How to have natural white skin

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
You Can Whiten Your Skin In Less Than 10 Minutes!
Video: You Can Whiten Your Skin In Less Than 10 Minutes!


While it is best to accept and love our looks, there may be enough reasons to wish for brighter skin, and the fact that people have been looking for ways to Whiten skin. Unfortunately, although it is possible to even skin tone, there is no recommended way to naturally whiten skin. Home remedies have not been shown to be effective, and some even pose a risk of harm. However, there is still hope for you! There are a number of over-the-counter creams that can help lighten dark patches. In addition, you can also visit a dermatologist to try professional therapies. With the options above, you can safely whiten your skin.


Method 1 of 4: Choose a dark spot cream

There are whitening creams and lotions on the market, and you may be confused as to which one is effective. Luckily, the selection is easier if you know what to look for. You can buy these creams in pharmacies without a prescription. Usually, skin whitening creams are used only on small areas such as age spots. You should always check with your dermatologist if these creams are safe before applying them to larger areas of the skin.

  1. Reduces melanin pigmentation with kojic acid. Kojic acid can treat all skin problems, including pigmentation. Choose a cream with this ingredient to whiten your skin. These products are usually sold without a prescription.
    • The main side effects of kojic acid are mild dermatitis and skin irritation.
    • Kojic acid can make your skin more susceptible to sunburn, so be careful not to get sun exposure after applying the cream.

  2. Try using a retinoid cream to combat hyperpigmentation. Retinoid creams are a common treatment for all skin problems like age spots and wrinkles. Retinoid creams also help whiten dark spots and keep skin healthy. You can buy over-the-counter retinoid cream to try skin whitening.
    • You can also see a dermatologist for a stronger prescription of retinoid creams.
    • Retinoid creams can cause dry, red, and flaky skin on the brown spots applied.

  3. Make sure all the creams you use are mercury free. Some skin whitening creams contain mercury and can be harmful. Mercury exposure can cause kidney problems as well as damage to vision and hearing. Avoid all skin care products containing mercury by checking the ingredients on the product and paying attention to the following information:
    • If any ingredient is calomel, cinnabaris (cyanide), hydrargyrium oxide rubrum (mercury oxide), or quicksilver, the product contains mercury.
    • If a warning is to keep the cream away from silver, gold, aluminum and jewelry, the product may contain mercury.
  4. Use hydroquinone to bleach dark spots. This is a common skin bleaching agent that can block melanin production, commonly used in many over-the-counter whitening creams. Try a 2% hydroquinone cream or lotion to see if it works for you.
    • Some doctors oppose using hydroquinone because it is associated with some side effects such as darkening or excessive whitening of the skin. In general, doctors believe that hydroquinone concentrations below 4% are safe, but to be more sure, you need to ask your dermatologist before use.
    • The whitening effect of hydroquinone is temporary, so it must be used continuously. Skin will darken in the sun, so you should always wear sunscreen when outdoors.
    • Hydroquinone usually gives results within 4 weeks.

Method 2 of 4: Use the cream properly

Once you've chosen the cream, it's easy to use. First you need to read the instructions to make sure it's used correctly, then follow these steps to lighten your skin with an over-the-counter cream.

  1. Test the cream on small areas first. Before using the cream, make sure you are insensitive to the product. Apply a small amount of cream to a small area of ​​skin and wait a few minutes. Check for redness or irritation. If everything looks good, you can apply the cream to the skin.
    • If any, do not use the cream.
  2. Apply a thin layer of cream to the skin you want to lighten. Squeeze a small amount of cream onto your finger or the tip of a cotton swab, then apply it to dark spots on the skin.
    • Avoid getting the cream in your nose, eyes or mouth.
    • Remember that these creams are usually only used to treat small dark spots, not on large patches of skin. Check with your dermatologist first if you want to use it on large areas of skin to ensure it is safe.
  3. Wash your hands after applying the cream. This is essential to prevent you from accidentally bleaching your fingers or other skin areas.
    • Even using a cotton swab, you should still wash your hands to prevent the lotion from getting into your hands without knowing it.
  4. Don't let anyone touch the cream for a few hours after you put it on your skin. Skin whitening creams can pass from your skin to another and accidentally bleach their skin. Wait at least a few hours for the cream to soak before you touch anyone.
  5. Continue therapy for 3-4 months. Skin whitening creams don't have a speedy effect, so you'll have to be patient. Continue to apply the cream daily and wait 3-4 months for the cream to work.
    • In general, if you don't see any difference in 3 months, ask your dermatologist for other options.
    • If the product contains different instructions, follow those instructions.

