Ways to catch adulterers in the act

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Secret way to catch a cheater
Video: Secret way to catch a cheater


You have noticed many signs and your mind is putting all the clues together. The person is constantly coming home late or is always looking for an excuse to work overtime. When they get home, after a quiet dinner, they immediately go online and dismiss all your questions for weird reasons ... If you worry your spouse is hiding something Here are some ways to learn to help you clear your suspicions.

Before jumping into this, however, take a few days to think about what you would do if the worst scenario happened. Are you so attached to the person that the relationship cannot be ended, no matter what the results of the evidence finding process? If so, it might be better to keep your eyes closed to avoid the pain of knowing the story. When you believe that the person has cheated on you, is that the first sign that the relationship is in trouble, and you simply want an excuse to end it? Either way, things are on the brink of a cliff, and it might be better if the two of you work together to save the relationship, or break up.

If you do have to do some investigation, be prepared to face the outcome, good or bad.

Note: A few suggestions about "spying" on the person may be illegal in your area. Please understand the law carefully before proceeding.


Method 1 of 3: Catch the person on the phone

  1. Let your hands do this. Telephones are an indispensable item in our lives, which is increasingly true. Therefore, it can be relatively certain that this "cuckoo couple" will show some affection over the phone - according to your imagination.

  2. If you have a landline phone, eavesdropping is very easy.
    • Take another home phone somewhere in the house where the person is less frequent, and plug it in. Remove the top part of the phone (pre-made) so that your breathing does not denounce this wiretapping.
    • When you hear him or her shout "Let me listen" (and you know on the other end of the line is the third person), go to the "battle position" and cautiously pick up the receiver. Don't be too gentle: when the buttons on the device vibrate, they will make a small sound on the line and you will be exposed.

  3. Press the call record button. If you are sure that your "ex / future ex-wife" will not be foolish enough to contact your mistress while you are there, but they can hardly resist a sneaky call thinking. that you didn't notice, or that their lover "wants" to hear his or her voice before going to bed, recording the call comes in handy. If you plan ahead, you can eavesdrop on their phone as soon as the sneaky conversation takes place.
    • If you have a smartphone or phone with audio recording, place the tip of the headset next to the microphone to record the couple's conversation. Once you've caught the act and you have the proof you need, you don't have to wait. Pack your loved one up and see them off on their way out of need of food. However, if that call is about dating between best friends, cook them a delicious meal with a warm smile.
  4. Use a baby crying device. This is a cheap and convenient way of wiretapping. Of course, if you don't have a baby right now it's a bit of a challenge, but you can still do it. Wait until the person goes out to "shop" then you can drop by a store that sells mother and baby goods. Buy a basic crying detector, a spray paint can to disguise the receiver, and a roll of colored paper tape (in case the receiver has flashing LEDs).
    • Paint the receiver with the paint spray you just bought. Be sure to cover the microphone part before painting to avoid sealing that will interfere with your work, and do not over paint. Do not let the appliance smell the paint of the whole house.
    • Go to the room where you think the person is going to confidently confide in your lover, and put the receiver in a discreet place where the person is not normally interested. A few books or a couch is fine behind, or if you're too secretive, you can put it somewhere in the bedroom or bathroom.
    • Plug in and bring a small radio into the room, turn the radio low with a whisper. Return to your base camp and turn on the transmitter. Can you hear the radio? If so, you are ready. If not, adjust until you can hear the incoming signal clearly.
    • When that mysterious phone call comes up, and the person says "Let me listen to ... That job", say "okay, I'll go back to my room to surf the internet ..." (You can tell After they hear "Okay, I will ...", they'll get so excited that they won't mind what you say.) Go into the room, turn on the transmitter, Have a tape recorder (phone, radio or whatever) ready and listen to what is going to happen. If you hear things you fear will happen, immediately call your ex a taxi and send them off forever. And of course, if what you hear is, "Yes, I'll file a report tomorrow to my boss, and ... Wait, what's this? Sound transmitter?", You should be the one to get on the taxi and quit go far a way. You will be in a lot of trouble.
  5. Digital recording. There are many digital recording devices like pens, portable drives or those that look like phones that are voice activated. That means you can pre-order a small device anywhere you think he or she will confess to a third party, and when that happens, your powerful digital assistant will. quick action. Buy that device if needed, and good luck!
  6. Break trust and track personal communication devices. Having direct access to your ex's phone can tell you a lot - especially text messages and social media tweets / messages. His close friends will be very honest with giving personal advice and thinking. Outgoing messages can also give you a more comprehensive view of your received messages. Regular checking will help you keep track of the magnitude of the event. Note that the person may intentionally put a fake name in the contact list so that if the message arrives at the wrong time, the fake name will not denounce anything.
    • Check email. Another way to plan shady third-party appointments is by emailing or chatting online.What if every message or conversation that person makes online is sent to your inbox? There's a piece of software called remote spyware that records every email, chats, instant messages, websites they've ever visited, what they type on the keyboard, then it does. automatically copies the above information and sends it to your email address.
    • Unless the person is extra careful, you can also turn on their computer (or phone) in their absence, look up their browsing history, recent apps, and other traces. to find clues for those shady practices. Maybe it would be a brief email about a romantic travel plan, or a log of a hot online chat.
    • The thief will quickly find ways to prevent you from reading email messages by using a password and saving the email under different file names. To get access, at first, you can try using the person's familiar passwords. If that doesn't work, search Google for specialized password cracking software.

