How to know if a girl likes you

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
14 Signs A Girl Likes You | How To Know If A Girl Likes You
Video: 14 Signs A Girl Likes You | How To Know If A Girl Likes You


She glances at you, laughs freely at your jokes and gets nervous around you, but then you wonder if she's flirting, being friendly, or just plain disinterested. mind you. Whether you have a crush on her for a long time and want to know if she has feelings for you, or you are just curious to know the truth, there are always signs for you to find an answer to your question. friend.


Method 1 of 3: Learn body language

  1. Observe her posture. When a girl likes you, she will face you. If she turns her upper body comfortably towards you, it means she is confident in talking to you. If the girl is self-contained, such as crossed her arms or crossed her legs, she may be shy or nervous about talking to you or she is just creating space to show her disinterest.
    • When she sits cross-legged, try looking at her legs. If her feet are directed towards you, it may mean that she likes you and wants to be close to you.

    Elvina Lui, MFT
    Marriage and family therapist

    The open posture shows her relaxed and relaxed. Emotional counselor, Elvina Lui, says: “In general, when a girl feels comfortable with you, she will come closer to you and have more relaxed body language - for example, her shoulders She will relax and won't cross her arms over her chest. But everyone's personality and culture are different, so if she doesn't show that way, don't assume she doesn't like me. "

  2. Pay attention to her eyes. If she likes you, she usually turns her gaze toward you for a few seconds or looks down when you accidentally look at each other. Both of these reactions mean that she likes you. If she quickly turns away, it might be nervous or not ready to express her intentions, but she still likes you.
    • When a girl likes you, her pupil dilates, but this is very subtle.
    • When you peek at her and find that she is also returning your gaze, it may be that she keeps an eye on you.

  3. Consider the context. A girl's body language often has different meanings depending on the context. For example, when you have a private conversation, the fact that she touches your hand for a few seconds can be seen as flirting. However, if she just pats you on the shoulder to get your attention and let you know someone is looking for you, she's just helping, not flirting.
    • When you talk seriously, she may look you in the eye and keep this up while talking. This is not necessarily because she likes you, it is just her habit in communication. However, if she looks at you for longer without saying anything, or she looks at you but shyly turns away when she sees you looking at her, that means she notices you.

  4. She touches you or tries to get close to you. When a girl likes you, she will often try to touch you to flirt subtly. This helps her know your reaction. She may touch your arm when you say something funny, "accidentally" touch your shoulder or hand or gently rest her hand on your knee.
    • However, not all girls are comfortable with touching other people. If this is the case, don't assume that she doesn't like you because she won't touch you. Perhaps she was too nervous to do this. If you like her, don't be shy - close the distance and see how she reacts.
    • She may find other reasons to touch you, like gently punching your hand. This gesture is usually meant for a friend, so it can help her approach you without getting your friends and hers to notice.
  5. Notice if she hugs you spontaneously. Occasional hugs for you are an extremely important sign. A hug is a friendly, emotional way to get close to you and touch you without flirting. Respond to that hug if you like her too or deftly refuse if you don't want her to misunderstand your feelings.
  6. She imitates your actions. If she is imitating you - for example, when you stroke your hair and she does the same thing after a few seconds, she is probably subconsciously imitating your gestures. This is a sign that she likes you.
  7. She plays with her hair. Whether she gently twists her curls or performs a gesture that refines her appearance like stroking her hair could be a sign of flirting.
  8. Watch for signs of nervousness or confusion. When a girl likes you, she often touches her lips, blue collar or neck to draw your attention in these positions. She can also apply lipstick in front of you.
  9. She often smiles when she meets you. This may be your way of letting you know that she is comfortable and happy with your presence. When she likes you, she will also laugh when she hears your jokes (regardless of whether the story is really funny or not).

Method 2 of 3: Recognize other signs of flirting

  1. Receive a compliment. If she compliments you, she probably likes you very much. Here's how she makes you feel expected.
    • She could say, "You have very beautiful eyes" or "you look very healthy - do you play sports?"
  2. Watch how her friends react. If you see her friend looking at you and smiling or giggling, she has told her friends about you and they know something. In some cases, a friend might come up and say that her friend is liking you.
    • When she's talking to her friends and you show up, they can stop talking immediately.You can be the main character in the conversation that just ended.
  3. Notice her style. If she likes you, she will often try to impress you with her style. She chooses to wear a slightly sexy outfit or put on lipstick to catch your eye.
    • Every girl has her own fashion style and not all girls choose the aforementioned style when they like someone. However, if you find her dressed better when she meets you, that's probably a sign she wants to impress you.
  4. Be mindful of gentle, friendly teasing. When she likes you, she will gently tease you about what you do or say. The way to joke around can be to mention you in a joke that isn't too funny, point to something interesting on your outfit, or pretend you're trying too hard.
  5. She makes excuses to talk to you. She makes friends with friends on social media, chats with you every day after class or texts you. These are signs that she is interested and wants to get to know you.
    • This is not enough to say that she likes you. A normal girl wants to talk to you too. However, if she tries to talk to you often, makes a few flirting gestures, and compliments you often, she may want you to know how much she cares.
  6. She mentioned your relationship status. When she likes you, she will want to know if you are single so that she can make a decision about flirting with you. She can ask directly to find out if you have a girlfriend or if she takes a more subtle approach.
    • She might tease you by saying, "I guess you went to see that movie with your girlfriend". If you like her, take this opportunity to flirt again. You can say “I don't have a girlfriend, but I still want to go see that movie. Would you like to come with me on Friday night? "
  7. Note the "heroes save beauty" moments. When she likes you, she can pretend to be a little vulnerable to test your reaction. For example, if the two of you are outdoors and she says "I feel cold!" then it is a hint that she wants you to give her coat. Giving a jacket is a sweet gesture, especially if you want her to know your feelings.
    • Sometimes she also pretends not to do something well, such as saying she doesn't understand her homework. That is your chance to help; Note that she does this for the purpose of testing your reaction in hopes you will help.
    • When asking for help, if she doesn't like you and the person she likes is also there, she may sulk or show a depressed expression when you ask for help first. In this case, at least you know her feelings so you don't want to continue pursuing.
  8. Find out how she feels by asking for help. If she's always there when you need it, maybe it's because she likes you. However, don't assume that she likes you just because of this. Try asking her something small like she has gum or a pen and see how she reacts. If she is eager to help you and isn't afraid to show signs of liking you, she probably really has feelings for you.
    • Don't overdo it or ask too hard, she may think that you are lazy, you are trying her or you are annoying. So don't do this more than once; You probably don't want her to give up liking you even if it does.
  9. Notice how she behaves when she meets other people. When she flirts with you, it doesn't mean she likes you. She may or may not know she is flirting. The best way to know if she is flirting with you, rather than habitually showing her flirting is by observing how she treats others.
    • If she treats you differently around other people, like looking at you longer or teasing you gently, she may be eyeing you.

