How to Unlock iPhone

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
The ONLY Way To Unlock Any iPhone From Any Carrier ●
Video: The ONLY Way To Unlock Any iPhone From Any Carrier ●


When you buy an iPhone through a carrier, there is a chance that your phone will be locked by that carrier. This is usually not a big deal, but if you plan to travel, or plan to switch to a different carrier before completing your contract, you'll want your phone to work with different carriers. Previously, you could jailbreak your iPhone by hijacking or installing unlocking software.Unfortunately, Apple has upgraded the system and software cracking is no longer effective. Follow the instructions below to jailbreak your Iphone in many different ways.


Method 1 of 2: Cracking Network Network

  1. Contact the carrier you are using and tell you you want to jailbreak your phone. Most genuine phone carriers will unlock you as long as the contract is signed or you have paid in full. They can also jailbreak your phone if you're traveling in another country or need to use a local carrier.

  2. Contact the carrier you want to use. Some companies are willing to unlock a phone if it's one of their competitors. Reach out to the firms you are looking to use and find out about this policy. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Third Party Cracking

  1. Find a service. There are many online companies that will sell unlock codes for your phone. These companies circumvent the law by operating in countries where US law does not apply.

  2. Research your options. Before paying for any company to unlock your phone, research that company as much as you can. Find user reviews, ask questions on phone enthusiasts forums. Stay alert to the potential of fraud, especially when you are paying a contract fee with your carrier.

  3. Check iPhone IMEI code. Your iPhone will be added to Apple's official list of unlocked phones, which means the phone will remain unlocked even when you upgrade to higher versions of iOS. To do so, the company you are hiring will need your phone's IMEI code (International identification for mobile devices), which is unique to your Iphone. There are a few ways to look up this code:
    • On any Iphone, you can operate * # 06 # and IMEI code will be displayed.
    • On a genuine Iphone or Iphone 5, the code is engraved on the back of the device.
    • On Iphone 3G, 3GS, 4, and 4S, the IMEI code is printed on the Sim slot
    • In iTunes, a connected iPhone will display the IMEI code on the Summary window, below the iPhone's storage capacity.
  4. Payment for services. Usually, you may have to wait from a few hours to a few days to receive the unlock code. This is because these companies often have people who work with carriers that provide them with keys.
    • Make sure to choose all the correct information about your device for successful unlocking.
  5. Activation unlock. Once you are confirmed the iPhone is unlocked, you need to unlock the activation before it works.
    • Insert a sim card from another carrier. If you receive a signal, stop at this step. If not, continue.
      • If you have a jailbreak installed, open Settings, then select General and select Reset. Select Reset Network Settings. Proceed to the next step.
    • Activate iPhone. If you are prompted to activate your iPhone, do either of the following:
      • Directly from iPhone via Wi-Fi connection
      • Connect your iPhone to your computer and activate through iTunes.
    • If you still can't activate your iPhone, reinstall the nearest iOS operating system. If your phone is jailbroken, this will disable it. Once the restore is complete, your phone should work.