How to get your ex back to you

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get your ex back when they don’t have feelings for you
Video: How to get your ex back when they don’t have feelings for you


Relationships often end in a mess of suspicion and harsh accusations. You may not purposely say things that offend the other person. Now that you have time to reflect on your lost things, you realize that you really want your girlfriend to come back with you. If you are really dedicated, you can win her heart again. The correction of past wrongdoings will be a testament to your change.


Method 1 of 3: Go back to daily life

  1. Bring life back on track. Your relationship lasted for a while then ended after that. This time is boring and lonely for you, but focus on changing yourself before you reunite with her.
    • Girls often want to see boys' effort to improve themselves. When they know each other, she often complains about what you do. So perhaps friend will know what I should improve on to become a better man. Now is the time to act. Reduce game time to a reasonable extent if she desires this, or start dressing up around her. If you focus on making yourself better when you are apart, this "proof" of a new guy will help you get back to her.
    • Spiritual recovery. You will lose the chance to reunite with your ex if you cannot stay calm and in emotional control. Women don't like flirtatious, clingy, and reckless men - so you have to control your own emotions before you try to get her back to you. Like it or not, show her the ability to cope in your life, which will attract her back to you. Girls often like guys that are independent and independent. So head out to the gym, go out to watch a movie with your friends, or start an adventure. If you really have a great time, she will want to spend those moments with you.
    • Shop for new clothes. You should prepare new clothes for your new turning point. This is a small change for you, but it will convey a clear message to her: this new appearance will herald profound changes within you. Buy a shirt you've always wanted or a new pair of jeans that you love. Beauty is an important part of visual appeal, and if she finds you attractive in new outfits, she will feel something different, if not a complete change. full.

  2. Have the right attitude. Start with the right attitude to bring your ex back to your side. Most girls want to see maturity, independent from guys who like to have fun and know their forte. There's actually quite a bit of work to be done, so you should start with small steps if you feel overwhelmed.
    • Stop being jealous. Jealousy won't solve anything. Jealousy is often associated with fear and anxiety, and you shouldn't have these two unattractive traits. In addition, even if you do not say it, this also shows your love to control your opponent. No one wants to be controlled. So, learn how to tame jealousy if you can and focus on being friendly. Lama is not soft, right?
    • Act as if everything is fine. Even if your heart is in turmoil, try not to let her know. She wouldn't want to go back to someone who is often depressed, lethargic, or sulky. Keep your smile bright and try to create good moments. You may feel happier during this time. If you are depressed, stay with friends or family. Don't wait silently and expect her to come back to you.
    • Develop a sense of humor. What do girls usually say about what they look for the most from guys? According to the girls, sense of humor and cheerful attitude are two attractive characteristics because it shows youthfulness and calmness. So learn a few jokes if you can (and try talking to your friends), then keep the ones that are funny and eliminate the ones that don't work. Learn to make fun of yourself confidently - and without force. In short, be happy, especially around her. Tease her lovingly or tease her friends a bit, and you will notice a difference in her attitude.

Method 2 of 3: Set up each stage

  1. Leave her alone. Give her some time to think about your relationship. If the two of you ever had a great relationship, she will relate all the good things you did and will feel empty without you in life.
    • Cut off all communication. You shouldn't talk to her for a few weeks, or even a month. This can be difficult and painful, but it can really beat her heart. It also helps you to calm down the anger after the breakup calmly.
    • You need to give her personal space for three reasons: 1) Simply, everyone needs their own space; If you can't give her any space, you should work on this so she can see the change in you. 2) She has a chance to spot your good points; It's not that she doesn't know this, but she probably hasn't feel all right. 3) You will show her your independence; The "rebel" is often very attractive to women because he is completely independent and does not need others.

  2. Start a chat with another girl. You shouldn't "listen to" or flirt with her, but build a friendship. You want to add value to yourself by showing your ex that other girls like you and are attracted to you.
    • Don't confuse this step with chasing another girl. You want to hang out and talk, and do fun things together, but not a man-woman relationship. If you hang out with another girl, your chances of getting back to your ex will be greatly reduced.
    • Go out with a group of girls. Let your ex see that thoughtful girls love to surround you. These girls will be a great helper for you. If you can connect with a group of famous, smart, and charming girls, chances are your ex will feel more attracted to her without even realizing it.
  3. Become a real man. Real men (alpha male) are, in essence, the leader in a group and are allowed to choose a girlfriend by their inherent ability.
    • Almost every girl is attracted to alpha male for deep biological reasons: They believe he can better care for them, protect them and create healthy babies. Even if you do not think that alpha male is your ex's role model, subtle changes in you can affect her, such as strengthening chest muscles, efforts to train arms. and thigh muscles as well as resistance training.