Method 2 of 3: Use other ways to spy on the person

  1. You are free to use any of the tools. Inanimate objects can help you - they can't talk! For example, there are secret cameras hidden in a shape you might not expect. They are so well disguised that you don't even realize there's a modern camera hidden in them. Secret cameras come in many shapes, from wall clocks, indoor plants to table lamps.
  2. Set up a positioning device (GPS) You can keep track of the places the person has visited using the positioning device. It will show you where the person is driving and for how long. Next time, when they say "I have to work late today", you can tell them, "That motel must love you so much!"
  3. Track the meter. Another cheaper (free) option than GPS is to record meter numbers before and after they go to work. Does that number match the distance from home to their company? This deviation can lead to that crucial question, which can help you debunk what's happening / or isn't happening.
  4. Pay special attention to the person's friends. Who is the person who meets the most? Who is contacted the most? Are they also your friends? When you meet them, be on high alert for bad feelings when you talk. Don't ask questions directly about them. You don't want to force them to choose one of the two to support. At least what people "don't" say is as useful as what they "do" say.
  5. Turn over to the past. If the call history entry has been locked, access the network details through your phone account. You need a password to access it. However, it's possible that the current password was laid out before the affair started, so you probably already know it or at least guess it. Pay attention to usage frequency and duration of calls. Are these two factors increasing, maintaining or decreasing? With that, you will understand the seriousness of the incident.
  6. Notice changes in your behavior. Such changes include dressing, grooming, losing or gaining weight, being cold, aloof, leery, refusing to talk about plans for the future, lack of attachment to you, loss of interest in sex. and other recognizable emotional gestures. See if those changes increase or decrease? Those changes will give you a lot of clues.
  7. Pay attention to the secrets. Observe if the person uses another secret cell phone to avoid detection. Also, check the trash on their computer - usually people will put junk files / folders in there without completely deleting them. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Trapping the person

  1. Catch red-handed! If you truly believe that the person is cheating on you, however, after monitoring their phone, email, and traveling, you still get nothing but your own hunch. have to decide how far you want to go in this verification of loyalty.
    • Ask yourself honestly why you do not trust them. Do you have any reason, whether it is real or your imagination, to believe that the person has been or is having an affair? It doesn't have to be the standard legal kind of evidence, but do you notice anything other than feeling or foreboding? There are many cases when people mislead themselves that their partners are cheating by distorting the facts - so they match their feelings, beliefs, and self-esteem.
    • Just because your ex is less likely to show affection for you doesn't mean they're cheating. Going home late from work or hanging out with friends can also be true. In addition, there are also many cases where couples have been together for so long that they forget the reason they love each other, that is because daily life has eroded love and it becomes a habit, they take it lightly. each other. What's more, sometimes the work addiction overwhelms everything, and the person is truly "married to a job or a start-up", they rarely even think about spending time with you.
  2. Make some assumptions. If you think you have a real reason to be suspicious of the person, start by making the assumption that they will be very careful not to be found out while having an affair.
    • They will not send emails from home computers, or make phone calls from home computers.
    • They won't give a reason to work late and go to motels but miss your calls, or be seen leaving the company too early.
    • They will work on a normal cycle as you know and use that time to cheat. A sneaky cloud doesn't need too much time or engagement. The two of them can meet at the car park, step in the car and drive straight to the motel within half an hour, after that, still in time to go shopping. They can also bring home a pile of furniture that matches the place they say they go to. So if you really want to find out the truth, do this:
  3. Have everything ready to trap them. Buy a good camera with a magnifying lens, and put the positioning device in the person's clothes, bag, or car. Hide your voice-activated recorder under the bed. After that, plan to leave the city for two to four days and share this information with them.
    • Research and work to make you look like a person on the go by sharing information about your trip, while secretly booking a hotel on the edge of the city. (If the person wants information about your trip, book a ticket, get a return confirmation to show them, then cancel the trip just before departure and somewhere close to home).
  4. Leave. Try to call them when they are at the airport and when they arrive at their destination. Call with your mobile phone, so you can tell where you are. Apologize to them for their late work and you might not be able to call them that night.
  5. Track their activity via GPS, if they leave the house for an extended period of time, go there and observe from a distance.
    • Follow the person (renting a car is a good idea), but if you're easily excitable or have other flare-ups, think again.
    • If the person comes home, park the car on the street and wait.
  6. Repeat if necessary. Use your camera if that's right. Check the tape recorder in case you missed anything.
    • If you need more time, call in the morning where you should be home, and apologize that you have to stay one more night.
  7. If you find something, you can return to the same evidence. If not, don't linger too much about this absence. Either way, don't let this wicked feeling drag on - then you will have to face the same evidence, or admit your doubts, for the relationship to change, heal, or break. . advertisement

