Find out if your boyfriend is cheating on you

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 11 May 2024
How Do You Know Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You
Video: How Do You Know Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You


You may be wondering if your boyfriend is loyal. He treats you a little differently, spends less time with you, is super secretive or no longer makes an effort for your relationship. It is best to investigate his behavior, ask him questions, and be able to come up with evidence before accusing him of adultery.

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Method 1 of 3: Examining his behavior

  1. Determine if he is overly cautious with his phone. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, he will be overly cautious with his phone and computer. Does he get angry when you try to use his phone or computer? He probably uses his phone to communicate with the other person and wants to keep you as far away from his stuff as possible.
    • If you ask "Who were you calling / texting with?" He may answer, "No one" or "Don't worry about it."
    • Does he delete conversations or Facebook messages before letting you use his phone?
    • Is he rushing to answer the phone before you can see who's calling?
  2. Pay attention to his normal routine. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, he should make time for this other person in his schedule and change his routine. You probably know his usual schedule. If he hangs out with his friends more, continues to study late, or works late into the evening, he may be cheating on you.
    • Your boyfriend will prioritize all of these activities over spending time with you. You are no longer his priority.
  3. Notice if he acts more mysterious. Does your boyfriend close the door when you get there? Is he making his calls in another room? If your partner is cheating on you, he will start to distance himself from you.
    • Watch for secrecy in every area of ​​his life. Has he made new contacts that you are not aware of?
    • If you ask him where he is going or what his day was like, does he just give a short answer without any details?
  4. Notice if he has become less affectionate. Cheating on your boyfriend can make him less clingy. He may no longer want to hold your hand, hug, kiss, or have sex. Is he no longer interested in the physical aspect of your relationship?
    • Keep in mind that your boyfriend may be less clingy due to stress or health problems. Before you decide that he's less clingy because he's cheating, consider other signs.
  5. Watch for behavior that deviates from normal. Your boyfriend may start acting differently because he feels guilty about cheating. These behaviors can be positive or negative. Typical changes can include the following:
    • Buying presents for no reason.
    • Do their utmost to be helpful and caring.
    • Looking for trouble.
    • Being moodier than usual.
    • Smelling different (because of someone else's perfume or cologne, for example)
    • Pay extra attention to his appearance (e.g. clothes, a new haircut, going to the gym)
    • Lying about things big and small.
    • Express themselves differently in language than usual.
    • Keep in mind that cheating doesn't have to be the sole explanation for strange behavior.

Method 2 of 3: Estimate your relationship

  1. After amount of time you spend together. Does your boyfriend spend his free time with you or is he always too busy? Do you feel like you and your boyfriend are living separate lives? Don't you know what's going on in his life, and he doesn't know what's going on in yours?
    • Even if you and your friend have busy schedules, he should make time for you to see you and talk to you.
    • Also, be aware of any changes in how much time you spend together. Did you first see each other four times a week and has that decreased to just once a week without any explanation? This could be a sign that he is up to something.
    • Talk to your boyfriend about these changes before assuming he's an imposter.
  2. Assess the quality of your interactions. Not only do you need to evaluate how much time you spend with your friend; the quality of that time is also important. Do you have fun together or argue most of the time? Do you feel that there is a distance or a connection with your boyfriend?
    • If the way the two of you interact with each other has gone from fun and enjoyable to constant arguing, then he may be spending his time with someone else or may be stressed about some other issues and taking this out on you.
  3. Notice how much interest your friend is in you. Even when the two of you spend time together, it may seem like your boyfriend is uninterested in you and the relationship. Do you feel like he doesn't really care about you anymore? Is he very casual with you?
    • For example: do you always have to call or text him first?
    • Do you always have to make plans and come up with ideas for your dates? Doesn't he give input when you ask him what things you can do together?
    • Isn't he very talkative and thoughtful when the two of you are together?
  4. Thrush according to your intuition. You may feel that something is not going well between you and your friend. Maybe you can't really put your finger on, but you know something is there. Do not ignore this feeling.
    • Often times, your gut feeling is the first sign that you should start looking for other signs.
  5. Talk to your friend. If you have any suspicions, you will notice clues and assume that he is cheating on you. However, it is better not to just assume anything. If you falsely accuse him of cheating, it will hurt your boyfriend. Talk to him about what you noticed and listen to his explanation.
    • You can say something like, "Hey, you've been super annoyed lately and your thoughts seem to be completely different. Is everything alright?'
    • You could say, "I've noticed that we spend less time together these days. Is everything alright?'
    • "Our relationship has been in a rut lately. I'd like to work on it. How do you feel about that? "
    • If you catch him in a lie, you can say, "You have not told the truth about ___. That really shattered my feelings. What's really going on? "

Method 3 of 3: Collect evidence

  1. Check out his social media. Go through your boyfriend's social media pages to see if he's talking to someone you don't know. Note whose photos he identifies as "Like" and "Favorite". Also look for other social media pages that you may not be aware of. He can use them to communicate with the other person.
    • Also, notice if he spends more time on social media than you're used to. Spending more time on social media has been associated with cheating.
    • If you have his passwords, you can view his accounts to find out who sent him messages. However, this is a serious invasion of his privacy. If he finds out you did this, he will get mad at you. Be very sure of your suspicions before doing this.
  2. Talk to his friends. If your boyfriend lied about where he's been, talk to his friends to see if they all tell the same story. Keep in mind that his friends are on his side and probably won't tell you what he's doing. Ask smart questions.
    • For example, if your boyfriend said he went out with a friend on a Thursday night, you could ask that friend, "Hey, ___ did you have a good time Thursday?"
    • You can also ask your friend, "Hey, did you and ___ have a good time Thursday? What have you all done?'
    • His friends may start to behave differently around you if your boyfriend is cheating on you. Knowing what's going on can make them uncomfortable around you.
  3. Catch him in a lie. Ask him where he was on a particular day. Ask him again a few days later. If he is lying, he may find it difficult to remember what he said the first time. Compare what he answers to your question each time to see if the stories match.
    • If he reacts defensively or annoyed when you keep asking questions, he may be cheating on you. If he's telling the truth, the questions shouldn't immediately bother him.
    • If he uses social media a lot, check his posts and activities around the time your questions are about. Note any inconsistencies.
  4. Check out his phone. Wait until your boyfriend is asleep or in the bathroom and pick up his phone. This is difficult when he takes his phone everywhere. If you don't know his password, give him a hug and look over his shoulder to see what he's typing. This can help you find out what his password is.
    • You can also stand close to him or sit next to him while he is using his phone to check for conspicuity.
    • Once you have access to his phone, check out his incoming calls and messages as soon as you can. Search for unsaved numbers.
    • If your boyfriend doesn't have any text messages in his phone, he may have deleted them because something is wrong.
    • Searching his phone is yet another serious invasion of his privacy. He will be very upset if he notices that you have done this and cannot trust you anymore. Use this as a last resort.


  • Trust yourself.
  • Talk to people about your feelings. You have to be able to express it and open your mind. This will help make you feel better.
  • Do your best to stay calm.