How to have a sexy body

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: 7 WAYS TO INSTANTLY LOOK HOT! (real tricks)


You want to have an attractive slim body for this summer? Are you ready to show off at a sauna or beach? With the right effort, practice, and method, you have a sexy body.


Part 1 of 2: Diet and sleep

  1. Eat lots of healthy foods. Avoid junk food such as chips, cake, pizza, and ice cream. The body will be grateful to you for this. Eat foods rich in protein and fiber instead, as well as eat smaller portions of food. Eat 3-4 meals a day.
    • Fruits, and more importantly, vegetables provide enough nutrients while on the diet. Eat colorful vegetables like beets, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, and broccoli. Cook them into a mix or serve with chili if you don't like their taste
    • Don't starve. In fact, fasting makes it difficult for the body to lose weight, as the metabolism doesn't work as well without food. (This process is preparing to store more energy.) So you should eat several small meals as often as you want to lose weight.

  2. Drink water instead of juice or soda, even one for dieters. Diet soda usually provides 0 calories instead of regular soda, but they still impact weight loss. If you want to have a perfect body, you should only drink water. Drinking water in place of another drink can significantly reduce caloric intake.
    • Women should drink 2 liters, or nine glasses of water daily. Everyone knows this, but it is not easy for us to give up a delicious cup of coffee in the morning or drink juice during the day. However, you just need to take it slowly, and get started gradually. This is not something that can be done overnight.
    • If you cannot follow the rule of getting enough water, bring a water bottle and drink it regularly.Drink water every hour to reach the prescribed amount of water and you will be successful (in addition to healthier skin).
    • Eliminate alcohol from your diet. This is not easy, especially if you have the habit of drinking alcohol after work (We cannot refuse alcohol!). Alcohol contains a lot of calories, especially cocktails. So, while a single glass of alcohol is healthy for many other reasons, they are not effective for weight loss.

  3. Rest much. Sleep is an important part of weight loss. Many men and women were obsessed with going to the gym and going vegetarian like a priest, but still did not feel any change. Getting enough sleep is effective for weight loss.
    • Lack of sleep makes the body unable to lose weight. This is because if you don't sleep, the body produces the glucose and insulin levels of people with diabetes. Therefore, to lose weight effectively, you should not let yourself lack sleep.
    • Little sleep detracts from your motivation to exercise and eat healthy. We've all experienced this: After the tiring day has ended, we feel tired and have no energy to do other things. We tell ourselves that it will be done tomorrow morning. After a good night's sleep you'll be energized and motivated, so when you start exercising, you'll feel refreshed!

Part 2 of 2: Exercise

  1. If you feel quite lazy and do not want to exercise, you can walk 15-30 minutes after dinner before bed. During this time you can listen to music, do daily tasks, etc. Walking can help your stomach digest well and prevent heartburn.
  2. Do cardio exercises. This is an effective way to help burn energy and get in shape. The goal is to increase a healthy heart rate in order to burn energy.
    • Start jogging for half an hour a day for two weeks, or cycle at a fast pace. If you can stand it, you can work up to an hour a day for better, faster results.
    • If breathing is difficult, you can stop and take a break for about a minute, but not too long resting will slow your heartbeat.
    • When you are about to stop, you can take a relaxing walk. Walk at a fast pace first, then gradually decrease it. Don't skip pre and post-exercise stretches.

  3. Start walking. If you're not busy, you can walk for at least 15 minutes a day. Walking is an effective form of exercise, and research has shown that 15 minutes is enough to extend your life by three years. So you will live longer and have a better body!
    • Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator if possible. Taking the stairs is a great way to exercise your buttocks and legs.
    • Use a walking distance estimator. This device measures the number of steps taken per day. People wearing the device walk more often than people who don't.
    • Find an opportunity to get out. The more you go outside, the more opportunities you will have to walk. Especially when going out to hang out, eat, go for a walk after dinner, or take your dog for a walk every morning.

  4. Form a practice routine. Body training can be combined with weights or not to remove excess fat in unwanted areas: under arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen. The exercise routine plays an important role in getting your body ready to participate in the training process!
    • Stretch your muscles before you exercise. Choose warm-ups that are good for you, but include stretching your hind thighs and pelvis to increase your flexibility. Try a stretch that simulates the movement you'll do during your exercise. This way the muscles are ready for action.
    • Start with 50 stomach crunches. You have to bend properly to deliver results. Always cross your arms across your chest. Lift up with abdominal muscles, not back. Lower until the shoulder blade touches the ground. Don't use the floor to push your body up the next time you bend.
    • Do push-ups as much as possible; Strengthen your limits. The hands are straight, folded down, the right hip is on a straight line with the body, not raised high.
    • Leg lifts. Start in a lying position on one side and lift your leg up, then lower without touching the other leg. Then switch sides. At first repeat 20 times on each side, then you can increase during exercise. To increase resistance, you can carry the dumbbells and place them on your thighs or bundles in your ankles.
    • Do the "Superman." Lie on the floor and spread your arms out in front of you. Raise your legs and arms along with your chest as high as possible. Hold for 10 seconds. Then return to the starting position and rest for 5 seconds. Then repeat. Perform 10 consecutive times.
    • Do the exercises on each side. This is the basic warm-up. If you do 12 repetitions and no longer feel any burning, you can add more weight. That ideal weight is a weight that you can lift at least 8 times, but start to feel hot before finishing the 12th.


  • Know your limits. An injured body after two days of overtraining is more effective in 4 weeks than with regular, moderate intensity exercise.
  • Before breakfast, you can drink warm water with lemon to boost metabolism. Alternatively you can drink green tea.
  • Results not only last for a week. Everything takes time. Usually you'll see results after 6 weeks of intense exercise and healthy eating.
  • If you can't do a stretch, just warm up until it hurts, hold it, and then relax. Repeat this movement and pull out gradually.
  • While running, do not breathe through your nose and breathe through your mouth. This approach has no positive effect. You need to breathe through your mouth and breathe through your mouth, because you need to absorb all the oxygen to pump blood and transfer oxygen to the brain. You may experience pain on the sides of your torso, but simply because your lungs need to expand to get air, so you should stretch your sides before jogging to avoid pain.
  • Try swimming. This is a sport to help you get in shape.
  • Try doing many simple exercises while watching TV. Complex exercises while there are advertisements.
  • When doing cardio, you can purchase a heart rate monitor. This device is sold on the internet for an affordable price and works to prevent injury by reminding users of overtraining.


  • Never starve. Not only is this harmful, but it also makes the body unable to lose weight.
  • Always warm up before exercising. This helps prevent tendon and ligament injuries.
  • Do not use a daily weight as it can be stressful if you don't lose weight the way you want to.