After discovered

  1. Face the consequences of finding out. It's not pleasant to find out that your ex has cheated on you. In fact, you may collapse when the fulcrum of your life changes.Furthermore, you may feel disgusted with yourself for your stealthy espionage in the process of finding the truth. After all, the process is really heartbreaking and can make you feel numb.
  2. If you do have real proof of that person's adultery, you have reason to grieve "and" suffer. The truth is better to know than not. Gradually, you will learn one thing: even though this is a painful experience, someone is worthy of you somewhere, and it is certainly not this person. Seek the support of friends, family, and maybe a doctor or counselor to help you through this difficult time. The decision to leave the person or not is like a minefield that only you can decide to overcome with the support of loved ones. Reading articles about how to ease the pain of an affair can also help.
  3. If you can't find evidence that the person was cheating, don't believe they did. However, if you still think that the person was delicately and carefully cheated, at least you know how easy it is to set up an affair to catch an affair. However, make sure your doubts are valid; Currently, it is very easy to break the trust inherent in this relationship. advertisement


  • Never ignore your instincts - at least do a little investigation to relieve your anxiety.
  • Buy a semen test kit to test your underwear. Understand that by doing this, you will break trust in the relationship forever, because this seriously compromises the privacy of others.
  • If you ask about where the person just went and they touch their face in response, they may be hiding something.
  • Make a joke about cheating cases to see how they react.
  • Use your senses. Get close to your crush when you think they have just returned from outdoor sex. Use your sense of smell. Another suspicious sign might be a new scent, either using a scent after shaving while they haven't used it for a while, or they change the scent of the fragrance.
  • Be wary if the person buys an extra cell phone. You should be even more vigilant if they do so without explaining or hiding it (but you have found it by accident). Other suspicious signs include the sudden appearance of the passcode / password on the computer or phone, or frequent silent mode of the phone.
  • Receiving and sending a lot of text messages when they are not normally is also a sign that something is shady.
  • Does the person suddenly return to work late on a regular basis, or unusual, or go on more business trips? That could be a sign of a sneaky affair.
  • Check the car for several days in a row. Look for unusual objects. Anything, from a fast food restaurant's coffee mug to a torn condom shell, can appear there.
  • If you feel like you've put the person on the defensive and they get restless, don't let it go. Let's continue this unpleasant story. Your ex will go mad - or throw your TV remote at you if you're wrong.
  • Any sudden change in appearance (weight loss, new hairstyles, new clothes ...) could be a sign of addition. Be careful, however, that everyone experiences small crises in their lives, and they better themselves up as a way to cope; This is not a typical sign of deception.
  • Pay attention to details when you hear them talk to get an idea of ​​when they break out (eg mentioning someone's name ...)


  • You probably won't like what you find out. The things you feel you need to know may also be things you don't want to know.
  • If your suspicions turn into paranoid jealousy rather than fact-based - and the person discovers your sneaky acts of spying - you have deeply hurt your marriage (and may not even heal anymore). Even if it's not that bad, you still have to see a therapist.
  • Note that using other spying devices could be an invasion of their privacy, or not. Find out about your local laws about applicable laws currently, or about the intended use of those devices - in many cases their use is not legal.
    • You may have committed a crime spying on the person while they were ignorant.
    • Trying to hack another person's computer without their permission can be illegal.
    • Using jailbreak software can also be illegal. You can use well-known tracking software like Micro keylogger.