How to start talking to a stranger

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Start Talking To Strangers in 2021
Video: How To Start Talking To Strangers in 2021


Talking to a stranger can be stressful, but it's also fun to talk to someone you don't know. Whether you are willing to make some new friends or just want to talk to those around you, start by talking about an interesting topic and developing your story from there. You can try talking in many different situations to get to know many people. Hone your skills and you'll be able to chat with new people quickly!


Method 1 of 4: Actively acquaintance and chat

  1. Make eye contact before you approach someone. Eye contact shows interest and connection. If the person looks at you too, this is a good start. Smile sincerely and walk towards the person. If the person looks away or doesn't seem interested, try making eye contact with another person.
    • Make eye contact with the person, but don't look away too quickly or make eye contact. Maintain eye contact for less than 2 seconds.

  2. Learn other people's body language. You should approach the person without crossing your arms or legs and not being busy or distracted by something else (or anyone else). Once you start to talk, notice if the person is leaning over and actively talking to you. You need to continue observing their body language as you speak.
    • You will find that you may be too focused on your own feelings and try to be so impressive that you ignore the other person's sensory suggestions. You need to make changes and start noticing how the other person looks and feel comfortable.

  3. Social chat if you want to grow the conversation. You will make it awkward for others if you start a conversation with a very personal question or investigate a secret story. Start slowly with social stories. Comment on the weather, inquire about their weekend (or plans for next weekend), and be genuinely interested in their responses. You can comment on the simplest thing and build a social story from there.
    • For example, you might say, “I don't think it's raining so hard! If this keeps up, I'll probably buy a good umbrella! ”

  4. Ask open-ended questions to get to know the person better. Whether you're talking to a stranger at the clinic, a grocery cashier, or a cute girl / guy on an airplane, one of the best ways to start a conversation use open-ended questions. You want to get to know them, but don't ask personal questions. Let's talk about the topic lightly and casual.
    • For example, if you are talking to a store clerk at the grocery store, ask something like, “Have you eaten this? In my opinion, is it delicious? ”
  5. Praise the person if you like something about them. Most people love to receive compliments, so it's a great way to start a conversation with someone. Notice something you like about a person and compliment it. Compliments make people feel happier and easier to talk with.
    • Say this, “I like your bag. It suits the clothes you are wearing very well ”.
    • If you want to flirt a little, comment on their eyes, smiles, or hair.Say something like, "You have a really beautiful smile" or, "I like your hair color".
  6. Reveal a little about yourself if you want to make others feel good. Don't tell too much about your ex or the boring day at work. Instead, reveal a little bit about yourself to start a conversation. Talking about yourself shows that you are open-minded and this will encourage others to be open to conversation.
    • For example, you might say, “I just adopted a puppy today so I'm very happy. Do you have any pets? "
  7. Find something familiar to you. One of the fastest ways to get to know someone is to find a common interest. You can notice something right away (for example, they're wearing a hat from the school you went to) or you can ask about their interests if you notice a pair of boxing gloves or a gym bag. Start chatting based on your experience.
    • For example, say, “I love your bike! You also have a car like that. What year is this car? "
    • You could also say, “How old is your puppy? I also have a puppy at home - they're full of energy! "
  8. Respect body contact limits. Avoid touching someone you've just met unless it's a necessary situation. For example, if you have just been introduced to someone, a friendly handshake is okay. However, hugging is not common. Maybe others feel uncomfortable if you stand too close or push with them.
    • Even if you are trying to help someone, ask for their opinion before you touch them. For example, if you see someone stumble, ask something like, “Do you need me to help you up? Can you hold my hand? "
  9. Leave if your efforts don't work. Some strangers will happily talk to you while others won't. If someone makes it clear that they're not interested in talking, away from you, or bluntly answering you, you should probably leave. Instead, try chatting with someone else.
    • You can thank the person for taking time and leave.

