Reduce swelling of the uvula

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
swollen throat: clinical case answer and discussion
Video: swollen throat: clinical case answer and discussion


That hanging thing in the back of your throat has a name - it's your uvula! It can sometimes become swollen, which makes you have trouble swallowing, or have a tendency to gag or choke, and even drool in young children. There are a number of things that can cause uvula swelling, including bacterial and viral infections, allergies, dry mouth, acid reflux, and even your genes. If you discover that your uvula is red or swollen, there are a few things you can do at home, such as gargling with warm water, sucking on throat lozenges, and chewing ice cubes to ease your symptoms. If your symptoms don't get better or if you notice uvula swelling in your child, see the doctor.

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Method 1 of 3: Treating uvula swelling

  1. Gargle with warm water and table salt. The warm water can feel soothing and the salt can pull the inflammation out of your uvula. Don't make the water too hot - this can burn your throat and cause more damage. Add about ¼ to ½ teaspoon of table salt to 250 ml of water and mix until the salt dissolves.
    • You can gargle with warm salt water up to three times a day, just be careful not to swallow the salt water. Too much salt in your body causes other problems.
  2. Suck on a throat lozenge. You can use any kind you want, but if you really feel uncomfortable or have trouble swallowing, the type of pastille that has anesthetic effects is best.
    • You can find sugar-free throat lozenges in the stores - it is usually quite plainly marked on the front of the bag or box if lozenges are sugar-free. These are great if you feel sick but have other health conditions like diabetes.
  3. Drink hot tea and stay hydrated. The warm liquid can feel soothing to your throat and keep you hydrated while you work to reduce the swelling. In fact, if you add a little honey to it, it can coat your throat, making it easier to swallow.
    • Herbal tea is especially good for curing a sore throat. Chamomile tea with a little honey is great for relieving some of your pain.
    • You can also try homemade cinnamon tea to relieve your throat. Mix 10 grams of sticky elm bark and marshmallow root each, 8 grams of dried cinnamon pieces, 5 grams of dried orange peel and 3 whole cloves in 700 ml of water and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Strain out the herbs and add a little honey if you like. You must drink all tea within 36 hours.
  4. Chew on ice cubes. The ice can reduce the swelling of your uvula a bit. And the cold in your throat can numb it a bit and make it easier to swallow.
  5. Go to the doctor. A swollen uvula can have many causes. See your doctor and tell him your full list of symptoms. He can prescribe medications to relieve symptoms and treat the underlying cause.
    • Your doctor may need to take a swab of your throat to properly diagnose what's causing your swollen uvula. Relax your throat as much as possible - try not to get tense at all - and it should be fairly easy to get through.
  6. Take antibiotics. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if your swollen uvula is the result of an infection. Make sure you follow the directions of the recipe exactly. You must take the antibiotics at exactly the same time every day for the full recommended time to get rid of the infection completely.

Method 2 of 3: Recognize symptoms

  1. Check if you are having trouble swallowing. If you have trouble swallowing, be it food, drink, or saliva, your uvula may be swollen. Try to swallow a few times to see if you really have trouble and if it wasn't eating or drinking a little bit more than usual or something.
    • If you have trouble swallowing and breathing, see a doctor right away.
  2. Notice if there is choking or gagging. If your uvula is swollen, you may choke or gag even if there is nothing in your throat. Since your uvula is hanging in the back of your throat, some swelling may feel like you are gagging.
  3. Check for drool. This is an especially important symptom to watch out for in small children who may not be able to tell how they are feeling. If you notice that your child is drooling more than usual, he may have a swollen uvula and you should seek medical attention right away.
  4. Take your temperature. A swollen uvula is usually caused by a bacterial infection and those types of infections are usually accompanied by a fever. If you have trouble swallowing and you are choking or gagging, take your temperature to see if you have a fever. Normal temperatures vary from person to person, but anything more than one or two degrees above 37 degrees is a fever.
    • If you have a fever, go to the doctor immediately. A fever can indicate that something much more serious is going on, and a fever - even a mild one - in children can be very dangerous.
  5. Look for redness or swelling. If you suspect you have a swollen uvula, you should check it in the mirror. Stand in front of a mirror high enough to see your entire face or hold up a hand mirror. Open your mouth as far as it will go and look at your uvula - the droplet-shaped patch of skin at the back of your throat. If it looks red or swollen, you should see a doctor.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing a swollen uvula

  1. Avoid alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol can make your uvula swell. If you notice that it is swelling and it is getting better on its own, try reducing your alcohol intake.
    • If that doesn't work and your uvula continues to swell, see your doctor.
  2. Stop smoking. Cigarette and cigar smoke can be irritating and if you get a lot of it in your throat it can make your uvula swell. If you have problems with a swollen uvula, stop smoking.
  3. Take allergy medications. Since a swollen uvula can be a sign of an allergic reaction, make sure to take the allergy medications you are supposed to be taking. If you have never been diagnosed with an allergy, but you notice your uvula swelling when you eat certain foods, see your doctor right away. Any food allergies that cause swelling in your throat should be treated right away as they can affect your ability to breathe.
  4. Treat acid reflux problems. If acid reflux is contributing to your swollen uvula, try to manage your symptoms. In addition to taking antacids when you feel a problem, try to eat smaller meals and avoid foods that trigger your reaction. If you're struggling to manage your acid reflux on your own, talk to your doctor to create a personalized treatment plan.


  • If you have trouble swallowing or breathing, a fever, or blood or pus coming out of your uvula, see the doctor right away.