How to cure a sore throat quickly

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 May 2024
Sore throat remedies at home / How to treat sore throat at home
Video: Sore throat remedies at home / How to treat sore throat at home


This article will give you many tips and tricks to help you cure a sore throat. If you have a sore throat for more than 3 days, you should see your doctor.


Part 1 of 4: Home remedy for sore throats

  1. Gargle to reduce swelling and discomfort. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water. Hold the salt water in the position closest to the throat, slightly tilt your head, start rinsing, then spit it out. Every about an hour, you should rinse your mouth once. You should rinse your mouth with water to remove the salt taste.
    • Another choice: Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar to the mouthwash and rinse as usual. Can not swallow mouthwash.

  2. Relieve pain with over-the-counter lozenges. You can buy over-the-counter lozenges that contain anesthetics like lemon or honey.
    • Some lozenges like Sucrets Maximum Strength or Spec-T are safe, effective, and contain medications (a local anesthetic) that numb the throat to ease pain.
    • It is not recommended to take lozenges containing anesthetic for more than 3 days as the anesthetic ingredients provide a chance for a serious infection such as strep (which causes sore throat) and requires immediate medical treatment.

  3. Relieve pain with throat sprays. Like lozenges, throat sprays like Cepacol can relieve pain by numbing the lining of the throat. Carefully read the directions on the label for the correct dosage and consult your doctor or pharmacist for information and to prevent the risk of taking it with other drugs and / or therapies.

  4. Soothe a sore throat with a warm compress. In addition to therapies to relieve pain inside the throat such as warm tea, lozenges or throat sprays, you can also relieve pain from the outside of the throat. You can wrap a warm compress around your throat. Can use a warm heating bag, hot water bottle or a warm, wet cloth.
  5. Make a throat medicine from camomile tea. You can make a batch of chamomile tea (or steep 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile in 1-2 cups of boiling water and wait for the tea to infuse). When the tea is warm enough, soak a clean towel in the tea, wring it out, then apply it to your throat. Repeat as needed.
  6. Apply plaster from sea salt and water. Mix 2 cups sea salt with 5-6 teaspoons of warm water to make a moist, but not wet, mixture. Pour the salt mixture right into the center of a clean towel. Roll the towel all the way, then wrap it around your neck. Apply a dry towel to cover it. Wrap the towel for as long as you like.
  7. Relieve pain with a humidifier or steam therapy. If you are careful to adjust it so that it is not too cold and wet, the cool, warm mist from a humidifier can help relieve a sore throat.
    • Do a steam bath with warm water and a towel. Heat 2-3 cups of water, then lift off the stove. (Optional: Soak chamomile, ginger or lemon tea in water). Wait about 5 minutes. Put your hand on the steam to check the heat. Fill a large bowl with water, cover your head with a towel, then bring your head over the bowl to catch the steam. Breathe deeply through your mouth and nose for 5-10 minutes. Repeat as needed.
  8. Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen. For pain relief, you can take acetaminophen and ibuprofen. However, children under 20 should avoid adding aspirin as it can lead to a serious condition called Reye Syndrome. Follow dosage instructions on the label. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: What to do to relieve a sore throat