Method 2 of 4: Talking at a social event

  1. Try socializing with people to see where you feel most comfortable. Most people who join the social event have a good time. You will have plenty of opportunities to talk to people who are most likely to speak with each other. Try socializing and finding someone you want to talk to directly.
    • You will easily find many opportunities to communicate. Talk to someone who is also interested in you and makes you feel good.
  2. Ask an event organizer or a mutual friend to introduce you to everyone. Having a mutual friend will help you feel more confident at a party or event. If you know someone, ask them to introduce you to a stranger and tell you a bit about them. This can dissolve the shy atmosphere at first and help you 'reach out to other party people. You can ask the person how they know and meet your friend.
    • For example, a mutual friend might say, “Lan hey, this is Hương. You two like to ride off-road bikes so I think you should meet. ”
  3. Ask questions related to the event. The social event itself provides a good start for conversations. Ask someone how they were aware of the event and if they know anyone there. You can also ask questions related to the event such as, "Do you know what time the event started?" or, "When will the speaker appear? This is my first time here ”.
    • Go over to someone and ask, "How did you know about this party?" or, “It's not easy to be invited to this party. Who do you know here? "
  4. Stand close to where to store food and drinks. The reason people meet to eat and drink is because food easily brings people together. If you are at a social event and want to talk to someone, get to know them near the food storage area or please sit (or stand) close to them while enjoying the food. You will easily comment on the food and start chatting on the subject. Ask someone if they want something to drink and get some water for them or stand next to them at the table to eat and start talking about the food.
    • For example, you might say, “I really like this drink. What do you think it is? "
    • You could also say, “Wow, have you eaten bread? I think you should have one. In your opinion, what spices do they use? "
  5. Join an activity that others are doing. If you see some people starting to play a game or activity, please join. Joining a smaller group of people can make you feel good and make it easier for you to chat with someone.
    • For example, if everyone is watching TV or video clips together, join them. Then you might ask someone like, "What TV shows do you usually watch?" and find common ground to chat with.

Method 3 of 4: Talk in public

  1. Proactively help. If someone seems to be lost and you know the area well, take the initiative to show them the way. Not only is it nice to help others, it can also open up opportunities for conversation. Perhaps you and the person are on the same road and are able to walk together.
    • Whether someone is getting lost or needs you to carry groceries, be ready to help. This can create an opportunity to make new friends.
  2. Ask where they are from. If you live in a big city or somewhere with a lot of tourists, a great way to start a conversation is to ask where they come from. It is always fun to know the story of someone who came to settle or travel and is a good idea to start talking.
    • For example, if you are at a concert, ask the person next to them where they are from. Maybe they've come a long way to get there or they happen to be there.
  3. Use humor to make them laugh. Humor is one of the easiest ways to connect with people, especially with strangers. People tend to feel more relaxed and comfortable when they smile. Point out something interesting going on around you and share your experience with someone you don't know.
    • Say a joke, a comment, or show them something interesting you've discovered.
  4. Join an activity. If you are in a public place with lots of people, get involved in an activity or join with a group of people. For example, if a group is playing the drums, join and play music together. If you meet a performer on the street, stop and watch with the others. Not only is this an enjoyable experience, but it also brings you and your viewers closer together. Let's start talking about that general experience.
    • Attend free concerts and festivals. Find out what happens in the community and be there to meet people.

Method 4 of 4: Reach someone in a professional setting

  1. Comment on something work related. When meeting someone in a professional setting, try to first talk about job and qualifications. Don't get too close to them first because it will make you look unprofessional, especially in the workplace. Talk about work and anything familiar to you.
    • For example, you might say, “We are working on the same project. Hi, I'm Nam ”.
  2. Give positive feedback about someone. If you notice someone who is productive, compliment them. If you agree with someone, be straightforward. If you are in a meeting, talk to the person after the meeting to show your agreement or discuss the topic further.
    • For example, say this, “I appreciate your presentation.I get bored easily, but your presentation was very interesting and informative. Where did you find the source of the video? ”
  3. Asking for advice. If you know the person is an expert in a field, ask them for useful information or advice. Most people enjoy sharing knowledge with others, and are pleased when others are interested in their work.
    • For example, you might say, “Wow, I really know a lot about image editing. Can you suggest me some software suitable for beginners? "
  4. Stay away from unprofessional topics that keep the person off. There are a few topics that are considered indecent or offensive when speaking to a stranger, especially in a professional environment. For example, don't approach a woman and comment on her pregnancy. Stay away from topics of political affiliation, religion, appearance (including weight) or excessive disclosure of personal information (for example, you recently divorced or your uncle recently passed away). Maintain a neutral and non-argumentative conversation.
    • Choose neutral topics, like work related events, conferences, and mutual friends.