How to Know She Likes You Through Text

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Know If A Girl Likes You Over Text
Video: How To Know If A Girl Likes You Over Text


It is very difficult to know if a girl likes you or not via text. Often times when you talk to her face to face, you will be more discernible than the text messages you receive. Because your body language will be clearly shown when you talk to someone face to face. However, there are some body language traits that are communicated through text messages that, if you know them, will help you predict if she likes you or not.


  1. She usually takes the initiative to text you. If you are the one who always takes the initiative to text her first, then unfortunately she is not interested in you. But if she usually texts you first, then it is not certain that she will have feelings for you. When a girl likes you, she won't explicitly show interest or let you know she needs you. Therefore, she will only initiate texting a few times in advance, not always. If she takes the initiative to text her, then she probably doesn't worry because the two of you are just friends.

  2. She was always the one who said goodbye first. Although the girls often want to extend the messages, they also know how to restrain them. The girl who likes you will often end up texting first in order to show you that she has other joys in life without you being around. If she often ends up with text messages like "I'm going, I have a movie date with my best friend," she is watching you. However, if she just kept quiet and didn't say goodbye to the end, then she probably didn't have any interest.

  3. Notice the number of symbols she uses. You don't have to count all the symbols, just notice how often she uses them and which ones she uses often. The wink symbol is often used by girls with flirting intentions. If she uses the emoji often winks, she can understand that she means something to you. Normal smileys don't really mean it, but a big smiley is a good sign. The emoticons blush and "kiss face" will also be used a lot if she likes you.

  4. Determine how interested she is in what you say through her replies. If she answers your messages clearly and completely about what you have to say, then she is interested and she notices you. If she quickly changes the topic to talking about herself, she probably doesn't mean anything to you. Likewise, if she replies briefly with acronyms or a few superficial words, then she doesn't seem interested. When she often jokes with you every time you say something funny or ask a question to lengthen the texting, it can be understood that she wants to keep talking to you for longer.
  5. Be brave when she starts teasing you. Messages like "What would you wish were here with me ..." or "If you were here now ..." are often meant to tease you into thinking about what she means, especially when it ends with a “…” This is a gentle, not overly expressive expression, with the purpose of wanting you to think more about her feelings and desires.
  6. Note the content of the messages she sends. If most of the messages are factual, like homework questions, then she probably won't notice you. On the contrary, if she talks about personal matters and asks about your own life, she is interested in you. Especially when she can remember the details of the plan that you told her, it is obvious that you are being noticed. Another promising sign is when she's idly asking. Flirtatious questions like, "Do you want to live in a place with nothing but food you don't like for a year or do you want to give up the food you like for life?" This kind of question doesn't matter, but if she keeps asking like that she is making excuses to talk to you because she is thinking of you.

  7. Pay attention to punctuation. Specifically, see how often she uses exclamation marks. She uses a lot of exclamation points to mean she gets excited about talking to you, or in other words this is a sign that she likes you. The sentence "Hi there!" still more special than "Hello".

  8. Notice if she often stretches out the text in the message. Not all girls do, but many girls like to add a few vowels and consonants to a word. For example, she would say "Please rubooooo", "that's right" This is like in reality when we stretch out the tone when joking around, flirting with someone.

  9. Notice how she smiles in the text. Any smiley text is a good signal, but a few will have clearer implications. Familiar English acronyms such as “LOL” (laughs), “ROTFL” (laughs on the floor), or “LMAO” (laughs) can be used for anyone, including you. friends or people you're paying attention to. But the "haha" smiley is better, because she wants you to really think she's smiling. Laughing "hehe" or "hihi" is even better. These two types of laughter are like giggles in reality, girls often text a "giggle" rather than a laugh to sound cute.
  10. See if she's leaving any hint. One common secret when texting is the meeting invitation. A party invitation is a good signal but it's better when she offers an unexpected invitation, like “I'm going to swim. Would you like to come with me? " The text may seem normal, but it actually means she wants to see you, just you and right now. She wants to meet you. That means she has feelings for you. advertisement


  • If she asks you about studying, she might want to talk to you but don't know how to start!
  • Stop acting childish, try flirting and see if she likes you, otherwise stop!
  • If she likes you, she will have those implied actions and words, but sometimes it can be difficult to decipher the implications.
  • Don't be too dependent on her and tell her where you have to go and then stop texting. This will make her want to text you more.
  • Notice how her texting has changed over time. If she starts adopting your texting habits then this is clearly a good sign. In other words, her interest in you is increasing.
  • If she takes a few minutes to reply to your text, she is trying not to spend a lot of time with you. Because if you reply immediately, it will make you feel like she is very eager for you.