Method 3 of 4: Laser whitening

While it may help lighten the skin, over-the-counter creams may not be effective. Luckily you still have other options. Talk to your dermatologist about skin whitening options. The most common is laser therapy to reduce melanin in the skin. A dermatologist can perform this procedure and lighten your skin tone.

  1. See a dermatologist to discuss skin whitening. Skin whitening treatments, including laser therapy, will be performed at the dermatologist's office. Make an appointment and talk with your doctor about options that are right for you.
    • Your dermatologist can do a small skin test to make sure you're not sensitive to the laser. They will expose a small portion of the skin to the laser and wait a few weeks to see if you have a reaction. If not, you can safely use this method.
  2. Laser therapy. The procedure for laser therapy is quite simple. The dermatologist will hold the laser device against the skin for 30-60 minutes to destroy the melanin in the skin. They may also use cold air to cool the skin during the treatment. After completing the session, you can go home and wait for your skin to heal.
    • You may feel a slight burning or tightening of your skin during the treatment. This is normal, but tell your doctor if you experience severe pain.
    • Your doctor may use anesthetic cream to numb the skin and relieve pain.
  3. Follow the skin care instructions for 2 weeks after treatment. The lasers actually damage the skin, so you will see red, bruised, and inflamed skin after the treatment. This is normal and should go away within 2 weeks. While your skin is recovering, gently wash your skin daily with water and fragrance-free soap, and then apply aloe or mineral oil wax to help your skin heal. Avoid scratching or scratching the scales that form on the skin. If you follow the following skin care guidelines, your skin will recover and become brighter.
    • You can also take pain relievers to ease the discomfort.
    • Always follow your doctor's specific instructions for post-treatment care.

Method 4 of 4: Home remedies available

You can find many home remedies online for skin whitening. Unfortunately, most of these therapies are ineffective. The best thing you can do at home is to limit your sun exposure to avoid darkening your skin. Besides, it is also good to consult a dermatologist.

  1. Apply sunscreen every time you go outside. Sunscreen doesn't actually lighten the skin tone, but it does help prevent dull and damaged skin. Every time you go out in the sun, wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 to protect your skin and prevent darker skin.
    • Wearing sunscreen is especially important if you are using a whitening cream, as your skin is more sensitive to the sun when you apply whitening cream.
  2. Avoid sun exposure in the middle of the day. The sun is usually strongest between 10am and 2pm, so you will be most exposed to it if you are outside during this time. Try to stay indoors if possible, and be sure to wear as much sunscreen if you are outdoors.
    • If you can't avoid going out during these hours, try to stay in the shade as much as possible.
  3. Do not use unproven skin bleaching treatments. If you go online looking for whitening tips at home, you can find everything from skin bleaching product kits to treatments like lemon juice, yogurt or bleach. None of the above tips have been shown to be effective, some of them even harmful. If you really want to lighten your skin tone, it's best to talk to your dermatologist for a professional treatment.

Important medical information

You are not alone in finding ways to naturally whiten skin. Unfortunately, there are no recommended home remedies for skin whitening. Fortunately, however, you still have many options if you want to whiten your skin. Some over-the-counter whitening creams can be effective if you use them correctly and consult your dermatologist first. If this doesn't work, there are a number of treatments done by a dermatologist that can help get you there. However, instead of trying to change your appearance, you can also try accepting your skin tone and loving yourself as you are.