How to meditate on Shiva

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
SHIVA’S First Meditation Method| Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - BUDDHA’S Meditation Technique
Video: SHIVA’S First Meditation Method| Vigyan Bhairav Tantra - BUDDHA’S Meditation Technique


Shiva is the supreme God in yoga. We can see him as a symbol of a victorious yogi. Shiva has cosmic consciousness. He lives in a world of duality. He lives in light (peace-oneness-bliss). Shiva, as cosmic consciousness, can take many forms. The most famous incarnations of Shiva are: meditator, blessed (karma yogi), ego-donor (subordinated under the goddess Kali / under the will of God) and dancer with life (Nataraya). Shiva is the master of life. He lives his life with the qualities of earth (connection with Brahman, happiness), fire (connection with Rudra, power), water (connection with Vishnu, love), air (connection with Muni, wisdom) and ether (connection with everything that exists ; space, unity, transcendence).


  1. 1 Shake your fists near your head and think: "I am a winner. I achieve my goal ... My goal ... ".
  2. 2 Touch your feet on the floor and visualize Mount Meru among you: “I am sitting on Mount Meru (Himalayas). I keep my equanimity in pain. I walk my path with perseverance. "
  3. 3 Make large circles with your arms around you, visualize a space full of stars and think: “I live in a wonderful cosmic (natural) system. I accept things as they are. "
  4. 4 Imagine the Kundalini Serpent inside you, bend your spine, move your toes and think: “I am Hatha Yogi. I save myself with my spiritual exercises. "
  5. 5 Swipe your hand, send light to all beings, and think: “I am sending light to (name). May all living beings be happy. May the world be happy. " Shiva means Good. The goal of his work is a happy world.
  6. 6 Fold your hands in front of your heart chakra, visualize the sky above you and think: “Om, all enlightened Masters. Om, spiritual wisdom.Please guide me and help me along the way. "
  7. 7 Concentrate on the picture or on the statue of Shiva. Swipe with one hand and take energy from Shiva. Think to yourself several times the mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" (I connect myself with Shiva) or "Shivo Ham" (I am Shiva) and feel how the energy of Shiva flows with the mantra in you.
  8. 8 Place your hands on your knees, move your toes and recite the mantra “Om Shanti. Om Mir "in the stomach. Then stop any thought for a moment. The spine is straight and the abdomen is relaxed. Just sit like this. Don't think. Then relax.


  • Wikipedia: In Hinduism, Ishtadeva or Ishtadevata is a term denoting the beloved deity of the worshiper. Usually the practitioner worships his ishtadeva through the form of a murti. This worship may include offering individual items to their chosen divinity, such as incense or flowers, reciting mantras, chanting their names, and reciting prayers.


  • Walk your own path of truth and wisdom. Don't do it formally. Meditate with real feelings. Find the creative right meditation for yourself. There are many ways to meditate on Shiva. You can see yourself as Shiva or Shiva, as a symbol of God or an enlightened Teacher.