Method 3 of 3: Confess your feelings

  1. Smile at her. Smiling naturally, honestly, and naturally, is the perfect way to show her care for her. This also lets her know that you are a happy person, and since the joy can spread, she will always have positive feelings about you. If she returns your smile, you can tell that she's comfortable meeting you.
  2. Communicate. This is the best way to know her level of interest. When you talk, try to notice if she shows any signs or cues that she likes you, or uses sentimental expressions. She can show her interest by nodding frequently or repeating a few sentences from you.
    • To start a conversation, you can ask open-ended questions about class, work, or music. Say simple sentences like "what do you think about this group" or "how was it going today?".
    • Don't get upset when she doesn't initiate a conversation with you. If she likes you, she may be embarrassed or nervous about talking to you. Even if she's the most confident person you know, she may have had a bad experience in the past or just isn't ready to reach you yet but is more than welcome to the conversation if you take the initiative. .
    • If the two of you are already friends, it's easier to talk. In this case, the most effective way to know if she likes you is by paying attention to her body language or the way she treats you and others.
  3. Always pay attention. If you like her, take the initiative to remember small details about the stories she tells. Listen carefully to her telling her story so you can use those details in the future.
    • For example, if she mentions the name of her favorite band, try mentioning that group's song the next time you talk. She will be impressed because you paid attention! If she doesn't keep an eye on you, she will reconsider when she realizes that you care.
    • Talking is also an opportunity to observe her body language; Therefore, watch for gestures such as how she gently touches you.
  4. Disclose you like her. Only do this when you really like her and when you feel like she likes you too. This confessing step may be disturbing, but clarity can give you the chance to date her with the certainty that she likes you too.
    • You can confess your feelings by saying "I would love to be friends with you, but I also want us to go beyond friends."
    • Don't confess your feelings if you just want to make it clear that she likes you. This is an act of hurting and distrusting her in you.
  5. Invite her out. If you like her but are not sure how she feels about you, you can try by saying “I heard that a great movie is being shown outside the theater. Do you want to come see me? ”. However, remember to speak in a natural tone. If she agrees, it means she cares for you. If she refuses, you can redirect the conversation to another topic.
  6. Acknowledging her cues. Withdraw if you feel that she doesn't really like you, or turn to flirting if you notice feelings on her side.
    • If she turns down your romantic act, even if you think she likes you, don't let it go. A good relationship begins with strong two-way connections. On the other hand, you still have a chance to meet many other girls to find the right person for you.
  7. Avoid over analysis. Trying to determine if a girl likes you can take time and effort and distract you. When you spend too much time analyzing her behavior, you may become more likely to "conquer" her instead of getting to know her true self.
    • Instead of spending time figuring out if she likes you or not, take the opportunity to be with her and her friends. However, you need to make sure to express your intentions (through subtle flirting) so you don't fall into your "friends zone".


  • If she asks you to go out alone or with other couples, this is how she wants you to know your intentions to take your relationship beyond friends.
  • She may like you without showing any of these signs. The best way to find out the truth is to spend time with her and see how your relationship will turn out over a period of time.
  • If she's shy, she may not be able to initiate direct conversations with you. However, perhaps she would have the courage to chat online. If she talks to you online but is shy about meeting you, she may like you a lot but find it difficult to express her feelings. You can try it by smiling at her and asking a few simple questions to ask her how she is doing.
  • If you like her, don't flirt around. When she sees you being intimate or flirting with other girls, she will think she's not special enough for you and will stop attracting your attention.


  • If she is unfriendly and avoids you, don't step back as you may be confused. Instead, take it easy and give her some space to feel more comfortable. She may like you, but isn't happy with getting this out in public; Therefore, you should be more subtle in showing your care for her.
  • If she purposefully avoids all forms of contact with you, such as avoiding talking with you - even when you're in a group, she may recognize your feelings but don't want to respond . She may also react negatively when you are too obvious. Her silence and avoidance are a sign of retreat and give her some space. You can try continuing to flirt with her after a few weeks. If she still reacts negatively, you should probably stop completely.