Learn to dance at home yourself

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways You Can Learn Dance At Home | Dance Tips | STEEZY.CO
Video: 3 Ways You Can Learn Dance At Home | Dance Tips | STEEZY.CO


Learning to dance at home is a great way to get exercise and learn some cool moves at the same time! Choose a dance style you want to focus on first and make sure to warm up and cool down with each session. Learn dance steps and routines by watching videos and looking at yourself in the mirror to see where you can make any improvements. You can also learn to dance freestyle. Once you feel confident, put on your dancing shoes and enjoy the dance floor!

To step

Method 1 of 4: Choose a style and practice safely

  1. Choose the dance style you want to learn. With so many different types of dance, there is bound to be a style that you enjoy. View dance books, dance videos online or watch performances by different dancers to find a style you want to focus on. Some popular types of dance are ballet, jazz, modern dance, ballroom dance, and hip hop.
    • Explore as many different types of dance as you can to find one you think you'll enjoy.
  2. Warm up and stretch before you start dancing. Jog in the same spot for one to five minutes until you feel your heart rate increase. Move your ankle, shoulder and hip joints in small circles. Stretch your hamstrings by lying on your back and pulling your knees to your chest and then straightening your legs. Perform five to ten lunges to stretch your thighs.
    • There are many dance warm-ups available online. Try many different warm-ups to find out which one you like.
    • By warming up first, the performance of your body improves and you prevent injuries.
  3. Cool for about 10 minutes when you are done dancing. Start cooling your body by gradually reducing the speed and intensity of the dance workout to lower your heart rate. Continue to dance, but slow down or choose a slower song. Do not increase your heart rate again while cooling down.
    • If you want, you can stretch all the muscles you worked on during your warm-up for 15 seconds each.
    • Drink some water when you are done dancing to replenish the lost fluids.
  4. Do strength and flexibility exercises to improve your dancing skills. Dance requires many different forms of exercise to help you feel fitter, stronger and more confident. Do strength exercises such as weight lifting, stair climbing, or yoga on a regular basis. Try pilates, tai chi, or stretching to improve your flexibility.

Method 2 of 4: Practice dance steps and routines

  1. Choose dance videos to dance with and learn the steps and routines. Use a search engine or the YouTube search bar to find tutorial videos for your chosen dance style. Choose one or two beginner videos that seem easy.
    • Remember that when you watch dancers on a video, their movements will mirror yours. This means that you must match the side of the body that the teacher is moving with the same side of your own body.
    • Stay away from instructional videos aimed at more advanced dancers until you have more practice and are more confident in your own skills.
  2. Mirror the teacher's movements in the dance video. Look at the dance teacher in the video and pretend you are a mirror image of the teacher's movements. Pay attention to the teacher at all times and try to keep track of all steps.
  3. Learn the dance steps and sequences in sequence. The video probably consists of a few different steps for you to learn. Practice all the steps until you are sure you can perform them. Then learn the order of the steps, noting which step to start with and how to switch to the next.
    • Once you get the hang of the steps, it may take a while to learn the sequence.
    • Although the teacher can explain the steps and sequence verbally, it is easiest to learn to dance visually by watching and then following along.
  4. While learning, stick to the rhythm of the music. Listening to the beat and rhythm of the music while learning to dance will help you remember the sequence of steps. When learning a new dance routine, focus on listening to the music and dance always on music rather than without it.
    • If you have trouble hearing the beat in the music, try tapping your foot, clapping your hands, or counting to eight with the beat.
  5. Practice the dance steps and routines until you feel confident. Continue to follow instructional dance videos until you can dance without watching the video. Then start dancing without the accompaniment of the videos by playing the music and trying to remember the steps themselves. You can always take a look at the dance videos if your memory needs a quick refresh.
    • The more you practice the dance steps and routines, the easier it will be for you to remember them over time.
  6. Dance in front of a mirror to see how you can make any improvements. Choose a room with plenty of room to move and place a large mirror in front of you. Practice the dance steps and routines in front of the mirror and pay attention to the parts you think you could improve. Then practice by slowly adjusting your steps and incorporating them into your dance.
    • You can also record videos while you dance. If you have a collection of videos of yourself that show you dancing, you can also see your progress over time.
  7. Dance with your family or friends to have fun with your new steps. Once you are confident in your dancing skills, it is time to enjoy and reap the benefits of all your hours of practice! Invite your family or friends to a dance class, party, bar or club. You can also invite them to your home for an informal and enjoyable dance evening.

Method 3 of 4: Freestyle dancing

  1. Move to the beat of the music. Before you start dancing, listen carefully to the rhythm of the music. Try tapping your foot or moving your head to help you find the size. Once you get the beat, align your movements with the beat to create a sequence that flows with the music.
    • A common mistake for beginning freestyle dancers is to jump right in and start moving before they set the beat. Take a moment to record your movements to the beat and learning to dance freestyle will be much easier.
  2. Move your arms and legs to the beat of the music. Freestyle dancing is about moving in a way that feels right for you in time with the music, rather than following specific routines. Keep your dance steps simple and make sure each step moves with the beat. For example, you can cross your arms in front of you and snap your fingers once, then bring your arms back to your sides for the next stroke. Combine this dance step with stepping back and forth and jumping to the music.
    • Look around while you freestyle and see what the other dancers are doing. Try out new steps if you want to and remember that the more you practice the more confident you will become!
  3. Have a dance move that you do most of the time. Choose a basic pass that you feel confident with. Perform this to the beat of the music. A good and easy freestyle pass is the "step-touch". Just step from side to side, add a little bounce with each step and snap your fingers to the beat of the music.
  4. Choose one or two other steps that you perform occasionally during the dance. Choose a number of steps that make you feel less confident. If the rhythm feels right, incorporate these steps into your dance and continue with your familiar basic step most of the time. Over time, you will gradually feel more confident with your extra steps.
    • If you find the less practiced steps difficult, just keep dancing with your basic step until you are ready to try again.

Method 4 of 4: Run Basic Passes

  1. Practice the five basic positions for learning ballet. All beginner ballet dancers must learn the basic positions to create a good foundation for practicing ballet. Your arms and legs change position with each position. There are many tutorials and dance videos available online describing how to perform each ballet position.
  2. Learn to do the passe for a simple jazz position. Bend your right leg to the side and turn your knee out. Hold your right leg so that your little toe is just below your left knee. Keep your arms at your sides.
    • Make sure your toes are straight as you do the passe.
    • Your knee should be triangular in shape.
  3. Dance the waltz to practice a kind of ballroom dancing. Find a partner to dance with. The leader will step forward, to the side and then back, and the follower will follow the same steps. This is called the box step.
    • This dance step is called the box step because it appears as if the dancers are moving in an imaginary square, in a box shape.
  4. Do the step touch as a basic step to learn hip hop. Step to the side with one leg and slightly bend your knees as you move.Bring your other leg to the first and bounce lightly as you step. Let your arms gently swing around your waist as you walk and snap your fingers to the beat of the music.
    • Don't let your arms hang at your sides as this can look quite strange. Let your arms gently swing around your waist as you walk and snap your fingers to the beat of the music.


  • Learning to dance at home is great because you can work at your own pace, but it's important to make sure you dance safely and don't push your body too hard. Always do a warm-up and a cool-down, and keep the pace slow and steady as you improve. Talk to a professional dance teacher if you have any problems and see a doctor if you get injured.