  1. Rest much. If possible, try to get plenty of sleep during the day and maintain a regular nighttime sleep schedule. Increase sleep time to 11-13 hours / day while you have a sore throat.
  2. Wash or disinfect hands often. Hands are a well-known pathway of bacteria. Bacteria spread when we touch our faces and other objects. Wash your hands often when you have a sore throat or cold to stop the spread of bacteria.
  3. Drink plenty of water, especially filtered water. Water helps reduce mucus in the throat, and warm water can help soothe irritation in the throat. Stay hydrated to help fight infection and cure a sore throat quickly.
    • Increase your water intake to 3 liters (13 cups) per day for men and 2 liters (9 cups) for women.
    • If you have a cold or show signs of dehydration, don't drink a lot of coffee. Coffee is a diuretic, so drinking more than 5 cups per day can dehydrate the body. However, according to recent research, normal consumption of coffee does not inhibit the body's ability to retain water. So if you drink less than 5 cups of coffee a day, you don't need to worry about dehydration.
    • Sports drinks that provide electrolytes like Gatorade can replenish the body with salt, sugar and other essential minerals to fight sore throats.
  4. Bathe every morning and evening. You should take a hot shower regularly. Bathing not only cleanses the body, brings a refreshing feeling, but the hot steam also helps to soothe the throat.
  5. Supplement with vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to help protect cells from free radical damage. Free radicals are compounds that are formed when the body converts the food ingested into energy. Although vitamin C's anti-sore throats are controversial, it certainly won't hurt the throat. So, you can take vitamin C for a sore throat.
    • Other antioxidant-rich foods you can eat for a sore throat are green tea, blueberries and cranberries, beans (Pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans), artichokes, plums, apples and pecans, etc. .
  6. Make garlic tea. Garlic is a natural antibiotic, thus helping to relieve sore throats.
    • Cut some fresh garlic into small (medium size) slices.
    • Put garlic slices in a cup / cup of tea. Fill the cup with water.
    • Microwave the tea cup to boil for about 2 minutes.
    • Take out the tea cup. Remove the garlic slices while the tea is still hot.
    • Add your favorite tea bag (flavored with garlic deodorant), such as vanilla flavor.
    • Add a little honey or another sweetener (enough to taste good).
    • Drink tea (tea tastes great thanks to tea bags and sweeteners). You can drink as much as you like.

Part 3 of 4: Foods to avoid for a sore throat

  1. Avoid dairy foods like milk, butter, or cream. Some people are at risk for increased mucus secretion from dairy foods.
  2. Avoid overly sweet foods such as cakes or Cupcake when you have a sore throat. Sugar-sweetened foods can irritate the throat. You can eat sugar-free popsicles as they help soothe your throat.
  3. Avoid cold foods and drinks. Don't let the coolness of the drink fool you. You need to keep your internal body temperature warm. Although it doesn't taste good, you should also try to drink warm water. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Signs of a sore throat need to see a doctor

  1. You should see your doctor if your sore throat persists for more than 3 days. It's best to be careful to avoid later regrets. Your doctor can examine your throat, discuss symptoms and run tests to help you recover quickly.
  2. Check for signs of a sore throat. A sore throat can be as simple as a sore. However, many of the times when you think of a sore throat is actually a sore throat or another potentially dangerous and dangerous infection. You should check for the following signs of strep throat:
    • Severe and sudden sore throat without the usual signs of aura (cough, sneezing, runny nose, etc.).
    • Fever above 38 ° C. If you have a fever lower than this, you could be infected with a virus, not strep.
    • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
    • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
    • The throat is swollen, red or dark red spots on the upper palate, near the throat.
    • Redness in the neck or other parts of the body.
  3. Check for signs of mononucleosis (Mononucleosis or Mono). Monocytes are caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and often occur in teenagers and young adults because adults are most immune to the virus. Symptoms of mononucleosis include:
    • High fever of 38-40 ° C accompanied by chills.
    • Sore throat with white-spotted tonsils.
    • Swollen tonsils and swollen lymph nodes throughout the body.
    • Headache, fatigue and lack of vitality.
    • Pain on the left side of the abdomen, near the spleen. If the spleen hurts, you should see your doctor immediately to prevent the risk of rupture of the spleen.


  • Eat soup. Soup is the ideal dish to help fight disease.
  • Take a very hot shower. The heat of the water helps open up your airways, which helps you relieve pain and recover faster.
  • Use cough pills when you have a sore throat
  • Sleep with head pillow and apply VapoRub oil on chest, under nose and on forehead. VaporRub oil helps you breathe easier and increases oxygen flow.
  • When you have a sore throat, take your temperature once every 24 hours. If your body temperature is over 38 degrees Celsius, you should see your doctor right away in case of a viral or bacterial infection such as mononucleosis.
  • Boil some lavender in water, then add a pinch of honey. Lavender tea has a pleasant fragrance and helps soothe the throat.
  • Take ibuprofen or other pain relievers for temporary relief. Are not give pain relievers to children without consulting their doctor and / or health professional.
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol to prevent your sore throat from getting worse.
  • Try ginger tea.
  • Try to drink tea before breakfast, lunch, and dinner to keep the bacteria out of your throat.


  • Avoid soda and other sugary foods or drinks. Soda is only good with ginger because research shows that ginger reduces sore throats and swelling of the tonsils.