How to Cook London Broil in the oven

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
London Broil
Video: London Broil


  • Use a blender or food processor to blend garlic cloves and salt into a paste.
  • Add wine, Balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and honey to the blender. Keep pressing the blender button until the ingredients are evenly blended into a thick solution.
  • Steak skewer. Use a sharp fork or knife to poke holes in the meat.
    • The acid in the vinegar softens the meat even if you don't skew it before you cook it. However, using a knife or fork in the meat will help the brine penetrate deeper and faster, and is especially helpful if you can't marinate it for a long time.

  • Marinate meat 4-24 hours. Pour the marinade into a large plastic bag (thick bag that can be closed). Then put the meat in the bag and close the top of the bag. Place the bag in the refrigerator while the steak is marinated.
    • Turn the bag over every few hours and let the marinade spread evenly.
    • The longer you marinate, the more flavorful the meat is. However, the meat can be chewy if it is allowed to soak for more than 24 hours.
  • Part 2 of 4: Bake on top

    1. Preheat oven and baking pan over high heat. Let the oven heat up for about 10 minutes.
      • Most upper fire ovens have only "on" and "off" modes. If your oven can be set to "high" and "low", you should set to high.
      • Make sure to use the special baking pan that is used to grill the high heat instead of using the regular baking pan. The high heat with a rack is used to prevent the fat and juices from becoming too hot and causing a fire.
      • Do not use foil for the top baking pan

    2. Transfer the meat to the baking pan. Remove the pan from the oven and carefully place the meat from the bag on the pan.
      • For the best results, let the meat and marinade reach room temperature before placing in a hot pan.
      • Save the marinade to spread over the meat if desired. Use only marinade to spread over meat during baking. Raw meat can contaminate the marinade, and it is not safe to spread it on fully cooked meat.
    3. Bake meat in oven on fire for 8-12 minutes, flip once. Place the baking pan on the top tray of the oven and cook the meat for 4-6 minutes on each side.
      • London Broil meat that is roasted for 8 minutes will be pale, while meat that has been roasted for 10 minutes will be medium or nearly pale. If you want the meat to be medium cooked, you need to cook it for 12 minutes. However, a steak that is roasted under heat for too long will dry out.
      • If desired, spread the remaining marinade onto the meat as you turn it over half the time.

    4. Enjoy warm meat. After taking it out of the oven, let the meat cool for 5 minutes before cutting and serving. advertisement

    Part 3 of 4: Bake top and bottom fire

    1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Stack thick foil on a baking tray.
      • If you don't have thick foil, you should stack two layers of medium-sized foil.
    2. Stack steak on foil. Place the steak in the center of the foil and fold the four sides of the paper together to form a package for the meat to cook inside.
      • Fold the foil over the meat to help retain the internal heat, reduce processing time, and also keep the extra marinade and gravy inside.
      • Make sure not to pack too tightly. While it is important to keep as much internal heat as possible, the package of meat should also allow for air to circulate inside.
      • If you want, you can add a few chopped vegetables to the package before folding the foil. Sliced ​​bell peppers and sliced ​​onions are delicious tubers.
    3. Bake steak for about 50 minutes. There is no need to flip or do anything else while the steak is grilled.
    4. Remove the steak from the oven and enjoy the meat while it's warm. Let the steak cool for 5 minutes before serving.
      • Be careful when removing foil packages. The released steam will be hot and can cause burns if you are not careful. Remove one corner of the foil package and pull it towards yourself to let the steam escape on the opposite side. Wait until most of the steam has drained before removing the rest.
      • Cut the meat into 1.3 cm slices to enjoy.
      • Use a spoon to pour the gravy from the foil package over the sliced ​​meat.

    Part 4 of 4: Combination method

    1. Heat a cast iron pan and oven. The pan must be heated under medium heat for about 5 minutes, and the oven must be heated to 160 degrees Celsius.
      • Note that this method is especially effective on thick slices of meat as it reduces the cooking time. The faster the meat is baked in the oven, the more juicy it becomes.
      • Make sure the cast iron pan is pre-oiled before using it. Using an oiled cast iron pan, you do not need to spread fat on the pan before adding the meat.
    2. Fry the steak in a pan. Fry the steak in the pan for 2-3 minutes on each side.
      • Use a tongs to turn the meat over and check that the meat is evenly brown on both sides.
      • For the best results, take the meat out of the refrigerator 2 hours before preparing it to reach room temperature.
    3. Place the steak in the oven. Remove the cast iron pan from the stove and transfer the pan directly into the oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until cooked as desired.
      • The cast iron pan is safe to use in the oven, and many other pans are not safe.
    4. Enjoy the meat while it is still warm. After taking it out of the oven, let the meat cool for about 5 minutes. Cut meat into thin slices and cut through the fiber.
    5. Finish. advertisement


    • Note that the USDA recommends that the internal temperature of the meat be at least 65 degrees Celsius. Stick a meat thermometer in the center of the meat to check the internal temperature.

    What you need

    • Large, tight plastic bag
    • Blender or food blender
    • Frying pan under fire
    • Baking tray
    • Cast iron pan
    • Silver paper
    • Tools for grabbing
    • Spoon