Ways to Cook Carrots

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Carrots are tubers that have long been an indispensable part of all cuisines. Although best known for its traditional orange color, carrots come in many other colors such as purple, white, yellow, and many other orange shades. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, although processing can affect the vitamin's content. For cooking, you can use carrots young or old, depending on the preparation method to enhance the natural sweetness of carrots.


Method 1 of 15: Prepare carrots

  1. Clean carrots. Before being processed, carrots should be cleaned according to the following instructions:
    • Small, young carrots: No need to peel or cut. Simply use a vegetable scrub with hard bristles to scrub the outside soil. Bring the whole process.
    • Big, old carrots: Can be rubbed clean in cold water. However, if the peel has many defects or the recipe requires, you should peel or shave it off. According to the Larousse Gastronomique culinary dictionary, you should not peel or peel carrots if you want to keep the maximum amount of nutrients; only use a clean scrub brush for organic carrots; If you think that the carrots have been sprayed with pesticides, it's best to peel or peel them. Big, old carrots can be cut into circles, diced or shredded for processing.
    • Grate the carrots if required. In cooking, carrots are often used as a filling for pudding, cream cakes and savory pastries.

Method 2 of 15: Blanch the carrots

  1. Know when to blanch carrots and how to blanch. Early fresh carrots, small bulbs do not need blanching. Old carrots at the end of the season need to be blanched to reduce bitterness. Try chewing on raw carrots first to see if you need to blanch.
  2. Cut back. Trim the carrots to suit the recipe requirements.

  3. Place the carrots in a pot of cold water. Boil water.
  4. Boil for about 5-6 minutes. Old carrots need to blanch for 10-12 minutes.

  5. Drain the water. Remove the carrots and use according to the recipe instructions. advertisement

Method 3 of 15: Steamed Carrots

Steaming is a great way to prepare tubers, including carrots. The steaming method helps to keep the freshness and vitamins in the tubers. Young carrots bring the best steam.

  1. Rub the tubers. Cut off both ends and decide whether to steam them whole or cut in circles.
  2. Place the steamer basket in the pot or use a special steam cooker. If using a steam basket, the water level should be lower than the bottom of the basket and the carrots. Boil water.
    • If using a special cooker / steamer, follow the instructions.
  3. Place carrots in a steamer or steamer basket. Close the lid tightly.
  4. Steamed until soft. This should take about 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the carrot. Check out regularly after 8 minutes.
  5. Use carrots while still warm / hot. Steamed carrots can be used as side dishes in meals or in other recipes. Carrots can be kept warm during meals by placing them in a covered container. advertisement

Method 4 of 15: Boiled Carrots

Boiling is the ideal method for older carrots. You can use the chicken broth or the vegetable broth to boil to increase the flavor of the carrots. This method is especially useful for carrots that don't taste very well.

  1. Peel and cut carrots into circles.
  2. Fill the pot with 3 cm of brine and bring to a boil.
  3. Add carrots cut slices. Bring to a boil, lower heat and cover the pot.
  4. Boil until the carrots are just soft. This process takes about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Use immediately when hot. You can sprinkle a few chopped fresh parsley leaves for decoration. advertisement

Method 5 of 15: Microwave the carrot

  1. Pour 45 g of carrots rinsed into a deep dish or microwave dish. Add 2 tablespoons of water.
  2. Cover the plate.
  3. Microwave on high (100% capacity) until carrots are slightly soft and crispy. Microwave the carrots from time to time. On average, the cooking time in a microwave would be as follows:
    • Thin slices of carrots take 6-9 minutes.
    • Shredded carrots take 5-7 minutes.
    • Baby carrots take about 7-9 minutes.

Method 6 of 15: Stewed Carrot

Carrot stew is delicious and sweet.

  1. Preheat oven to 140ºC.
  2. Prepare 450 g carrots, slice them into large bulbs, or use baby carrots.
  3. Place the carrot in a deep pot or cast iron pot. Arrange carrots neatly in the pot.
  4. Add 1/3 cup scallion, 2 teaspoons grated orange peel, 1-1 / 4 cups orange juice, 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil. Season with fresh black pepper powder, table salt and some thyme to taste. You can sprinkle with red chili powder if you like.
  5. Place the pot on the fire. Bring to a boil under medium heat. After that, turn off the heat and cover the pot again.
    • If you don't have a lid, you can use a special foil to cover the pot.
  6. Place the pot in the oven. Cook for another 1-1 / 2 hours or until carrots are tender.
  7. Remove the pot from the oven. Use when still hot. Sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley on top. advertisement

Method 7 of 15: Carrots covered with sauce

  1. Slice the carrots into a circle. Choose new, large carrots when using the carrot sauce.
  2. Steam carrots for 5-8 minutes.
  3. Melt 25 g butter in a saucepan with 1/2 cup brown sugar. Add 2 tablespoons of orange juice.
  4. Put the steamed carrots in the pan. Heat for 1 more minute and then turn off the heat.
  5. Use when still hot. A sauce-coated carrot can be served with chopped fresh parsley or chopped nuts (walnuts, pecans). advertisement

