How to get six pack abs in a month

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 5 May 2024
Get a “6 Pack” in 22 Days! (HOME AB WORKOUT)
Video: Get a “6 Pack” in 22 Days! (HOME AB WORKOUT)


Having six pack abs - may seem harder than climbing Mount Everest, but in fact, with the right training, healthy eating and determination, you can completely own yourself. admirable six-pack in just one month. The following article will help you make every guy's dream come true.


Part 1 of 2: Exercise Setup

  1. Do specialized abdominal exercises. Practice 5 days / week. Each exercise lasts from three to four sets, each set should try to do as many times as possible. When you have done more than 30 reps in a set, you can add extra weight (such as a weight ball) to increase the difficulty, while reducing the number of reps per round. You can do exercises like:
    • Lie on your back, lift your legs on the bench and stretch. This exercise targets the lower abdomen.
    • Lift your legs and legs. This exercise targets the upper abdomen.
    • Fold the twisted abdomen, targeting the oblique muscles.

  2. Practice HIIT. HIIT (high intensity interval training: high intensity interval training) includes all cardio exercises. Many people believe that the more abdominal crunches, the easier it is to develop abdominal muscles, in fact, what you need to do to achieve your six pack dream is to significantly reduce the amount of body fat. That is also the purpose of the HIIT exercises. Jogging, cycling and swimming are great ways to get the body to sweat a lot. Here is a HIIT workout that you can check out:
    • Ten 100m sprints combined with 100 m walking. This means running at full speed for 100 meters, then briskly walk back to where you started. Repeat this process 10 times, lasting about 30 minutes. The purpose of the exercise is to maintain a fast heart rate for 30 minutes. You should do this exercise 5 times / week, combined with abdominal exercises.

  3. Plan your exercise and adhere to it. Try doing cardio in the morning and doing abdominal exercises at noon or in the evening. Once you find the best workout for you, combine it with a portion of your diet and maintain it for a month. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Changing diet

  1. Develop a pure diet. Clean diets are those that do not use processed foods. Instead, combine whole, whole, unprocessed foods to create a balanced, balanced diet with macronutrients. Processed foods pose a lot of problems - especially with processed foods more the more processing you should stay away. Such as:
    • Fast foods like french fries, hamburgers, and frozen foods are the most processed foods in the processed food chain.
  2. Maintain a balanced diet. To build six pack abs, you need a well-balanced diet that includes lean protein, fruits, vegetables, skim milk and healthy carbohydrates. Meals should focus on fruits, vegetables and small amounts of carbohydrates to add protein. However, you can eat more carbohydrates during breakfast and after cardio.
  3. Eat six meals a day. If you want to lose weight, not only should not skip meals, but also have up to six small meals a day. Each meal provides no more than 400 calories. As mentioned, you need to eat a well-balanced diet, so try to get the right amount of protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains every day. If you don't want to have to cook for every small meal, you can use the protein shake as a snack. For your six pack abs, consider a one-day eating plan like this:
    • Breakfast: an egg and spinach mixed with fat-free cheese, served with two slices of whole grain toast.
    • Snack 1: two tablespoons of low-fat, frozen yogurt, without cream.
    • Lunch: Shrimp fried pasta, consisting of: noodles, mushrooms, olive oil, shrimp, spices and vegetables.
    • Snack 2: a bowl of tomato soup.
    • Dinner: Braised chicken with vegetables.
    • Snack 3: protein shake.
  4. Drink a lot of water. It is important that you stay hydrated during this month of intense training. When we become dehydrated, our bodies retain water, causing us to become swollen. Therefore, you need to drink lots of cool and clean water throughout the day to keep your body from dehydration and swelling. advertisement


  • Give yourself a six pack abs to be motivated to stick to your training and diet plan. It could be a beach vacation, buying a new outfit or showing off a glamorous six pack at a pool party that your ex is also joining.