How to get smaller hips

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to slim down your hips *in 1 week*
Video: how to slim down your hips *in 1 week*


  • Most health care professionals recommend incorporating at least 150 minutes or about 2 and a half hours of moderate intensity cardio per week.
  • In addition to supporting weight loss and toning for different parts of the body, cardio exercise has also been shown to help control diabetes or high blood pressure better, improve sleep habits and even Improve mood.
  • Try any cardio exercise, like: jogging, dancing, swimming, rock climbing or biking.
  • Try running. Jogging is a great exercise for the heart. Jogging helps burn a significant amount of calories within an hour and uses mostly thigh muscle.
    • Running not only improves cardiovascular endurance, but also improves muscle strength and endurance.
    • Experts recommend jogging for at least 20 minutes per session to help slim and firm thighs.

  • Take the stairs. Climbing stairs force you to work hard the hip flexors, front thigh muscles and lower abdominal muscles. Besides, this exercise helps to burn significant calories in a minute.
    • Combine 2-5 minutes of running on stairs or 5-10 minutes climbing stairs 3 times per week. Or you can use the treadmill at the gym for at least 20 minutes.
    • Walking not only helps to burn calories and fat, but also is a great exercise to help tone legs and butt.
  • Join a group cycling class. Many cyclists are known for their beautiful legs. Cycling is a great exercise to help burn calories and help firm legs.
    • Cycling affects many muscles in the legs, including the hind thighs, the front thigh muscles, the lower legs, the inner thigh muscles and the glutes. This is a comprehensive leg exercise.
    • In addition, cycling is also great for people with knee injuries or pain because this is a high intensity exercise but less impact.

  • Join Kickboxing class. Kickboxing is a group of aerobic exercises that use many martial arts moves. This exercise helps to tone both the upper body and lower body.
    • Kickboxing is also known to help burn large amounts of calories in an hour. This is a great group of exercises that you should combine to burn calories and lose body fat.
    • Kickboxing uses many kicks that require use of almost any muscle in the leg. Here's another exercise to help tone your thighs and legs.
  • Part 2 of 3: Combining strength training to help smaller hips

    1. Combine strength training regularly. In addition to cardio, you'll also need a combination of strength and endurance exercises. There are many exercises that can help strengthen the thighs and buttocks. Keep in mind that muscles take up less space than fat, so strengthening the leg muscles will only improve the look of your hips and thighs.
      • Concentrate on doing exercises repeatedly within the range of comfort.
      • Consider doing quick leg exercises like jumping, leg raises, knee-elevation slow jogging, and heel kicks. Fast movements affect different muscle fibers more than slow motion.
      • Slow, but powerful movements such as thigh lifts, deadlifting, and sag will affect the remaining muscle fibers in the hip.
      • Strength-training exercises don't burn as many calories as cardio but will help build toned muscles.
      • Besides, the more muscle you build over time, the more calories your body burns at rest.
      • Incorporate about 2-3 days of strength training per week. If you focus primarily on your hips and thighs, make sure to take a day off between muscle training days.