Method 8 of 15: Roast Carrots

  1. Cut the carrot in half. Then cut it in half again or cut it in 4 lengthwise.
  2. Spread melted butter or oil on the carrots.
  3. Place the carrots on a baking dish that has been spread with butter or oil. You can use a baking tray instead.
  4. Place the baking dish in the oven at 200ºC. Bake until soft and golden brown, about 20-40 minutes, depending on the size of the carrot. You should flip the carrots 1-2 times to make them evenly coated with the caramel color.
  5. Use immediately when hot with other baked roots. advertisement

Method 9 of 15: Sauteed Carrots

  1. Cut carrots into long strands. Cut carrots into long strands such as "matchsticks" or "short sticks"). The fibers must be very thin for the carrots to ripen quickly.
  2. Pour some oil into a deep pan or large frying pan.
  3. Pour the shredded carrots into the pan. Stir fry until soft, but with the fiber intact.
  4. Turn off the stove. Sprinkle with chopped fresh mint leaves and serve as soon as possible. advertisement

Method 10 of 15: Cook carrots with raisins

  1. Cut the young carrots into circles. Cut enough carrots for 4-6 people (one bulb per person).
  2. Sauté carrots in melted butter. Sprinkle with a little flour and enough water to cover. Add 1 teaspoon of Brandy.
  3. Close the pot lid. Cook for another 15 minutes under low heat. Then, add 1 handful of raisins. Continue cooking until carrots are tender.
  4. Use immediately when hot. advertisement

Method 11 of 15: BBQ Carrots

  1. Cut carrots into slices lengthwise.
  2. Spread melted butter or oil along slices of carrots.
  3. Bake on the barbecue until the carrots are caramelized. advertisement

Method 12 of 15: Crushed Carrot

  1. Cook 500 g of carrots in salt water. Add 1 teaspoon of white sugar and 15 grams of butter or oil to a pot of water.
  2. Take out the boiled carrots. Keep some broth for use.
  3. Press the carrots through a sieve or grind.
  4. Heat the crushed carrots. Add a few tablespoons of carrot broth to the carrot puree and stir; This step is only necessary if the carrot is too thick.
  5. Add 50 g of butter or oil to the saucepan just before turning off the heat. Mix.
  6. Enjoy. Mashed carrots are a delicious addition to a meal with vegetables and barbecue.
    • To make the mashed carrots a richer flavor, add 4 tablespoons of whipped cream and mix well before serving.

Method 13 of 15: Carrot Soup

  1. Make carrot soup. There are many types of carrot soups, from simple to complex. Here are some carrot soups you can try:
    • Carrot soup
    • Curry carrot soup
    • Carrot, chili and coriander soup
  2. Make carrot and ginger soup:
    • Grate 4 carrots.
    • Fry 1 onion with 2 cm of chopped fresh ginger and 2-3 chopped garlic cloves. You can use a little butter or oil for the onion.
    • Add the grated carrots to the butter or oil mixture. Stir the carrots for another 10 minutes.
    • Add 1 liter of vegetable broth or hot chicken broth. Simmer for 30 minutes.
    • Wait for the soup to cool. Blend until smooth.
    • Enjoy when hot. Sprinkle with a little finely chopped parsley. If you like ice cream, you can sprinkle a little more over the soup.

Method 14 of 15: Carrots with radishes

The sweetness of carrots can mingle with the taste of radish.

  1. Wash the carrots. Peel the old bulbs.
  2. Cut carrots into thin circles.
  3. Peel radish. Cut into carrot-like pieces.
  4. Boil in boiling salt water until carrots and radishes are just soft to crush. Cook in vegetable broth for added flavor.
  5. Take out the carrots and radishes, puree them, and drain the water again because crushing will cause the carrots and radishes to release water. Add butter and black pepper powder.
  6. Enjoy while still hot. Carrots cooked with radish are a delicious side dish. advertisement

Method 15 of 15: Carrot sweet

  1. The natural sweetness of carrots is great for making many sweet dishes. Here are some carrot sweets that you can try:
    • Halwa carrot flavored cake
    • Carrot Cream Cake, Vegan Carrot Cream Cake, Carrot Cake Cake
    • Carrot Donut Cake


  • Carrots are usually best around late spring to late summer.
  • When buying carrots, you should buy bulbs that are light in color and have few defects.

Avoid buying carrots that have wrinkled or flexed skin.

  • Carrots are related to parsley, turnips and celery.
  • Carrots taste good in a number of dishes. Specifically, carrots match apples, mint, oranges, parsley, raisins, shallots, cumin. In addition, carrots are also very good with vinegar.
  • Water often helps to absorb the sweetness of carrots. To preserve as much of the natural sweetness of carrots as possible, use a little water during cooking.


  • Store carrots away from potatoes, apples, or pears; The ethylene gas released from these fruits can give carrots a bitter taste.