Method 3 of 3: Action

  1. Give the sorry. No matter who broke up first, an apology is always necessary. Apologizing will show you have the ability to control your ego and honestly admit your mistakes. If done right, an apology will work wonders.
    • Send flowers to her. Girls are often very fond of flowers, for whatever reason, men still cannot understand. The flowers will gradually wilt after just a week with dust covering. The problem is that your ex can love flowers for their aroma and their beautiful beauty and she will show off the flowers to her friends and be proud that someone cares about her. Friend Do you want to be that person or not?
    • Send a letter to her. Girls also often like letters, since it takes a lot of time and effort to express your feelings. You could open the letter like this: "I know this letter cannot mend the debris between us and it will probably never do it. But I want you to know that I really care. To you and I will always be. This will never change. What I realized was that I was stupid to let you leave me. "
    • Talk directly to her. Schedule a time to meet in public or in a place where she feels comfortable. At the right time, confess: "I know I made a mistake in our relationship and I want to take full responsibility for it. I shouldn't be kind to you, and I feel so bad now. But my biggest mistake was to lose you. I didn't expect anything from you, I just hope you understand for me. "
  2. Gradually progress to friendship. The trust in your relationship may have been broken and now is the time to start rebuilding. Trust is an important thing for girls. You need to show that you are someone she can trust again and that you deserve to be trusted from her.
    • Do good things for your ex without expecting her to return. If she stays up late to review for exams, drop by and bring her favorite drink and don't forget to encourage her to succeed tomorrow. If one of her friends has a problem, drop by and ask (your friend will surely let her know you visited). If your ex mentions wanting to watch a movie, buy two tickets for her and her friend to watch, and don't interfere. Your chance will come soon.
    • Go for coffee or tea together. You can cycle around town, hang out in the pool, and chat about fun and interesting things. Keep your confidence, humor, and show your sense of humor so she can feel it.
  3. Tell her that you still have feelings for her. After apologizing and making friends with her, you can talk about how you want her back. Pick a romantic spot to do this and try to confess to her when it's just the two of you. It won't be difficult if you give it your best.
    • Be honest about your feelings to a certain extent. Don't point out what she is wrong with in the relationship. Instead, focus on yourself. Let her know you've been thinking a lot about where the error is, and show any changes in you. Become a patient, altruistic person and have a clear awareness of your shortcomings and overcome with actions in her eyes. If you prove yourself more altruistic, she may realize that you are not the type to be in a hurry to point out the faults of others.
    • You could say, "After we broke up, I couldn't find true love. I realized that you were the one I really needed, and it was a shame because after we left. But now I understand, and it would be stupid if I don't try to bring you back to my side, because you are the one I need. "
    • Or you could say something like: "Maybe you don't like it, but right now most of what I do is because of you. I made you a better person. Now you understand what it means to be." Taking care of someone is being by your side I want to share this with you one more time because I can't deny that I still love you. world."
    • Assure her that you can both fix the problems that led to the breakup together. Remember the original reason for your breakup so you can learn from your mistakes. Have a plan ready and discuss it with her. It will be futile for the two of you to get back together and continue to face the same problems. If you can't fully understand her feelings, make sure you are focused on expressing that you like her. If you don't have a good relationship with her friends, make an extra effort to bond with them. Make a plan to deal with the mistakes and you will surprise her.


  • Remind her of the interesting things she said or did, and will be happy that you still remember those details.
  • When she comes back to you, love her and treat her with respect.
  • It will take a long time to get her back to you. Be patient at first and make sure she wants to get back to you, always respect her own limitations.
  • If your ex contacted again, don't talk about your relationship right away. Maybe she wasn't really ready to mention the breakup yet. Instead, be kind and courteous to her. This will help her relax and allow you to gradually get along with her rather than frightening her.
  • Convince yourself that you've become a better person and that you won't make any more mistakes.
  • Don't try to argue with her, ask about what you did wrong and correct

right after that.

  • Reminds of a good time you've been through.
  • If you happen to meet her, don't ignore her. Stop to talk to her and review the past.
  • Do not disturb her as she may need some private space.
  • Don't start dating another girl. Let your ex know that you still love her, and that you are not ready to continue any other relationship, and that you want the two of you back together.