    2. Do a Hip Brige exercise series. Bridge poses are popular exercises that help tone the lower back, abdomen, buttocks, and most importantly, the hips.
      • Lie on your back with knees bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Focus on keeping your spine straight in the middle. Tighten abdominal muscles.
      • Slowly lift your hips up until a shoulder-to-knee plank is formed. Hold this position for 3 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 10-20 times.
      • To increase the intensity of the exercise, you should hold the upper posture, lower your hips about 2.5 cm, then push your hips up again. Do the exercise for 1 minute, then lower your hips.
    3. Do thigh shoulder exercises. This exercise helps to tone the lower body, especially the hips and thighs.
      • Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart. Squeeze your abs and put weight on your heels.
      • Sitting down is like sitting on a low chair. Keep your knees in the back of your toes. Stand on your side in front of the mirror when doing this exercise to check your posture.
      • Stop for about 3 seconds at the lowest position you can lower yourself. Push up pressure from your heels to get up. Repeat 10-20 times.
    4. Do knee slack practice. Cross-knee slack is a modified thigh-one-leg carrying motion. Since the extra force is needed from the hips, this is a great exercise for toning hips and thighs.
      • Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart. Crossing right leg behind left leg is like bowing to the king.
      • Bend both knees and lower. Try to lower your left leg as low as possible to the floor.
      • Tighten your muscles and keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Do not let people fall first. Repeat 10-20 cross knee presses on each leg.
    5. Sidestepping (horizontal steps). This exercise targets the outer hips and is great for strengthening your outer hips and toning your outer hips.
      • Prepare a small elastic belt. Step inside the belt and pull the belt up above your knee. The belt should stretch as you step sideways.
      • Step horizontally to the right as far as possible. Slowly pull the left leg closer to the right leg. Step sideways in the opposite direction, this time with the left step first.
      • Repeat the exercise 10-20 times on each side.

    Part 3 of 3: Making dietary changes to contribute to smaller hips

    1. Cut back on calories. To make your hips and thighs smaller, you need to lose body fat. You can't just lose fat in one place, so following a calorie-restricted diet will help reduce hip, thigh and body fat.
      • You should lose weight slowly and safely, equivalent to 0.5-1 kg per week.
      • Cut out 500-750 calories from your current diet. This often helps slow and safe weight loss.
      • Use a food journal or online app to see how many calories you are eating each day. This will determine your calorie limit to help you lose weight.
    2. Protein and vegetables should make up a large proportion of the meal. There are many different types of diets available today. However, research shows that low-carb diets lead to the fastest weight loss and fat loss.
      • If you want to go on a low-carb diet, most of the meal should be protein, vegetables, and fruit. This combination of foods also helps to provide enough nutrients to maintain a nutritious diet.
      • Incorporate a source of lean protein with each meal. Try to incorporate 90-120 g of protein in most meals and snacks (about the size of a deck of cards). This will help you meet the recommended daily protein requirements.
      • In addition, combine 1-2 servings of fruit per day (1/2 cup chopped or a small piece) and 4-5 servings of vegetables per day (1 cup chopped or 2 cups of green vegetables).
      • Examples of low-carb meals are mostly protein and vegetables: 1 cup of fresh cheese and sliced ​​fruit, 1/4 cup chickpea sauce with chopped raw vegetables, or grilled chicken salad.
    3. Limit foods high in carbohydrates. If you are on a low-carb diet to lose body fat and reduce the size of your hips and thighs, keep an eye on your total carbohydrate intake each day.
      • Carbohydrates are found in many foods, including: fruits, dairy products, starchy vegetables, beans, nuts, sugars and soft drinks such as soda or energy drinks.
      • Foods like dairy or fruit products offer many other beneficial nutrients in addition to carbohydrates (like protein and fiber). Therefore, it is recommended to combine these foods in small amounts. It is not recommended to avoid these foods completely.
      • The most restrictive is the grain group. Most of the nutrients in the grain group can be obtained from other foods. You should limit foods such as bread, rice, pasta, bagels, and crackers.
    4. Drink enough water. Getting enough water is an essential step in any balanced diet and even more important if you exercise regularly.
      • Most health care professionals recommend drinking at least 8-13 glasses of water per day.
      • You may need more water, depending on your activity level. Experts also recommend drinking enough fluids to compensate for the loss of fluids caused by sweating during exercise.
      • Choose non-caffeinated, unsweetened drinks such as: water, flavored water, decaffeinated coffee, and decaffeinated tea.


    • Always talk to your doctor before changing any diet or exercise. Your doctor can tell you if the change is safe or right for you.
    • Remember, you cannot "lose fat in one place" anywhere on your body. A healthy diet combined with strength training and cardio is the best way to lose fat in any part of the body.

    What you need

    • Exercise mat
    • Shoes for athletes
    • Comfortable clothes
    • Mirror
    • Elastic belt