diaphragm. To do this, first practice deep breathing, when you exhale you must make a hum. The o-o sound causes the diaphragm to vibrate and thus enhances its strength. Breathe in this way as often as possible or whenever you have trouble breathing. It may feel a bit dizzy at first, but don't worry. The reason for this phenomenon is because the amount of oxygen drawn into the lungs is more than your normal breathing habits.
    • Whenever you feel uncomfortable, stop. However, you can repeat it as often as you feel comfortable.
  7. Practice Chinese breathing exercises. For this exercise you have to sit comfortably, then take three short breaths in your nose. On the first inhalation, raise your arms in front of your face and shoulder height. On the second inhalation, move your arms toward your hips, level with your shoulders. On the third inhalation raise arms above head.
    • Repeat 10 to 12 times.
    • If the exercise makes you feel dizzy stop. Once stopped, the normal working rhythm of the lungs immediately prevailed.

Method 3 of 5: Using Herbs

  1. Use herbs. There are many herbs that are beneficial for breathing and lung health. You can use herbs in a variety of ways, like making them tea or taking supplements. If you don't want to drink it directly, you can use aromatherapy by boiling the herb in water to let its scent spread throughout the room.
    • To make tea, add 1 teaspoon of dried herbs to a cup of boiling water. If you want to take a supplement, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Use oregano (English name is oregano). This Italian herb is a natural decongestant, antimicrobial and antihistamine. Its active ingredients appear to be volatile essential oils called carvacrol and rosmarinic acid. You can add this herb (fresh or dried) to ketchup recipes or sprinkle it on meat.
    • In addition, marjoram is also used in the form of oily supplements.
  3. Use peppermint. The active ingredient of peppermint is peppermint essential oil. Peppermint essential oil relaxes respiratory muscles and acts as an antihistamine. You can use peppermint fresh or dried in recipes for fish or desserts. In addition, peppermint oil is also added to foods, used as a functional food or produced as a cream. There are also some burnable peppermint oils to add fragrance to the room.
    • Do not apply peppermint oil directly to baby's skin as it has been linked to a reduced respiratory rate in children.
    • Many people use mint-based chest oils and throat sprays to clear their airways.
  4. Use eucalyptus extract. Eucalyptus leaves have been used for a long time as a natural anti-congestion agent, to thin mucus to help you push phlegm out when coughing. The active ingredients of eucalyptus leaves are cineole, eucalyptol and myrtol. Eucalyptus extract can effectively treat both chronic and acute bronchitis, clinical research has shown. Eucalyptus oil can be taken orally or applied topically, but right dilution.
    • Eucalyptus essential oil vapor has a decongestive effect, and is therefore effective in treating bronchitis. You put a few drops of essential oil in a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam.
    • Diluted eucalyptus essential oil helps with coughs, respiratory swelling, bronchitis, and many other respiratory problems.
    • You can also apply essential oils to the skin to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
  5. Take supplements. Taking a few extra supplements is also beneficial for lung health. You can use bitter mint, which is an herb that has been used by many cultures to treat respiratory ailments, including ancient Egyptian medicine, traditional Indian medicine, and earth medicine. Australians and Native Americans. Cough lozenges like Ricola also contain a bitter mint ingredient. Suck 1-2 cough candy every 1-2 hours depending on need.
    • For centuries, lung grass has been used to treat lung disorders. It is a powerful antioxidant that acts as an expectorant.
    • Mulberry tree contains inulin which aids in mucus production and loosens bronchial tubes. This herb also has antibacterial properties.
    • Do not use peppermint if you have diabetes or high blood pressure.

Method 4 of 5: Prevent Lung Disease

  1. Give up smoking. Prevention is always better than cure.With this point of view, you should not let the lungs under high working pressure, not exposed to dust, carcinogens and smoke. Also, you should not smoke or quit smoking if you do. This behavior weakens the lungs because harmful chemicals like nicotine are introduced into the body when exposed to cigarette smoke. In addition, the smoke also forms a layer of tar covering the lungs, which is extremely harmful to health.
    • Nicotine withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe if you stop smoking. The most common are problems related to mood, dizziness, weight gain, restlessness, depression, increased coughing, and insomnia.
    • You don't have to quit smoking without the help of someone else, but you can go to support groups, tobacco cessation gums and patches, or take prescription medications like Chantix.
    • Getting help with this can sometimes be a difficult process, try visiting the TB and lung website at http://bvptw.org/.
  2. Protect yourself from pollution. If you live in a place with a high level of pollution, or if you have asthma, take some measures to protect yourself like wearing a mask when going out, consider buying an indoor dust filter system - one of the best How to prevent pollution at home.
    • There are some special masks that are essential for the lungs. You should buy a mask with a filter made of activated carbon or activated carbon that blocks the entry of allergens, pollutants, smoke and chemicals. You can also purchase a special respirator with a stronger P100 filter, designed for use in cold weather, or a respirator.
    • In the US, people also build a warning system called EnviroFlash, after you register, the system will send email alerts about the quality of the air where you live. With advance warning you can choose to stay home during air pollution or wear a protective mask if you want to go outside.
  3. Allow me to cough. One of the best natural remedies to protect your lungs is to allow yourself to cough. Many people often use cough suppressants, but in general you should not. Coughing is a way for the lungs to get rid of mucus that contains allergens or infections. Therefore, the suppression of cough causes the amount of infectious mucus and allergens to remain in the lungs.
    • You should only take cough suppressants if your cough is very uncomfortable, or if your cough is so much that you can't breathe normally.

Method 5 of 5: Choice of Treatment for Asthma

  1. Control asthma triggers. Asthma-related problems can cause serious lung damage. To avoid an asthma attack you must prevent triggers that trigger the illness, such as air quality and environmental pollution. If you have this condition, consider wearing a mask that protects against common asthma triggers such as pollen, mold, pet dust, pollution, and strong scents.
    • You can equip your home with a dust filtration system that helps to remove asthma triggers from the air.
  2. Avoid eating certain foods when you have asthma. People with this disease often have asthma attacks when they eat certain foods, but it depends on the person. In general, people with asthma should avoid common triggers such as eggs, fish, peanuts, soybeans, yeast, cheese, flour and rice. Foods high in preservatives such as mononodium glutamate (MSG), nitrate or nitrite are also asthma triggers. These substances reduce the effectiveness of the inhaler for asthma.
    • Because of this susceptibility to allergies, people with asthma should eat a mostly organic, whole food diet.
  3. Avoid sugar and sweeteners instead. Sugar and sweeteners are bad for lung health. Research shows that asthma is linked to a high consumption of sugar. Avoid sweets, sugary drinks, and pastries.
    • If you need to use sweeteners for tea or coffee, use sweet grass instead of sugar.


  • You should understand there is a possibility that you will never be cured completely Severe damage to the lungs.
  • Keep in mind that the steps above can help you maintain a slightly better lung condition, but you still need to discuss drug treatment with a medical professional.