How to get more likes on Facebook

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


This article shows how to increase likes (likes) for your Facebook content.


Method 1 of 2: For personal page posts

  1. Evaluate your posting habits. If your post usually gets very few likes, determining the cause will help you to improve your new posts. Some common problems are as follows:
    • Post too often (many times a day) or post rarely (even once a day).
    • Post at a time when your friends are busy (or sleeping).
    • Post long, multi-word content.
    • Post content that is unnecessarily detailed, unnecessary, or boring.
    • Do not include photos or videos in the article.
    • Don't ask readers for comments or make interactive forms.

  2. Post one or two posts per day. Posting regularly will increase the visibility of your article on other people's feed, leaving them not paying attention or skimming through the content. If you are known for posting interesting, funny status updates, photos and videos, others may stop and pay attention to the post when your name shows up on their feed. As more people pay attention to your article, you will probably get more likes.
    • Posting more than two posts per day will tire others of your content, block or unfollow your posts, or even unfollow you.

  3. Use humor. You will find that witty, cheerful articles often get more likes than articles that are professional or convey knowledge. Replacing your familiar content with a joke or a funny story 1-2 times a day and with a photo will help you gain more likes.
    • Avoid adventurous or sensitive topics (such as religion or politics) in your wit, as these topics often divide rather than merge crowds.
    • If you can't come up with humorous content, use other people's humor: find entertainment online and post it on your wall, or share the dazzling version of a popular meme. Even though the idea is not yours, you will still get some applause.

  4. Add photos and videos to the article. Lively content will attract more views than full-text articles; So add a photo to each of your posts. As long as the image is related to a section of the post, you will see a positive effect of this.
    • When posting a video, be sure to include a curious caption (such as "Can't find your mouth" or "Help!").
    • Note, sharing a photo or video won't be as fun as posting personal content, although sharing still allows you to create an article with your own content on a photo or video.
  5. Post short articles. Many people are not patient enough to read more than a few hundred characters. Especially when writing humorous content or annotating photo articles, you should only write content under 300 characters.
    • If you want to share a long post, try writing a blog post and sharing the link in the short notice on Facebook.
    • Note, if you often post entertaining content, posting long posts once or twice a week probably won't get as much engagement as short ones.
  6. Ask interactive questions. Another way to get more likes is to interact with your Facebook friends by asking interactive questions and asking for the opinion of others. You should ask informational and informal questions as professional or philosophical questions often cause the user to focus on the discussion rather than liking the post.
    • An example of a good question would be "When was the first time you vomited?" and humorously recounted your personal experiences.
  7. Like and comment on other people's posts. Interacting with other people's content will often encourage them to see and like your article. While this has not been proven, continuing to like and comment on other people's content will help you increase likes.
    • This is extremely important when you first make friends with someone on Facebook. Liking their post as soon as you make friends will make them do the same for you.
  8. Avoid posting content to attract attention. Posting sad, attention-grabbing, or compassionate content often keeps people away from liking the article. Again, people prefer to use Facebook to watch funny and positive content, not to remember their personal problems.
    • Personal problems aren't always easy to deal with, but keep in mind that posting them on Facebook is not the way to go. Clear the line between your personal life and your Facebook content.
    • Likewise, you should never post articles that require others to copy and post on their wall or posts asking for likes (such as "Click" like "to spread love!" - even though the posts are This post still has a few likes, but most will make your friends uncomfortable.
  9. Post at the right times of the day. Pay attention to your Facebook usage habits and keep track of your friends' online time. You can use this information to determine the best time of day to post a status and get lots of likes.
    • In general, it is common for people to check Facebook upon waking up in the morning and at bedtime, after school or during work hours; Therefore, you should post during the "peak hours" of the day.
    • If you post during "low hours", such as late at night or at noon on a certain weekday, you will be disappointed with the likes that the post gets.
    • You also need to consider the objective factors that influence a user's Facebook usage. Domestic (or international) events, holidays, and tragedy can change the number of Facebook users at that time.
  10. Publicize your articles. By changing the default view on posts from "Friends" to "Public", you will make it easy for anyone with a Facebook account to see, like, share, and comment. Comment on his article. This also creates a spillover effect; If your friends share your post with their friends, the post will reach people you have never met.
    • The publication of articles helps you to be known by many people, but also reduces the ability to protect personal information. If you want to make your content public, be sure to avoid sharing personal information or tagging your locations.
    • You may just make friends with more people or switch to "Friends of Friends" mode, but switching posts to "Public" will allow everyone to see your content. friend.
    • If you use hashtags (#) in your public posts, other people can find your post when they search for the hashtag you use.
  11. Review the results after a few weeks. If you noticed a rise in likes after fixing the problems you found before starting the process, you can be confident that the changes are working! If you don't notice any noticeable change, try changing the post time, tone, and length of your post.
    • Be patient as it will take a while to see results.

