How to be mentally resilient

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The three secrets of resilient people | Lucy Hone | TEDxChristchurch
Video: The three secrets of resilient people | Lucy Hone | TEDxChristchurch


Mental resilience plays an important role in maintaining both mental and physical health. Positive thinking helps to minimize the negative effects of stress on the body and prevent depression. Optimism also results in beneficial behavior by improving your ability to identify resources to overcome difficulties. There are a number of resilience training techniques you can use to find one that works for you.


Method 1 of 3: Focus on the positive side

  1. Look at the issue from the right angle. What is important today may not be important in the future. When circumstances change, the attitude of assessing the situation is no longer the same as before.
    • Try to find the element of humor in all situations to promptly improve your mood and outlook on matters.

  2. Make time for activities you enjoy. Hobbies are a powerful way to pull you out of your troubles and indulging in good experiences can help improve your mood. Immerse yourself in comforting moments and let go of negative thoughts.
    • Hobbies including physical activity and social interaction have a fairly significant impact. Both of these can improve mental stability and build resilience, so incorporate them into your routine as much as possible.

  3. Consider the situation for a more positive perspective. You can choose to tell the story, emphasizing the situation involving energy and happy moments.
    • If you can't tell the story in a more positive way, you can try it from someone else's perspective. Assume the role of the observer to find favorable outcomes in particular circumstances.

  4. Regularly show gratitude. If you focus on the people and things you are grateful for, you will not have the mind to worry, regret, and resentment. This also works to improve the mood of the person you share your gratitude with, creating a circle of goodwill. Be grateful to at least three people every day.
    • In addition to showing your gratitude in the present moment, you can take time to consider things you're grateful for every day, or keep a gratitude journal.

Method 2 of 3: Believe in yourself and the world around you

  1. Believe in yourself. You have reached this stage of your life, so you deserve respect and confidence. You have overcome all that happened to you in this moment. Here is evidence that you can cope with anything.
    • Make a list of all the difficulties you have overcome and acknowledge your strength and resilience. The next challenge will be just an achievement that you add to your roster.
  2. Open up to support from others. It can be difficult to share your problem with others because you don't trust them to care and support you. This is a misconception of most people. You should give others the opportunity to show your conscientiousness. Sharing problems makes you feel less lonely, and the other person's reactions can be an undiscovered resource.
    • If you truly believe that no one in your social relationship can understand and support you, find a new one by joining a support group or community organization.
  3. Believe in the world. This does not mean that you should visit temples, although spirituality can create a sense of meaning and hope. Seeing the best in the world is not just about religion.
    • If you find it difficult to find examples of people overcoming adversity, you can check out a few stories of hope on the internet. You will find people who achieve success when they fall into your similar situations.

Method 3 of 3: Forgive yourself and others

  1. Focus on how you changed and work hard to keep changing. Admit your mistakes is not easy, but you don't need to focus too much on them. After you recognize a mistake, find ways to correct your behavior or improve your results in the future. Mistakes are seen as a step towards success.
    • Realistic special goals. You can't change everything overnight, so it's a good idea to set some simple goals that will bring you towards your main goal. Achieving these small goals will drive confidence and prevent hopelessness when change doesn't happen immediately.
  2. Accept others as they are. You can't change a person, so focusing on their mistakes will be a waste of time. Putting all of your energy into changing others will only make you feel uncomfortable and resentful. You can turn to the good that you like about them.
    • If it is difficult to find someone else's worth, reconsider your relationship with this person. You need to spend energy on your new relationship.
    • If you can't find meaning in your relationship, reassess your expectations.
  3. Be useful. Helping others gives them the opportunity to show your gratitude. This helps you find meaning and purpose. Helping others also makes you less attentive to your own problems but instead focuses on other people's circumstances, helps you realize your strength and not pay much attention to your own problems. .
    • Getting involved in an organization in your area of ​​interest or volunteering in your community are ways to help others.
    • Helping others is also an opportunity to socialize with others.
  4. Prepare yourself for failure. Life doesn't usually work out the way you want, so be prepared for the challenge. Plan out what strategy you think will be most effective, when you begin to feel uncomfortable about unexpected events. This helps you control yourself, even when things go badly.
    • Plan for coping with failure, and hang up in locations that you encounter frequently, such as the refrigerator or on your desk. This helps you act consciously in situations when you begin to feel frustrated and move quickly into the plan.


  • A healthy lifestyle helps maintain emotional stability and resilience.
  • Resilience develops over time, so be patient and practice regularly.


  • Drugs and alcohol only increase negative emotions and lead to inappropriate thinking.
  • If you do not have pleasure in any of these activities and feel hopeless, you should see a psychiatrist. These could be signs of depression.