How to calculate the total amount of care needed per day

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to calculate Daily|| hourly ||weekly || biweekly and yearly salary in excel sheet
Video: How to calculate Daily|| hourly ||weekly || biweekly and yearly salary in excel sheet


Calcium is the unit of energy the body uses to perform functions and activities that sustain life every day. The amount of calories you absorb from food will fuel your body. The amount of calories needed per day for each person is completely different depending on age, height, weight, gender, lean body weight and activity level. Once you know how to calculate calories needed each day, you will be able to design the right eating plan to help you meet your health goals.


Part 1 of 2: Calculate the total calories needed

  1. Use an online calculator. You can calculate the total calories you need using online calculation tools available.
    • These tools are easy to use and simpler than doing the math yourself.
    • You can find a wide variety of calculators from weight loss websites, fitness centers and a few health associations. Make sure you choose a reliable website and do not use calculation tools from other people's blogs or personal pages.
    • Most of these computations work the same way. You will enter your height, weight, gender, age, and activity level. Keep this in mind when you are calculating calories needed.
    • You can try the calculator from the Mayo Clinic site or USDA's Supertracker.

  2. Determine the basic energy metabolism index - BMR by formula. The BMR is the number of calories your body needs to function to sustain life every day. It is the metabolic rate or the amount of calories your body burns at rest.
    • Your body needs a certain amount of calories to maintain life and function properly. Everything from maintaining your heart rate, breathing, or digesting food requires an amount of energy in calories. This is the largest amount of calories consumed per day.
    • The BMR formula for women is: 9.56 x (weight in kg) + 1.85 x (height in cm) –4.68 x (age). Then add 655 to get the result.
    • The BMR formula for men is: 13.75 x (weight in kg) + 5.0 (height in cm) - 6.78 x (age in years). Then add 66 to get the result.
    • You will use your BMR to apply to Harris Benedict's formula to find out how many calories you burn while active.

  3. Calculate your total calories consumed using the Harris Benedict Formula. This formula can help you estimate the total calories you burn per day by producting your BMR with your average activity level.
    • Multiply your BMR by your activity level. This will be a pretty accurate number of total calories you need to consume each day.
    • If you are sedentary (with little or no movement) multiply your BMR by 1.2.
    • If you do light physical activity (exercise about 1 to 3 days per week) multiply your BMR by 1.375.
    • If you are moderately active (moderate exercise and / or sports for 3 to 5 days) multiply your BMR by 1.55.
    • If you are active (doing heavy sports or being active 6 to 7 days a week) multiply your BMR by 1,725.
    • If you are doing a lot more than usual (work or sports that challenge the body, like exercising twice a day) multiply your BMR by 1.9.

  4. Consider your body fat percentage. People who are muscular or have low fat and high lean muscle mass will need more calories than the average person.
    • If you're an athlete or were born with a low fat percentage, you'll need more calories than the total calories calculated using an online calculator or math formula.
    • Lean muscle weight burns more calories than fat. Eating a small amount of calories will help you achieve the right total calories.
    • It is also important to note that the daily calories calculated by Harris Benedict's formula for people who are overweight or obese may also be higher than necessary.

Part 2 of 2: Use the total calories needed to control your health

  1. Make an appointment with a registered dietitian. These nutritionists will give you a lot of specific advice on how much calories you need. They will also be able to tell you how to use that total calories to help manage your health. You will need to see a registered dietitian if you have a medical condition or medical problem that requires attention.
    • You can find a local dietitian online or ask your doctor for a referral. The website of the American Institute of Nutrition and Dietetics offers you a "Find an Expert" tool to help you with your search.
    • Each dietitian will specialize in a particular area. If you're concerned about a particular issue like weight loss, athlete's diet or chronic disease management - seek the help of a registered dietitian who specializes in that area.
  2. Use the total amount of calories you need each day to lose weight. Many people want to find out how many calories they burn each day to help them lose weight. Adjust your calories to help you achieve your goals.
    • If you want to lose weight, usually you can cut back about 500 calories per day to safely lose weight (about 0.5 - 0.9 kg per week).
    • Experts also recommend that you don't cut calories any more. If you don't eat properly, your weight loss will slow down and you will be at a higher risk of nutritional deficiency.
  3. Increase the amount of calories you absorb to gain weight. If you and your doctor or dietitian decide that you need to gain weight, you can also use the total amount of calories needed each day to do this.
    • Health experts recommend that each person should consume an additional 250-500 calories per day. This will probably help you gain about 0.2 - 0.5 kg per week.
    • To maintain your weight, try to keep calories within your calculated range.
    • If you find yourself gaining or losing unwanted weight, review your total calories and make adjustments if needed.


  • The American College of Sports and Sports Medicine has demonstrated that daily calories should not be below 1,800 calories for men and 1,200 calories for women.