Method 2 of 2: For business page articles

  1. Balance advertising content. Typically, Facebook analysts recommend posting 80% of ad-free content and 20% of promotional content. So for every 10 articles, you should spend 8 articles focusing on reader engagement and 2 articles focusing on selling products (or services).
  2. Notify friends and relatives. If you want to promote the new page, the first thing you should do is invite all your Facebook friends to like the page. As an admin, Facebook gives you the option to do this directly on the page.
    • Remember to include a few polite words when asking others to support your new business and like the page - people will respond positively when you behave properly.
    • You can also encourage them to invite their friends to like the page - although only a few will actually do so, this is how your site will be seen by many people.
  3. Post interesting and interactive articles. One of the most important ways to get more page likes and keep your current likes is to post interesting, rewarding, and interactive content several times a day. Post content that others want to share with friends, such as photos, videos, contests and related articles.
    • Remember that even if one person likes the page that shares your post on their wall with a few hundred friends, your site will reach a large audience.
    • Try to ask lots of questions and encourage others to comment on your posts, then make sure you respond individually. This is how you can get more comments and build a loyal, trustworthy brand.
    • You can also allow Facebook users to post photos to your site. Many people like places where they can interact with others.
  4. Give a gift. Give a gift to someone who likes your site, like a special offer, gift certificate, or something creative. Giveaways are only for people who like your site, so that others have to like it if they want to receive a reward. This can be a very effective way and if the reward is attractive, more people will share it with their friends and family.
    • For example, if you run an online fashion store, you could reward your page favorites with a 10% discount code the next time you shop.
  5. Contact the administrator of the relevant Facebook group. Facebook groups can have a big influence and share your page with many Facebook users. Groups can send emails to members, while sites can only send notifications via Facebook.
    • Try to "entice" the group's administrators to share your page by providing helpful information related to the group and volunteering to promote their group on your site. Certainly no Facebook group wants to send spam information to their members, so you need to make sure your page has content that is relevant to their group and the partnership benefits both parties.
    • Rewards like coupon codes and gift certificates will also encourage group members to like your Facebook page.
  6. A "fan only" contest is launched. This is a contest where only people who like your site can enter. The reward can be anything like a special experience of your product. The larger the reward, the more people like the site and participate in the contest. Maybe they will also share the contest with friends, helping you get more page likes.
    • You can create an interactive contest using a number of fun and fun ways to encourage user participation.
    • You can also encourage users to post their stories on your Facebook page, and the coolest story gets rewarded.
  7. Post job vacancies on your Facebook page. If your company or business is in need of vacancies, post it on the Facebook page with a brief description of the job and details of how to apply. This will encourage your visitors to share the article with other job seekers and bring them back to your site for updates.
  8. Increase likes in the real world. Sometimes just letting people in the real world know about your business on Facebook is enough to increase page likes. You can print Facebook information on business cards or flyers, or include links in email signatures.
    • It is a good idea to mention your business on Facebook when asked how to contact you.
    • If you have a website to promote your business or service, linking to the Facebook page will increase the number of people who can find your page and increase page likes.
  9. Post relevant ads on Facebook. By paying a fee, Facebook will advertise your page to their users, helping you reach people you never know. advertisement